How much ACC is enough??? Dual Blades?
Two Acc SOs is enough for soloing at difficulty 4. You may get debuffed by some enemies (CoT Ghost Lts for instance), but in those cases the extra buffing from another SO typically won't help much (because they're bombing your to-hit).
So when I get debuffed (i'm thinking more of the Banished actually) what's my option, other then to wait till they drop their AoE debuff? and should I get Tactics (I said assault before) and FA?
Actually on another note, how do you slot BF? I have 3 acc and 3 rechage, should I drop a ACC for a toHit?
*fights... to avoid.... another... Foc acc... debate...* *breaths*
Without my personal opinion, you need either assult or manuvers to get tactics. Those powers are useful but scrappers get less out of them then say a defender would. Tactics, however dosent have a to hit debuff res. So even though you will be able to see everything and can't be blinded, your tohit can still drop and you will still be slicing at air as if you didn't have it on. Foc acc takes a lot of endurance, about 3 toggles worth, your team won't get the to hit buff like they would with tactics. You only need to hit 41 to get it. It has res to tohit debuffs. So you can pretty much stand in the middle of that Storm shammon's hurricaine and slice up anything you want as long as you can deal with the endurance (conserve power)
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
*fights... to avoid.... another... Foc acc... debate...* *breaths*
Without my personal opinion, you need either assult or manuvers to get tactics. Those powers are useful but scrappers get less out of them then say a defender would. Tactics, however dosent have a to hit debuff res. So even though you will be able to see everything and can't be blinded, your tohit can still drop and you will still be slicing at air as if you didn't have it on. Foc acc takes a lot of endurance, about 3 toggles worth, your team won't get the to hit buff like they would with tactics. You only need to hit 41 to get it. It has res to tohit debuffs. So you can pretty much stand in the middle of that Storm shammon's hurricaine and slice up anything you want as long as you can deal with the endurance (conserve power)
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Well, what I could do, is my Perma duo is a Scraper with a Sonic/Sonic fender, so I could get Tactics on her (she has assault already) and get FA on my toon, I'll have QR and Stamina by then anyways.
What about BF? how should I slot it?
Focused Accuracy gets a lot of negative flak, for some reason.
Not sure why, I love it, gives me a great place for some awesome IO's too.
What about BF? how should I slot it?
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I always lot it for an attack, so how ever you slot your attacks that is how I would slot it.
Focused Accuracy gets a lot of negative flak, for some reason.
Not sure why, I love it, gives me a great place for some awesome IO's too.
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Focused Accuracy used to be great till they nerf' the to hit. They didn't change the End to go with the nerf to the to hit. So now it is a huge end hog that doesn't have the to hit it use to. That is why ppl don't like it anymore.
2 ACC SO's is all you need in your attacks.
Slot Blinding Feint like any other attack (on my current DB/SR, it's slotted with 5 Crushing Impacts and a Touch of Death: Negative Energy Proc
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Have you slotted the Kismet +ToHit Unique IO? That adds +6% toHit (yes I know it says +acc, but it's +toHit, which is even better). That makes a noticeable difference. I have it slotted in every scrapper (and most other chars), just for QoL. That's for zero power picks and zero endurance. I would do that before taking a dive into Foc. Acc..
Have you slotted the Kismet +ToHit Unique IO? That adds +6% toHit (yes I know it says +acc, but it's +toHit, which is even better). That makes a noticeable difference. I have it slotted in every scrapper (and most other chars), just for QoL. That's for zero power picks and zero endurance. I would do that before taking a dive into Foc. Acc..
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This is all the way. A little +to hit with a little +Acc bonuses from set IO's and whatever accuracy you end up with from slotting will be amazingly sufficient. For those times you really need a boost you should have BU in most sets.
Thanks for the IO ideas guys, I'll head off to WW later
No such thing as too much acc!
Seriously though, 2 SOs' worth will do you fine most of the time, though personally I go for 3. As people have already said, tohit also helps a great deal.
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
If you're hunting significantly uplevel, I'd go with two accuracy SOs, a Kismet unique, and either Tactics (if you can fit in Leadership) or Focused Accuracy (if you can't). Even for things like the Rikti War Zone challenge, I wouldn't bother with BOTH Tactics and Focused Accuracy. And for most content, one or two accuracies and a Kismet should be good enough, particularly with Blinding Feint available to you. I would slot Blinding Feint like any other attack.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
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I didn't even know this existed. Thanks, forum friends!
Ok, I'm almost level 30, and I'm using the level 30 SO's, I find that against some things (debuffers) that I miss a Ton, really screws up the combos, so I'm slotting for 96% acc in my attacks (I'm not going the IO route till 35), so that doesn't leave me too much room for dammage or EndRedux.
How much is enough? and should I consider taking Assault or FA later on?
I'm playing on the 2nd hardest level BTW to get the most spawns.
Any idea what I should shoot for ACC wise? can I get it over 100% (in this case I mean the % above the default acc) with IO's and is there any point?