



Can someone tell me about this power? a PBAoE sounds so interesting, but the numbers don't look so hot. This is a 45s recharge MAG 2 stun? I am fairly new, but I seem to remember my MA had Cobra Strike (MAG 3) and it was 'ok', but generally needed a couple hits to ensure something was stunned. If that needs 2 hits, then Pulsar would need 3 to do the same thing?

Is this power used much, has anyone had success with it? I would love to try it out.



It's a good power if you have another stun-power to stack it with. If for example you're playing a PB in a duo with another PB, when both of you will Pulsar, hopefully hitting everything in a spawn, you've disoriented all the minions and lieutenants, possibly even Bosses.

I've also noticed that Pulsar sometimes stacks with White Dwarf ST melee attacks, especially once I slotted Pulsar for disorient duration, it's awesome when it happens, but it's not a reliable tactic.

I mainly use Pulsar in conjunction with Photon Seekers nowadays since I can time Photon Seekers and Pulsar to actually activate on the same enemies around you. The result is that the enemies blown away by the Photon Seekers are also stunned by Pulsar, if they're minions and if the enemies are not stunned, at least they're out of melee range.

When I had Solar Flare, I used it a lot with Pulsar and I'm working on getting Solar Flare back into my build so in conclusion, Pulsar on its own isn't exciting, but coupled with other powers, it can change the tide of battle quite a bit.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Pulsar on its own isn't exciting, but coupled with other powers, it can change the tide of battle quite a bit.

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The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Pulsar is really pretty visually.
I didn't slot mine, since its about worthless in pvp.
I put a Chance for KB proc in my one slot.
Use it the way others in this thread have suggested and you might enjoy it.
I like the power, I just wish it had more 'oomph' to it.



One awesome way for the Devs to make Pulsar wonderful, without even changing Pulsar itself, is introduce a new Stun IO-set that will contain Chance for ??? Damage and Chance for +2Mag Stun and other proc IO's. Here's hoping...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Well, I use to use the stun proc that caused KB. I took it out because I wanted that slot for something else but it did send them flying.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I was originally thinking I would do the same. Have the KB proc in Pulsar, and then use Solar Flare and Pulsar as sort of an 'area clearing' power combination. Not too sure if that will work out or not, but it might be fun!

It seems the PB is really a 'jack of all trades' and I am thinking that I should probably take it just because it is unique. I am not sure if any slots will really help the power. I will likely slot it with 2 stupify, some Acc and recharge?

I have not looked at a WarShade yet, but wow are these Kheldian's complicated! More options than a brand new Cadillac!



I'd say, consider 5-slotting Pulsar with a stun IO-set that will at least give you global bonuses other than the specific enhancements to Pulsar itself. You can of course frankenslot Pulsar but if you're not using it often enough, it may all go to waste.

Warshades are more complex than Peacebringers, and pack a lot more options to stun enemies, having three powers that inflict disorients.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I took pulsar as one of my last powers. I agree that the numbers on it stink on Ice, but you can get a little creative with it.

For Accuracy: Hit Buildup first
For Stun Magnitude: Hit the Vanguard accolade

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



The Kinetic Crash set is a great set for this power. Good bonuses and it gives you KB protection as well as being relatively inexpensive. Of course I play a human-only PB so I had slots to spare.



I gave Pulsar an honest try for months, but eventually respecced out of it. Solar Flare gives you almost as much breathing space (via KBing the minions on their butts) as Pulsar does, and activates faster and damages them to boot.

I guess for teaming (and there's no Controllers) Pulsar can be useful for locking down the minions for the other players without the KB that so irritates Melee types. Still, it needs make it more useful than another power pick, IMO.



One awesome way for the Devs to make Pulsar wonderful, without even changing Pulsar itself, is introduce a new Stun IO-set that will contain Chance for ??? Damage and Chance for +2Mag Stun and other proc IO's. Here's hoping...

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This. For Stupefy. Instead of the Knockback proc. Please. +2 Mag stun would be especially sexy. Or just a set at a future release (shame on stupefy... considering 6 is a range defense bonus).

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