Help Me Grock Thermal
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Thermal Radiation for Dummies
Step 1: Put up shields on teammates.
Step 2: Pick two people for Forge, put it on the first.
Step 3: Blast, with spot heals as needed. Use Thaw on someone who says "zzz" in team chat.
Step 4: Put Forge on the second person.
Step 5: Blast, with spot heals as needed. Use Thaw on someone who says "zzz" in team chat.
As shields start dropping, repeat. Advanced steps include putting Forge on more than two people, using Thaw proactively, and using Melt Armor on every 2nd-4th spawn depending on global recharge. You have a lot of buffs every 4 minutes, another buff every 2, and you shouldn't need that many heals. The rest of the time is blasting. If you want someone that spends as much or more time buffing than blasting, play a Kinetic on a large team.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I have NUMPAD1-8 bound to select the assocated team mate and cast Fire Shield on them, and DECIMAL on the numberpad is bound to 'powexecname Plasma Shield' so I can literally just type '1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 .' and buff the entire team with the two shields (which really only takes a few seconds), and then I pick someone to cast Forge on (generally Brutes LAST, as they get so much +Damage from Fury and have such a low base damage that it's really wasted on them... I prefer going with SoA -> AoE offensive Corruptors, AoE Stalkers, or Dominators -> non-AoE Stalkers -> ST offensive Corruptors -> Brutes -> and don't cast it on Masterminds/buff-only Corruptors).
As Forge recharges I'll cast it on another team mate, and if it's needed, I'll cast Thaw.
I also have 'NUMPAD0' toggle between two bind setups for my keypad, the first as I mentioned has Fire Shield (numbers) and Plasma Shield (decimal), the alternative once I buff and press 'NUMPAD0' switches to thermal-heal.txt, so that the NUMPAD# keys target that team mate and cast Cauterize, while DECIMAL casts Thaw. That way once I buff it's easy to keep people healed as needed, as well as grant mez protection. When the shields expire, I press 'NUMPAD0' again and repeat the shield casting.
For EBs/AVs/GMs/Monsters/etc, I'll cast Heat Exhaustion, but for basically anything else I don't bother with it. I'll cast Melt Armor at the start of any fight with a group.
Even though it looks like a lot, I really spend VERY little time actually having to use my Thermal powers thanks to all my binds which take all the work out of it (unless someone is AFK and I keep forgetting and running around to find them... but I digress), leaving me lots of time to use my Fire Blast primary (mmm... FIRE BALLS!). Also, I <3 Inferno
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
(generally Brutes LAST, as they get so much +Damage from Fury and have such a low base damage that it's really wasted on them... I prefer going with SoA -> AoE offensive Corruptors, AoE Stalkers, or Dominators -> non-AoE Stalkers -> ST offensive Corruptors -> Brutes -> and don't cast it on Masterminds/buff-only Corruptors).
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Wow! Somebody gets it. A lot of corrs like to nonsensically target the brute with powers like that.
Reminds me of a convo with a certain brute player, responding to my saying that adrenaline boost would be preferable to painbringer, especially to a SS brute.
Brute: What! Painbringer boots your power. It's way better for brutes.
Me: *explains base modifiers and basic math and how rage works*
Brute: You don't know what you're talking about. I've been playing brutes for years, and you aren't even level 50.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Brute: You don't know what you're talking about. I've been playing brutes for years, and you aren't even level 50.
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In other words, he thought if your current char is lowish level you've never experienced late game?!
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
No, just not as a brute. Which I have not, but I don't need to to do the math.
A double-rage brute gets only a 12.5% bonus from painbringer even BEFORE fury.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
And brutes who insist on maxing their fury bar constantly... Well their at the damage cap already.
"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton
Madam Enigma's History
Well, not everyone has the math committed to memory, and are just working under the impression that base brute damage output is high. That's the flaw in working from empirical evidence.
Anyway, thanks for the info.
And brutes who insist on maxing their fury bar constantly... Well their at the damage cap already.
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Fury doesnt hit brutes damage cap 750%. Fury give 200% damage at 100% fury. So 80 is easy to stay at that is 160% damage with 3 damage io that is about 260% damage - 750% = 490% that can be buffed(330% on double rage SS/ burte). So i dont understand how at mod affects buffs but i do know that buffing a brute for +dam is never a total waste. With a kin around puting forge on a brute is your best bet.
Based on a pair of actual builds:
A Fire/Dark AoE Corruptor will run 1000 dps AoE Damage and buffed with Forge will run 1200. This does NOT require a multi-billion IO build.
An AoE focused SS Brute with Foot Stomp and AoE-Patrons with perma-hasten double rage 80 fury will run 1000 dps AoE Damage and buffed with Forge will run 1100 AoE DPS. However, this is likely a multi-billion infamy build.
The difference is in the base numbers. Buff the corruptor first, unless they have the worst SO build possible while the brute has the best multi-billion IO build possible, most likely you'll get more damage out of buffing the corruptor.
With a kin around puting forge on a brute is your best bet.
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With a kin around, putting Forge on a brute is still not a good idea. Most of the time there's still going to be people that don't enter melee range to get much benefit from Fulcrum Shift (I was just playing on my Huntscrab with a kin on the team... due to the nature of my attacks, I'm most effective at range to properly align my cones... meaning it's rare that I get buffed by FS... not to mention squishies in melee range can often go very bad very quickly).
If everyone's at the damage cap for whatever reason, I'll simply use Forge for the +tohit on whoever I think would need it most... or simply ignore it and spend my time throwing out fire balls for massive damage
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Huh. learn something new everyday. So forging the brute for damage is a bad idea, cause they have low base damage, and that's what the buff, buffs? I've honestly never thought of it that way...
So, fort the Corr's eh? Unless the Brute is missing alot.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

I have always considered doms by top priority for forge. With the changes they got recently I would say that is even more true.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

(And by the way, the word is "Grok," a word made up by Robert A. Heinlein for the book, Stranger in a Strange Land. In the book, it is a Martian word meaning to so fully and completely understand something that it becomes a part of you. The word fell into common usage in the late sixties and early seventies when Stranger became a kind of underground classic. The novel won the Hugo Award in the late sixties. The book tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who was marooned on Mars as a baby and raised by Martians, and then found as a young man and returned to Earth. It was popular due to the unique perception of human society from an alien perspective. V.M. Smith later shares his Martian perspective by starting a church.)
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
I have always considered doms by top priority for forge. With the changes they got recently I would say that is even more true.
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I tended to focuse on doms when i saw them, cause i remembered back in my troller days AoE control had a major -acc penetality, and always hated it. So id try and help out by giving them the +to hit buff. Now, with the damage buff, for sure. But in all honesty, i don't team with all that many doms. Or i should say, i haven't. I think that may chance in the near future. heh.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

I made my prototypical Fire/Therm sun-god pharoah guy, picking the powers largely to fit the theme. Never tried Thermal, but looking at it makes me wonder if it's a non-stop buff-spamming nightmare. I've had a Force Field Defender, and kind of enjoyed that okay, but Thermal has so many single-target buffs to keep floating around that it scarcely looks like one would have a chance to blast anything. Checked out the guides, but they are nine issues old and mostly describe the powers and the author's basic likes and dislikes, not a comprehensive strategy.
If you're on a team of eight with a Therm, what's your basic routine? Do you forego anything but buffing? Do you only selectively buff certain party members?