CoH and CoV, Singing in Harmony




Even though I haven't been playing CoH/CoV all that long (about five months), I've made a cleaner transition into the game than I first thought I would. I wasn't sure how I'd take to an MMO, having never played a game of the type before.

But I think I figured out why I am pretty comfortable in the game: I've spent the last 11 years of my life singing in large school choral groups.

Sounds kind of weird, but in a way, being part of a giant chorus is a very similar environment to an MMO. There are so many different people, all with different-sounding voices (like different character builds), and with four basic "archetypes" (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass), there is a lot of room for making your own mark in the group. You can choose to be a powerful soloist or section leader, or you can choose to be a strong support for the group, helping other people learn their parts, helping them get back on-key if they need it, etc.

It's hilarious looking at my characters on CoH and realizing how much of my playstyle corresponds to how I function in a choral group. I always sing alto in choir, which meant I sing mainly harmony with the sopranos' melody. I'm also usually one of the people who knows the line very well in my section, and people can key to me if they get lost in the music and need to get back on track. I function the same way on CoH and CoV; even when playing a Blaster, Tank, or Scrapper, I am still providing support by launching myself into the fray when a teammate needs a little bit of rest. My Controller and Defender are both strong support characters as well, with healing and teleport powers to supplement their power sets. Seems I can't get away from singing alto! XD Not that I mind--I like being supportive, even if I'm being supportive while kicking much butt.

This analogy is simply a different lens for studying how games like CoH and CoV function socially. Kinda funny to think that the games and groups may change, but people generally react the same!

QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?

_~`Tanker Chicks Rock`~_

City of Heroes for New Players | Learn More about Austara



What an interesting background, that's awesome Austara!

For me, I'm not positive I'd respond in the same way. When needed I do take charge (leadership pool lol), and my first 50 was based on me (emp/dark, a helpful, if moody shoulder to cry on).

In the game, though, I do solo a lot - and I am a "solo person" as well. I do okay in crowds but I prefer to remain alone. At parties (in rl) I don't join in the karaoke and make a fool of myself like that, but I will sit and chat with folks. In a team, I definitely am chatty but I will participate till the cows come home when I'm playing. I don't sit around and be meek in the game.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I couldn't stand being in a chorus, must be also why I dislike big teams and prefer small bands where everyone gets a chance to shine. I also vastly prefer playing villain archetypes and prefer them on my teams as well. Even in a Co-Op TF like the ITF or LGTF I'll look for villains first.



Huh. Awesome post, OP! And that is an interesting idea. Well, lemme think.


Alright, here we go.

In real life I am a little bit obnoxious, very chatty, and I live my life out loud. This is reflected in Co* because, no matter what archtype I am playing, I try to lay the beat down as quickly as possible, while talking and making as many jokes as possible. I type fairly quickly, so these two things frequenly go together.

In real life I am open and welcoming of functioning with many people at a time, if need be, no matter how little I know them. Conversely, I only have a very, very few close friends, which reflects my "friend" box in Co*.

I enjoy being the odd, quirky one that is sorta out there. Again, in the game, I am prone to using powerset/archtype combinations which are rarely, if ever seen. There are exceptions to this rule (see sig), but that is the rule.

I can't stand doing PvP, simply because I suck at it. This doesn't match my real life at all, because in real life, I am quick to argue a point, and if I do say so myself, reather good at doing so!

And my job really has nothing to do with how I play. I work in a garden store, for pete's sake.




And my job really has nothing to do with how I play. I work in a garden store, for pete's sake.

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Do you have a plant dom or troller? Or even an earth....

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



An interesting post OP I must say its a fascinating idea.

QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?



In RL I try my Best to stay unnoticed and quite and generally stay away from people as much as possible.

In game I all to often finde my self leading a team of 8 for 3-4 hours strate.

But then agen I don't get out much IRL.... And I don't have a Job right now kinda dragging my feet on this joining the military thing. I'm starting to realize that its not as much fun as it looks.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



As a matter of fact, my play style does grealt reflect me in real life. I mostly like to solo for the most part, but when I get sociable I'll joiin TF/SF's or just get a group. When in a group, I tend to be a support type even when not playing a support AT. I'll key an eye out on tthings and help out othe rplayers when they get into touble. I tend to shy away from leadership roles, but I'll jump in and lead if I have to.



Whatever I'm playing, I never shut up.



QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?

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Well kinda of I'm laid back and I'm laid back in the game. I hate waiting so i always play on a toon that always lives and kills fast, brutes/scrapers/MMs. I also hate taking orders so i usually will try and get a team together and will usually never search for one.

