(NSFW) CoH/V Fan-vid... omg rofflecopter




Wow this is great



That CoH vs CoV one used to be much better but WGM music had them pull the I Wish I Had an Angel song.



Bleh. It was all done before, with WoW.



Face it. Nothing's original any more.

[/ QUOTE ]
Depends on how different something has to be to be original. There are stories where the hero wins, stories where the hero loses, and stories where it's debatable whether the hero lost or won. All those kinds of stories were told long before writing was invented and I don't think anyone has found a new kind - thus all stories ever written that have a hero are not original?



I think it'd be funnier if you set it in the conference room in Recluse's Watchtower instead of on the decks of Ouroboros. And I'd substitute Arbiter Daos into the first group, and reserve Scirocco -- who we know is sweet on Ghost Widow -- for Princeton.

... presumably to be followed up by Arbiter Daos as Nicky and Arbiter Sands as Rob, standing in front of the restrooms in the lobby of Pocket D, singing "If You Were Gay"?