What attribute should a warshade go after?




I'm starting to look at my tri-form build, and I'm not entirely sure what IO sets I should be gunning for.

As an Ill/Rad controller, my lifeblood was +Recharge (and the ensuing perma-PA).

What attribute should I be looking to maximize as a tri-form shade?



Unsurprisingly, I'm going to say... +Recharge, +Accuracy, and +Defense. Being able to throw everything faster is always better for a Warshade since if Gravity Well recharges fast enough, you could drop'em like flies and use Stygian Circle after every body drops, not to mention, extracting pets is the most awesome trick WS are known for post-32.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Definitely +Recharge. I also slotted mine with an eye for recovery bonuses for when its not feasible to drop out of a form for Stygian Circle (mainly when tanking in Dwarf).



+Recharge is the way to go if you plan on doing the shapeshifting dance to renew Mires and Eclipse during combat. However, if you're like me and prefer to drain foes at the beginning of the fight and then switch forms as the situation dictates I'd recommend going for +Defense instead. That'll give you more of a safety zone.



Speech and Lockpicking are typically good to have. When you can't talk your way into things, wait until night and pick your way into it.



I recommend first +recharge, to have Eclipse and the pets up more often.

Then, I found I could get pretty decent ranged defense just from a bit of extra Zephyr slotting in the multitude of "travel" powers a WS gets (including things like Nebulous Form). Thats nice in Nova form, since its pretty hard for mobs to drop you out of the air now.



Gah! You said "Oblivion", and almost triggered my Rage button



+Recharge, +Accuracy, +Damage, +Hit Points, +Regeneration, +Recovery.
in about that order...
I do not dissagree with def builds at all, I just find if you have the acc/dam/recharge and squid form, mobs don't live long enough to actually need worry about having defence when your ressists are perma or nearly perma capped.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



You don't like that game?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Shocking, right?

Ahh, good old +Recharge. Good thing: I know how to collect a lot of it. Bad thing: it is bloody expensive.



+Stam +Strength



Recharge. I'd say accuracy, but I picked up like 90% accuracy without even trying. +dmg, not really an issue because the mires make the set bonus +dmg boosts less important.

My Warshade has +191.x% global recharge (with hasten up, which is perma and then some). It's just completely awesome.