Honest Lazarus's Discount Reviews!




Ok, and just which queue is it supposed to be going into?



Critical Review:

Arc: Matchstick Women
Arc ID: 3369
Author: @Bubbawheat
Number of Missions: 3
Description: Follow the trail of fire to it's tragic source. A mysterious flame shows you the story of a cult of women arsonists and their crazed leader.
Rating: ****


Character used: Raikou Shingai, Level 42 Electric Melee/Dark Armor Stalker
Difficulty: Tenacious (Diff 2)
Level for Arc Playthrough: 42


Mission 1:
First time I've seen someone use a Rikti computer as the contact. Oh wait, it's A Mysterious Flame. For some reason it compels me to check out an abandoned Arachnos base. No wait, it...

Oh screw it, I'm not even going to try and describe the briefings. Go play it yourself if you want to know what they say.

Anyhow, now I'm inside a burning Arachnos base for some reason and the first thine I come across is hostile Council wearing fire extiguisher packs. My objective is to put out the fire and along the way I ran into the Council fighting some Arsonists.

What are fire hydrants doing inside this base?

Anyhow, I saw a few of these Matchstick Women along the way but only a few. I finished the mission and didn't get any clues as to why I was here to begin with.

Mission 2:
So I'm back to watching the Mysterious Flame do it's thing again. Now I have to save some women from a fire.

At least this map isn't on fire as well, instead I'm in the ever-popular northeast corner of Steel Canyon.

Geez, what power did you give these bosses that is taking nearly all my health in a single hit?

Anyhow, one of the bosses told me that the leader of the cult is crazy, and one of the women I rescued turned out to have fire powers of her own and was targetted by the cult for that reason.

Mission 3:
So here I am in another burning building, probably this time to find out who Emily, the Matchstick Leader, is and what she is up to.

So why is this Emily cowering in fear when I get to her?

Anyhow, that's all over with and I have no idea how I got pulled into all of it or why to begin with.


The Verdict:
I honestly can't say much here. I can't find much wrong with this arc but at the same time I didn't have that much fun. Anyhow, take a look at your critters. Most of them are around the same height, so it looks odd that Choking Matchsticks and Emily herself are 2 feet taller than everyone else. Also, there is too much fire. Seriously, cut back on some of the attacks on those critters, the fire damage stacks so fast that anyone who is not fire armor is going to be losing health fast. Especially with those bosses who could nearly one-shot me despite having 35% resistance to fire.

Final rating: 4 stars.



Wow, that's the first time I've gotten a complaint against my custom mobs. Typically I get compliments on them being well balanced. The only things that had garnered complaints previously are the fire defence on the bosses.

Thanks for the review, It seems today was my day for reviews.



I've been trying to find time to run one of your arcs, Lazarus, and I'm hoping to get there this weekend, but since a job, a five month old, and all the fun that comes with a family come first, I think I'll have to ask for a quickie review for now. Maybe I can ask for an upgrade later, depending on how long your queue is. Anyway...

Arc ID: 227331
Arc Title: The Consequences of War - Part 1
Author: @Dalghryn
Morality: Heroic
Number of Missions: 5
Description: On May 23, 2002, the Rikti invaded Earth. During the war that followed, tens of thousands of civilians, soldiers and heroes sacrificed their lives to save Earth. Over 200 heroes made their ultimate sacrifice on the same day. This is their story.

Thanks very much for your time.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



Hey Lazarus! Was wondering if you could do a quick review. This is my second story I've made. Noone's played the arc yet, and Venture suggested I try looking for a reviewer. So, here I am!

Arc ID: 265962
Arc Title: Warburg: Endgame
Author: @Aku
Morality: Neutral
Number of Missions: 4
Description: Wanted to do a story arc based on Warburg. Tried to tie in as much of the zone as possible and make an entertaining story. Essentially it allows the player (whether hero or villain) the chance to go up against the unseen (so far) leader of Warburg, Marshal Blitz. I wanted to try to make an 'end' scenario for Warburg in a 'What if?' sort of way, yet trying to make it plausible. I tried to keep to canon as much as possible, but at the same time make it a bit challenging and fun.



