Any of you made the switch?

Adeon Hawkwood



From tri-form to human only after i13? I'm contemplating switching to human only on my warshade after 4+ years of tri-form goodness. I tried using my second build as a human only variant, but it was too discouraging to lose my many set bonuses. So I am thinking of taking the plunge and respecing my primary build into human only and am wondering how the i13 changes impact playability (ie range/damage boosts, no more toggle drops on mez, etc.) Right now my forms have ALL their powers 6 slotted and only 2 human form powers have anything other than the base slot.




I actually went from tri-form to Nova/Tank, with human only for buffing.



I've played around with human-only WS since then, but honestly it feels like a much less smooth version of my crab spider. The corpse targeting for Dark Extraction and Unchained Essence is still a major pain and having to mix position conflicting powers like a cone stun and with a PBAoE stun toggle is overly awkward compared to just using Frag Grenade, Omega Maneuver, or Wide Area Web Grenade individually.

It's a lot more soloable and workable overall now, but there is still much to be desired, such as orbiting death's endurance cost being insane and the damage being lower than a dark tanker's Death Shroud.



Still a Tri-Form, but I spend a LOT more time in human form now, especially solo. On teams what form I take depends a LOT on team-makup.

Honestly? A better way to answer your question would be that, before i13, I was actually a dual-form nova/dwarf and i13 is what made me a true tri-former.



I played my latest 50 Peacebringer as a primarily human (dual build - other build was triform) around that time, from... pretty sure high-20s to low-30s all the way through 50.

It was certainly *different.* Still far less annoying than dealing with the VEATs to me, IMHO.



I played my latest 50 Peacebringer as a primarily human (dual build - other build was triform) around that time, from... pretty sure high-20s to low-30s all the way through 50.

It was certainly *different.* Still far less annoying than dealing with the VEATs to me, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love VEATS.



I tried all human and had some fun for two weeks. I found it to be much more survivable than I expected. But I missed the ranged aoes of nova and the aggro control/mez protection of dwarf so I switched back to tri-form for good.




I actually went from all-human to a triform build. My PB was stuck at 30 for several weeks, until I respecced him to Triform, and now he's at level 50. I loves.

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.



For whatever reason, I've never been inclined to make a tri-form. Every Kheldian I can think of has been either type of bi-form or just human. Guess that's just me. =P



Do the best of both worlds: using your second build option do a different variation on your Kheldian



I dont know why anyone would NOT take Nova form!? I was recently on a Positron TF, we had 2 defenders and a tank, but no blaster. Someone on the team commented "We dont need a blaster we have a PB with Nova" That sums up how great that power is. Considering that it is only a single power why would you NOT take it?



Originally Posted by Titan_III View Post
Still a Tri-Form, but I spend a LOT more time in human form now, especially solo. On teams what form I take depends a LOT on team-makup.

Honestly? A better way to answer your question would be that, before i13, I was actually a dual-form nova/dwarf and i13 is what made me a true tri-former.
I tried making a tri-form WS but ran into the problem that there was little incentive to spend time in Human form aside from buffing. The power choices seem to suggest that human form is intended to be a mid-way point between Dwarf and Nova. Nova is powerful offensively, weak defensively; Dwarf is powerful defensively, weak offensively, Human is moderate for both offense and defense. In practice Human form seemed to offer little defensive advantage over Nova form and had weaker attacks (a situation made worse by a lack of slots).



I have a human only peacebringer and love it. He was my fastest 50. I would have a human only warshade if they would give fly to warshades otherwise im forced to have that squid form. Human only is a blast.



only recently made either PB or WS, but have more enjoyed the WS in early levels and figure that, following my experience with squidness on PB, I'll go human/dwarf only on the WS.

blasterishness as a cute lil girlform, tankishness when needed...that would make it a "blank" build, right? lol

blaster/tank...blank...get it?



I use human form as a primary on my 50 PB. Need to respec out of Nova which was very helpful in the lower levels but I simply have no need for it now. She is a complete joy to use.

Now my WS I went with Tri-Form and absolutely love it.



Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
I dont know why anyone would NOT take Nova form!? I was recently on a Positron TF, we had 2 defenders and a tank, but no blaster. Someone on the team commented "We dont need a blaster we have a PB with Nova" That sums up how great that power is. Considering that it is only a single power why would you NOT take it?

One Power, yes, that requires lots of slots to be effective - slots that then aren't going to Human form powers...

I prefer Human Form over Tri-Form. My main 50 PB has Human for one build, and Tri for the other. Soloing, the Human is *much* more effective. Now I'll yield that on certain teams where a niche (Tanking, DPS) is sorely needed, a Tri-form might be better, but again, my Human form seems be extremely powerful on teams - I still prefer it even then.

Admittedly, my Human form is much more IOd out than my Tri, but still, for this point, it shouldn't make that much of a difference



I could never "connect" with Human-form only. I'm guessing that's because I actually like the Forms and the sense of danger that comes from shifting, and also because quite frankly, I dislike shields.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
I dont know why anyone would NOT take Nova form!? I was recently on a Positron TF, we had 2 defenders and a tank, but no blaster. Someone on the team commented "We dont need a blaster we have a PB with Nova" That sums up how great that power is. Considering that it is only a single power why would you NOT take it?
It's not the power, it's the slots.

But yeah, I love the squid too. And the lobster.

Originally Posted by Adeon_Hawkwood View Post
In practice Human form seemed to offer little defensive advantage over Nova form and had weaker attacks (a situation made worse by a lack of slots).
For Warshades, human form seems to be a combination of stealth and Stalker-like strategy, and recovery. You've got Starless Step to draw one or two foes away, then go Dwarf when the rest catches up with you. Or my favorite tactic for dealing with Quantums, teleport right into the middle of the group with Shadow Cloak up, Gravity Well the Quant, then Mire and go Dwarf to finish him off.

The Human Form PB does way more melee damage, but I actually prefer my WS Human form. You've got to be a bit sneaker (you can't just stealth into a group and depend on Dwarf to get you out of it) but it has its own feel.



All my Khelds are tri-form, but I've actually been considering using the dual builds to make a bi-form Kheld lately. I'm just imagining that a Human / Dwarf Shade or a Human / Nova PB would be pretty fun to play on teams.

Omega Zim - lvl 50 Rad/Dark/Power Defender, Alpha Zim - lvl 50 Tri-form Peacebringer
Theta Zim - lvl 50 Tri-form Warshade, Nightshade Zim - lvl 50 Dark/Dark/Psi Defender
Omicron Zim - lvl 50 Emp/Psi/Power Defender, Scrappy Joe - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper