Using stealth on my PB

Dark Ether



Hey guys,

Quick question regarding IO sets and stealth. I was looking to obtain PVE invis for convenience in running missions. Conventionally, people recommend taking Super Speed and Stealth skills from pools, granting the equivalent of invisibility.

Would it also work to take super speed alone but put a Celerity +Stealth IO enhancement in super speed to achieve the same thing?




I can tell you definitively that yes, SS + Stealth IO will render you invisible to NPCs. I've got the same setup on my PB



I can tell you definitively that yes, SS + Stealth IO will render you invisible to NPCs. I've got the same setup on my PB

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As do I. It works perfectly. Except of course in cases where NPCs have increased Perception. Then it's a different affair.



Yes, It does work. Just beware of certain Riktis and stuff in teh Shadow shard with high perception.



Sounds like fun. Too bad Incandescent Strike doesn't critical.



Sounds like fun. Too bad Incandescent Strike doesn't critical.

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IStrike doesn't crit and the animation is too long some times, but there are other tricks that are just pure awesome to run when you're stealthed in the middle of a spawn... for example, PhotonSeekers+Pulsar!!! Time it just right and whatever didn't die to the PhotonSeekers, has some disorient stacked on it.

I assume PhotonSeekers+SolarFlare would also work nicely, but I haven't tried it myself yet.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I frequently use SS+StealthIO for pseudo-invis, but you'll hate GMs and turrets (100' perception), snipers (149'), Rikti drones, Knives of Artemis, and Rularuu Overseers (all of whom ignore any amount of stealth).

The nice part of the stealth IO is that if it's active when you zone into the mission you have just under 2 minutes of it stacking (for 60' stealth) on top of the 35' for SS.

Since all but two of my Stealth IOs are redside, though, I use Stealth+SS for my PB.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Personally I hate SS - so I picked up stealth and just slotted a stealth IO on sprint. If your looking for numbers the wiki has the chart for perception and invisibility.



I have a Stealth IO in my nova form, it seems to work the best for me. I mean, how often will you escort a hostage out in nova form.

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