Would like a quick review pretty please.

Arc ID: 95278
Arc Title: Gathering the Four Winds
Author @Deadgods
Morality: Villain
Number of Missions: 3
Description: A few artifacts have been stolen from Skornne by a group of her charges and she would like their return.

It is a challenge arc (nothing below a Lt).

Thanks in advance!

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Thanks for the review of Power Play.

This has been a tough story to get proper. I've made quite a number of edits and changes since it was first published, including a complete overhaul of the VAL Constructs custom group at one point. Interestingly, while you had trouble with your dominator, Glazius played a brute for his review and felt the group was too easy. There is balance there, though I wouldn't rule out more future tweaking to the VALs.

I do want to point out that this arc was built in i14 and I have not updated it for i15 as yet, so features like standardized level ranges and custom power selections for customs were not used. I also had file size issues with i14. It was hovering around 97% in i14, so I didn't have much room left to work around in.

Mission three is a bit of a sticker for me. Although the Gold Brickers make perfect sense here (From canon: Aeon trades them tech for services, using them as secret mercenary force), they force the level cap to 20. So while the flow of the story is preserved here, the flow of the gameplay suffers for the level bump.

I'd have to agree that this is a four-star arc as it stands, but it was told with the features that were available at the time. I'm planning a revamp when I update to i15. The file size is currently only 65%, so I have plenty of room now.

Thanks for your suggestions.



Interestingly, while you had trouble with your dominator, Glazius played a brute for his review and felt the group was too easy. There is balance there, though I wouldn't rule out more future tweaking to the VALs.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only problem really was the Dispersion Bubble. MA critters use the Player version, which is quite stronger than the regular critter version, especially in that it provides magnitude 10 protection to holds and stuns. That is on top of the mag 3 inherent protection that bosses and mag 2 that LTs have, so you can see why a Dominator or Controller who lacked an exotic mezz like confusion (which I had) or fear would be very annoyed. Also since the anti-toggle dropping code applies to critters as well, even if I could hold the boss the bubble would not drop and unlike regular game critters she starts with the bubble already up when I get there so I don't have any chance to get the drop on her. The only other option is sleep, which then would make using AoEs impossible.



I've been looking through my queue and already noticing some issues before I even play the arcs that have been offered to me. The biggest issue, level ranges.

Seriously people, it's issue 15 and you have an easy way to fix this. Unless you're doing a Ouroboros-style time travel arc with the annoying "dude, where's my powers" mechanic, which you ought to be upfront about in the arc description, there is no excuse for things like this.

Mission 1: level range 40-54
Mission 2: level range 11-20
Mission 3: level range 20-20
Mission 4: level range 1-15
Mission 5: level range 40-54

Just what level character is this arc meant for? I know if playing a 50 I'll be really annoyed by missions 2-4 and if I'm playing a level 10 I'd be very unhappy if I was expected to fight something like Malta in missions 1 and 5.

Already I'm looking at that level spread and don't want to bother playing it. I'm not saying who it was here but it's going to the back of the list until the level issues are sorted out.

Crazy, unexplained and unjustified level ranges are a automatic -1 star on the rating. Try to save everyone the annoyance and either fix it now or have a very good reason for it.

And it better be good.



I've been looking through my queue and already noticing some issues before I even play the arcs that have been offered to me. The biggest issue, level ranges.

Seriously people, it's issue 15 and you have an easy way to fix this. Unless you're doing a Ouroboros-style time travel arc with the annoying "dude, where's my powers" mechanic, which you ought to be upfront about in the arc description, there is no excuse for things like this.

Mission 1: level range 40-54
Mission 2: level range 11-20
Mission 3: level range 20-20
Mission 4: level range 1-15
Mission 5: level range 40-54

Just what level character is this arc meant for? I know if playing a 50 I'll be really annoyed by missions 2-4 and if I'm playing a level 10 I'd be very unhappy if I was expected to fight something like Malta in missions 1 and 5.

Already I'm looking at that level spread and don't want to bother playing it. I'm not saying who it was here but it's going to the back of the list until the level issues are sorted out.