[edit] almost forgot i rant a lot in real life so in games my friends chat windows are filled with my text muhahahahaha



Yeah... I have to say it does... normally I like being alone and cherish my privacy...

In game I solo about 80% of the time..

However when I get into groups of people that I am comfortable with.. I perform... voices, parody songs, jokes, wise acre comments, the whole nine yards...

When in teams I am pretty constantly "On" in the same manner.. I work hard to be a contributing team member but jokes and the like abound...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



As a subwaytrain operator I kinda miss the old days. Herding an entire map with my tank and have a great train of mobs following me.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?

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Absolutely. I'm a systems administrator for a small company. Hardly anyone understands my role, but understands the necessity of the role. Prior to a recent company merger, I was on my own dealing with my site. I'm still the only tech support for my site, although we are now part of a larger domain.

I come in, I do my thing, I fix issues on my own without outside support. In game, I play archetypes that don't rely on others to get the job done. Scrappers, brutes and corruptors are my go to ATs.

Side note: I've got singing history as well, so to Austara, I get completely where you're coming from. (Church choir led to opera gigs at the local college when I was in elementary school. Smoking and atheism brought me to rock and roll. )

Be well, people of CoH.



I am really enjoying reading the replies so far! It's interesting to me how some people react pretty much the same way in-game as out-of-game, and other people have the opposite reactions. I've long wondered if the relative safety of being behind a computer screen helps normally quiet or low-key people become a little more outward-focused. (Seemed to work with my seventh-graders during a computer-based project--kids I thought would NEVER feel comfortable speaking in class suddenly became contributors to lots of discussion board threads!)

Also, a subquestion I thought of randomly a few seconds ago: Do you act differently between playing different ATs?

(Example: While playing my Tank, Blaster, and Scrapper, for instance, I'm very much a "get in, pwn some dudes, get out" kind of player, not talking a whole lot except to congratulate other players on getting through tough parts of missions. On my Controller and Defender, though, my maternal and protective side shines--I seem to suddenly fill up the chat box with helpful hints, especially if I'm playing alongside a new player, and I'm healing and protecting a good bit. It's not like I change personalities or anything, but the different ATs seem to let different parts of my personality become more active. ...Maybe I'm just weird, LOL!)

_~`Tanker Chicks Rock`~_

City of Heroes for New Players | Learn More about Austara



QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?

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I'm a loner in life and in game, but not aggressively so. I team just fine, but once the job's done and/or the group starts breaking up, I have little problem walking away.

I get along with most everyone and have a great many acquaintances, but it's exceedingly rare that I make actual friends.

I have been in organized large groups, but they either broke up around me, I've been booted (rare), or I lost interest in them.

I always play as though I am the only one I can rely on, although help is appreciated.

I'm actively disinterested in speeding through something to get to the next, and will avoid "efficient" people and min-maxers, regardless of the "rewards". Cliched but true: it's the journey, not the destination.

Anyone spouting beliefs I disagree with, is someone I avoid if at all possible, and often even if it isn't. I despise racists and sexists and assorted other jerks. I guess everyone would say they do the same, huh.

I used to be in church choir, back when I was the church-going type, and was in choir at all three colleges I attended. I was (and am) a bass. My favorite piece to sing was the Faure Requiem, followed closely by Handel's Messiah that we sang in German. I'm too self-conscious to be a soloist, but once performing in my church choir, everyone else lost their place during the grand finale, and I was alone in belting out the final sustained high note. To thunderous applause. I can't really translate any of this to CHVR, but I did want another paragraph after that winky-face above so I wouldn't give off a Golden_Girl vibe.



QUESTION: Does your own general playstyle seem to reflect how you react in other social situations (not necessarily choir, but other similar kinds of groups)?

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For the most part, yes. When I'm running around the vity and I see someone who is doing their best but getting a little overwhelmed, I'll send a buff or heal their way. I won't attack their opponents, but I will buff or heal the character.

As for the role I assume when I play on a team, that is determined, some what, by the AT I'm playing at the time. My Warshade is the back-up Tank for the team. That mean that I usually play in Human form until the tank drops, or I'm getting seriously mezzed. Then its Lobster time.

When I team, I'm usually quiet, unless there's a lull in the action long enough for me to type something. I don't normally do PuGs, so I tend to team with people I know. So there are lots of jokes and stuff tossed around.

Also, a subquestion I thought of randomly a few seconds ago: Do you act differently between playing different ATs?

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I tend to semi-RP when I play. Every character I make has a personality. Some I RP more than others. but I don't always, actually, I rarely speak "In Character". Its just the actions or the targets that character chooses first.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"