Crazy, unexplained and unjustified level ranges are a automatic -1 star on the rating. Try to save everyone the annoyance and either fix it now or have a very good reason for it.

And it better be good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will take responsibility for my arc. I have gone in and edited the description to specify that the intended player is between level 40-50. However, I have no immediate plans to change the missions. The reason is that I am not aware of any other way to use high-level enemies in one mission and low-level enemies in the next, such that they are (somewhat) challenging in their respective missions. If there is a feature of the architect system that permits a designer to force Vahzilok (for example) to spawn at level 50, please point me to the appropriate resource for implementing this feature and I will gladly change my arc.

If, on the other hand, the system has no such capacity, then I will not make further changes to address this problem. I must insist on telling the story I wish to tell, even if that produces an unfortunate side effect that annoys some segment of the audience.

(Edit: I believe I can change the 1-15 mission to bring it in line with the 40-50 missions, while not compromising the story. I'll explore the possibility this evening.)

The situation concerning my arc having been explained, I expect either to see some link that will tell me how to address the problem, or for my arc to retake its original spot in the order of reviews.

Naphil, 50 Peacebringer
Captain Darkspirit, 50 Warshade
Operative Acier, 50 Bane Spider
Durante Ragno, 50 Fortunata
et al.



I expect either to see some link that will tell me how to address the problem, or for my arc to retake its original spot in the order of reviews.

[/ QUOTE ]

Strong words. The solutions I have seen include (I am using Vahz as an example here):

1. Reduce the whole arc to level 15, to accomodate Vahzilok;
2. Create custom critters that resemble Vahzilok. They'll extend to level 50;
3. Come up with a story-wise explanation why the player's power levels are changing; or
4. Leave it, and trust players will not play your arc if unexplained depowering (thus getting no XP) makes them unhappy. Having them not play is really better than having them rate it harshly. There's enough information provided in the arc description for players to make this judgement themselves.

Lazarus has been clear enough on his approach to option 4.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



If there is a feature of the architect system that permits a designer to force Vahzilok (for example) to spawn at level 50, please point me to the appropriate resource for implementing this feature and I will gladly change my arc.

If your story requires level 50 characters to fight Vahzilok, your story is broken.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



What I'm wondering. Is what the heck is level 40+ that he feels needs to be in the same story arc as Vahzilok? The higher level Banished Pantheon maybe?



Story and gameplay are two sides of the same coin. Gameplay shouldn't ever effect the storytelling, and storytelling shouldn't ever effect the gameplay.

If one is hampering the other, something needs to go back to the drawing board.



What I'm wondering. Is what the heck is level 40+ that he feels needs to be in the same story arc as Vahzilok? The higher level Banished Pantheon maybe?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not using Vahzilok in my arc; I chose Vahzilok only as an example of a low-level group. In fact, the two significant juxtaposed groups are the Clockwork and the Psychic Clockwork. Why is it required that both coexist in the same arc? Play it and find out! Whether the choice of enemies is appropriate to the story is something that I think may only be known a posteriori; I believe it is foolish to dismiss the use of a given enemy group at a given level without knowing the role that that group plays in the narrative.

In my opinion, the difficulty of the missions is such that the drop in levels forced by the enemy groups is no more than a slight imposition, but I recognize that other people may disagree with me. I urge players who feel that way to attempt to abandon any prejudice when playing an arc for its story, and if they feel that the level inconsistency warrants a reduced rating at the end, to be fair-minded in applying that reduction.

Because this thread is dedicated to requests for Lazarus's reviews and the reviews themselves, I do not believe that this is the proper place to discuss this further. As such, I will refrain from doing so and I hope that others do the same.

There is a separate thread for further discussion.

Naphil, 50 Peacebringer
Captain Darkspirit, 50 Warshade
Operative Acier, 50 Bane Spider
Durante Ragno, 50 Fortunata
et al.



Whether the choice of enemies is appropriate to the story is something that I think may only be known a posteriori; I believe it is foolish to dismiss the use of a given enemy group at a given level without knowing the role that that group plays in the narrative.

If you can't be bothered to explain yourself then I can't be bothered to play your mission to see what you did. It is virtually certain that it is either the case that what you want to do can be done without munging level ranges or your story is "just a bunch of stuff that happened".

I urge players who feel that way to attempt to abandon any prejudice when playing an arc for its story, and if they feel that the level inconsistency warrants a reduced rating at the end, to be fair-minded in applying that reduction.

That's not an answer. Life is short, we don't have time to play every arc. I've already got almost thirty requests pending for reviews. If you want me to take the time to play your mission you have to give me a reason to want to play it. So far you're giving people reasons not to want to play it.

Because this thread is dedicated to requests for Lazarus's reviews and the reviews themselves, I do not believe that this is the proper place to discuss this further. As such, I will refrain from doing so and I hope that others do the same.

You don't appear to have any threads started for discussing your arcs.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Alright guys, let's give it a rest. You've all said much more than I had planned to say.

I just want to reiterate that my stance on level ranges is pretty strict, that's why it's mentioned right in the starting post where I laid out the rules for this thread. I said that I really dislike inconsistent level ranges, so anyone submitting arcs with such a flaw are just asking for it really. The reason I, and other reviewers, have submission criteria like that is so that submitters know ahead of time if they should pass on by instead of wasting our time and their own.

Don't submit an arc that contains one or more of the reviewer's pet peeves, especially when they told you up front what they are.



Hey Lazarus! I'd love a critical review of my new arc:

Arc Title: The Superadine Revolution

Arc ID#: 262739

Description: No longer content just to push Superadine and commit petty crimes, the Skulls are attempting to steal control of the entire Superadine operation from the leaders of the Family. The combination of the dark magic of the Skulls and the pure strain of Superadine would make them incredibly powerful...

Author: @SpaceNut
Alignment: Heroic, levels 20-29
Length: Approx 1 hour (5 missions)
Difficulty Level: Moderate (Elite bosses in 2 missions, but otherwise soloable)
Enemies: Family, "Skulls"

If your character can handle EBs, go ahead and run it on whichever difficulty you'd like. If you have trouble with EBs, running it on heroic will downgrade them to normal bosses. Think of the arc as the missing TF/story arc for 20-29 groups, since so many other groups have TFs and arcs written about them in that range.

I'll be running "MacGuffin Delivery Service" shortly and will leave a review on your thread!

Edit: Review complete and posted on your thread!

...I forgot what experience means.



I'd like you to try Illpracticed Malpractice *points at sig*

It does have an escort but the entire level is only 3 floors and the arc is a single mission. Been doing heavy edits so I'm trying to see how the current version holds up.



Critical Review

Arc ID: 182874
Arc Title: Time's Maelstrom
Author: @Armory1
Description: A rupture between timestreams has doomed the future. Can you save the world and time itself, and after all of that decide the fate of billions? Player-determined outcome.
Rating: ***


Character used: Raikou Shingai, Level 43 Electric Melee/Dark Armor Stalker
Difficulty: Tenacious (Diff 2)
Level for Arc Playthrough: 43


Mission 1:
Looks like Mender Silos has a job for me. Somehow a version of Manticore from 10 years in our future has traveled back to our time without using the Pillar of Ice and Flame. This concerns Silos as not only is he using an unknown form of time travel, but that his method may cause the sort of damage to the timestream that the Pillar is designed to avoid. I am tasked with finding this Manticore and bringing him in.

Manticore for some reason appeared in an abandoned warehouse being used by the Freakshow, who are pretty surprised by his arrival as well. I find Manticore about halfway through the warehouse and fortunately I don't need to fight him as he has a message for me. In 2020 a villain named Maelstrom managed to nuke both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, killing millions of people and superpeople as well as myself. Posi managed to use a damaged Pillar to sent Manticore back. The interesting thing is that Maelstrom and I have a history, or at least will eventually.

However Milos has even worse news. Manticore came from only a possible future, but in his act in coming back to warn us he may have shifted events to make his future more likely!

Mission 2:
Milos informs me that the timelines are beginning to merge and he cannot stop it with his own powers, however we may be able to stablize the future by preventing key events in that future from happening in our own timestream. Sounds pretty risky though as it was meddling with time that started this in the first place.

The Menders have found out how Maelstrom gained his powers and are sending me to that event to try and prevent it from happening in the first place. There is a catch though, in our timeline Maelstrom died in that event, so I have to try to prevent his empowerment without killing him by recovering the cryochamber he was being stored in when the facility was destroyed by the storm that hit it.

The targeting for the time jump was a bit off due to the interference from the time rupture, so I arrive as the storm is already hitting. Unfortunately I am too late, as Martin Langstrom has already been freed from his pod and has gotten drunk on his new powers. Even worse, after defeating him he has sworn revenge on me. Whoops.

Mission 3:
The future is stabilizing more, which both good and bad in that it allows Mender Silos to see further into it. He has looked beyond the point that Manticore came back from and sees that Maelstrom intends to do deliberately what Manticore did accidentally, punch more holes in the fabric of spacetime. Doing so could possible merge all of the timelines into his own, making Maelstrom's reality the only reality.

Some good news though is that PsiLord, Maelstrom's dragon, has followed Manticore back to the same warehouse from mission 1. If I can defeat him here he will not be present after Maelstrom's victory to go back in time and... wait, I'm getting dizzy here.

Anyhow, I go off to defeat PsiLord.

Well this is interesting. Not only are the Freakshow gone, but along with PsiLord and someone named Tick I have the most interesting defeat all ever: Defeat Multitude... all of him.

Yes, the map is filled with identical minions named Multitude.

Hmm, this is not the same warehouse from mission 1, the layout is different.

Ok, what the hell were you thinking giving an elite boss Super Strength, Kinetics, and RAGE? He was obnoxious enough solo, I hate to see what would happen if a full team tried to face him.

After dealing with Tick I destroyed the Portal Machine that PsiLord had brought with him and then went to punch him in his exposed brain a few dozen times. He was still confident in his plan right up to the end though.

Mission 4:
Mender Silos tells me that with PsiLord's defeat and capture Maelstrom's plan to merge all the timestreams will not succeed now. However the original problem still remains of him destroying the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. He has determined that the only plan that may work is to send me 10 years into the future to defeat Maelstrom just before he launches the nuclear assault. I have 1 hour.

Manticore has gone on ahead of my, somehow, so I'll be able to find him somewhere in the mission. Off I go to save the future!

Why are PsiLord and Tick here? Oh yeah, I defeated them after this event. Time is so messy. At least I don't have to defeat Multitude this time.

Bug: you have several customs who are in the All Custom Characters group.

Honestly, does a 1 hour timed mission need so many Elite Bosses? Is there any reason that some cannot be regular bosses, they're pretty tough as it is.

Interesting, the two allies I just freed are Merc Masterminds. Nice touch.

Got Manticore right afterwards. PsiLord didn't stand a chance.

OH COME ON! An Elite Boss with Regen and Instant Healing? That's just being a jerk, for the first few minutes of the fight he took 0 damage while that was running, even with me and all the allies pounding away at him.

Hmm, Maelstrom's dialog is not using the $name and $hisher tags right as it's actually going off before you get into aggro range.

Oh great, Tick again and in the same room as Maelstrom. I decide to take Maelstrom first, despite his Hurricane making the allies useless from all the constant knockback.

Add to that to-hit debuffs, confusion, and hitting the slow cap. Congratulations for designing such an annoying EB.

Defeated Tick and finished the mission with 30 minutes left on the clock. So where is this "Player Determined Outcome" advertised in the description?

Mission 5:
Ok, so there is one more mission? What would have happened if I had failed mission 4? This one assumes that I suceeded, so why was mission 4 timed anyways if failing it would be ignored?

Ok, this makes no damn sense. Why did I even bother with this arc if now I'm being asked to go all the way back and prevent this entire arc from happening in the first place? This is the worst use of a reboot button I have ever seen, if it's so necessary then why didn't I do it 3 missions ago?

I can't see anyone wanting to follow through with this, but I need to see the last mission just to finish the review. Besides, I can just delete the souvnir since I won't be wanting to keep it now.

A shame, 'cause I was enjoying this arc for the most part up until this point.

15 minutes to destroy the time machine, at least it's not something insane like defeat Positron and Manticore in 15 minutes. Still it's a crappy way to end the story.

Spare me your damn speech, Silos. If it was so important to press the reset button on this then you should have done it yourself right from the start.

*souvenir deleted*


The Verdict:
This was looking to be a five-star arc until the midway point. First all the overpowered EBs dragged the fun factor way down, and then the really stupid "player determined outcome" not only killed my enjoyment of the arc but was also completely pointless as it undoes everything that I had done up to that point. I can't give this more than 3 stars.



Quick Review:

Arc ID: 246459
Arc Title: Illpracticed Malpractice
Author: @Zamuel
Morality: Villainous
Length: 1 Mission
Description: Fed up with the audacity of the medics in the Rogue Isles, a law firm hires you to kidnap the Chief Resident so he can't escape being sued for shoddy treatment in the hospital.
Quicky Review: I never realized that villains hated the Rogue Isles health care, apparently being instantly brought back from the verge of death with hardly a scratch is just not good enough treatment. Anyhow, the mission was nothing special really and most of the jokes were not funny anyways. Escorts in the psycho hospital map are annoying as there is so much scenery for the escort to get caught on and there were too many glowies that did nothing when I only needed to find two clues.
Rating: **



I was taking so many notes during this quick one that I decided to turn it into a mini-critical review, on the house.

Arc ID: 227331
Arc Title: The Consequences of War: Part I
Author: @Dalghryn
Morality: Neutral
Length: 5 Missions
Description: On mMay 23, 2002, the Rikti invaded Earth. During the war that followed, tens of thousands of civilians, soldiers, and heroes sacrificed their lives to save Earth. Over 200 heroes made their ultimate sacrifice on the same day. This is their story.
Rating: *****


Character used: Raikou Shingai, Level 43 Electric Melee/Dark Armor Stalker
Difficulty: Tenacious (Diff 2)
Level for Arc Playthrough: 43


Mission 1:
Nice touch on making the Rikti language un-translated except for the Rikti boss, apparently translators were not standard issue at the time. Ally placement in mission 1 is weird, I found Capt. Superior but he spoke as if Billy was already with me when Billy was actually in the last room with the Rikti boss. Suggestion: Use quotes in clues that are supposed to be spoken dialog from NPCs.

Mission 2:
Why were the Rikti holding Empathy captive carrying wooden crates?

Mission 3:
Nitpick: you don't give someone a directory, it's not a physical object. That would only make sense if I was accessing the files remotely and you told me which directory they were in. Doesn't mean the same thing if I'm supposed to be carrying them back to Lazon.

I like the old-school Vanguard troops. Wouldn't hurt if you turned down the interact time on all these glowies.

Mission 4:
What the heck is up with the allies in this mission? Lazon is at the door but runs off to do who knows what. I find Penthouse in an out of the way place and she does follow. However Commisioner G, who is standing RIGHT NEXT to the Rikti Heavy, runs off and says something about helping Penthouse. Umm dude, Penthouse is right here... oh wait, she just aggroed the Heavy and got stomped. Thanks for leaving me to solo this thing, jerk.

Mission 5:
I wish we had more building burning maps, cause this one really doesn't fit with the theme of the arc.

How did Hro'Dath get through the doors without ripping the frame out of the wall? Anyhow, it was interesting that he was much easier to defeat than the Heavy Assault Suit in the previous mission.

It wouldn't hurt to make the bodybags optional in this mission and the previous one. Tracking them all down got rather annoying.


The Verdict:
Pretty good romp that was, though it has some issues that need addressing. Nothing really major, mostly little nitpicks and a few annoyances. 5-stars overall.



I don't mean to complain. But did I get skipped over?



I don't mean to complain. But did I get skipped over?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was wondering the same thing. I doubt it was on purpose but I'm pretty sure those other arcs were posted after ours. If there's a reason for doing so, that's fine but it still would be nice to know for sure.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



I don't do arcs in the order I receive them, I see whichever ones are in the range of the character I am playing at the time and play those. Tonight it's a character who is level 43 so arcs that give XP there are getting played first.

I really wanted to get Shadow Meld tonight, could have just been playing papers instead and gotten it faster. Lowbie arcs can wait another day.