The only time i recall seeing it used was that back when like the Hallows were added. Its was a huge zone that was mostly used for lower levels pre-travel power.
Some players used to make "Taxi" characters that would just hang out in the zone and give lower level players "rides" to their destinations to help them out.
It might not be the only use of the term i dont know, but its the only time i can recall seeing it used in the game.
Typically its a player whos only real function is running around zones and TPing around lowbies/lazy people to useful destinations in that zone.
A Taxi-Bot is a character, usually decked out in yellow and black checker patterns, who hangs out by the gates of difficult to traverse zones (The Hollows, Faultline) and offers free teleport services to anyone in the zone having trouble with travel.
They were much more common before the addition of easily acquired temp travel powers. I haven't seen on on in a while. I believe there are chapters of the Taxi-Bots SG on all servers, but I could be mistaken.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Thanks for enlightenment. Now I can go find something else to bug me!
Sometimes, Google works...;PageName=Home
Short story: SuperGroup of players who would play 'taxi' giving players teleports and tours of the city. This was especially helpful in the Hollows before it was revamped so it didn't send level 5 characters to missions on the other side of the zone when they had no travel powers and everything conned a deep purple.
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Taxis are still an active SG on Infinity. They sponsor events there and run regular badge tours of the PvP zones on Tuesday and TFs of Saturdays.
More info on these can be found in the Infinity forum. Look for posts from Johnny Taxibot.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
A Taxibot is a person that enjoys providing transportation services to help the heroes of Paragon city. Taxibots are members of the Paragon Taxi Service. You can identify a Taxibot by the word "taxi" in their name, their yellow and black checkered uniform, and their ability to use Recall Friend (the rule is to have this power by level 10 at the latest, including for PvP dual builds).
The project for creating Taxibots originated with Taxibot One years ago on Virtue, where the idea was to have pure support groups that would help heroes in the Hollows, get people to the Steel Canyon Tailor, etc.
Sister groups were established on all the servers, though their popularity varied. Taxibot Belle established the Taxibots on Infinity about four years ago, which grew to prominence until drama occured within the Virtue-Infinity leadership over the subsequent year. However, for over a year now, Taxibot Belle and I have worked as Dispatchers to organize regular activities and regrow the team, such that we're at #75 in the top 100 Infinity groups and rising steadily. We've a *great* team now that works together to provide support to the heroes.
Some of the key activities that Taxibots perform are related to helping heroes obtain badges. For example, on alternate Fridays we hold Badge Tours that will allow you to obtain all the exploration badges in a zone in about 1-2 minutes. We also have History Tours that focus on reading all the plaques in a given series, thereby awarding you a history badge for that series.
Our Taxibots are currently supported by a variety of archetypes, rather than a focus on defenders and controllers. The only archetype we don't have are Peacebringers, who are precluded from membership because they can't perform Recall Friend. Aside from that, we do regular teaming, organize pickup groups, and run regular task forces.
Hope that helps. You can read more info through the link in my signature.
They rock.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
Did the Paragon Taxi Service SG come before or after the Perez Search and Rescue SG? I've always wondered.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
The Taxis (we've expanded beyond robots ) are a service-oriented group. As the others have said, they started out as a bunch of robots teleporting people around in various hard to reach places (or in some cases, hard to get-out-of places), but as travel has gotten easier in the city, they've expanded into other ways of being helpful and fun.
They're especially known for their badge tours, which are (literally) a trip. They teleport heroes around a zone to each of the badge markers and give a little comment about each. Sometimes they cover the history plaques, too. The whole thing takes less than a minute or two. There's one coming up this Friday on Infinity, if you want to check it out. Around 9:00pm Eastern, just pop in and look for pretty much anyone whose name starts with "Taxi" and ask what zone they're covering.
Lately, they've also taken to helping out or even running various events. My roommate Belle recently participated in a PvP event. They have a pick-up group night. They run trials and task forces. (Sign up if you want to go.) They generally try to make the city a lot of fun for other people, and for the most part, I think they succeed marvelously.
They can also often be found hanging around Atlas Park looking for new players and helping them out. Just a few days ago, Belle met up with a new hero who was stuck trying to get to Cimerora because Monty Castanella didn't recognize that he had made the Lost wand and wouldn't clear the mission. She explained how to petition to get a GM and waited around with him until the GM showed up and cleared the mission. I've also seen her explain how the market works, how to craft items, where to find various zones, and so on. The other Taxis are generally just as willing to stop what they're doing and help out whenever needed.
Infinity has the most active group, running several events each week. Their site is Virtue also has a group of them, but I haven't been there lately, so I can't speak to what events they have. They're at
The Infinity Taxis also have a page at the Ouroboros Portal, as does Belle.
I'm in the group myself, and it is a lot of fun. If you see these folks, do be sure to say hi or maybe thanks, as that's the only reward that most of them do what they do for.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
SerialBeggar: Did the Paragon Taxi Service SG come before or after the Perez Search and Rescue SG? I've always wondered.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you mean Paragon City Search and Rescue (PCSAR)?
I'm not familiar with the Perez group you mention, though I believe PCSAR started on Infinity and has some members working on Virtue. I'm not an authority on that group though. I think Ironblade can fill in more details when he spots this thread.
SerialBeggar: Did the Paragon Taxi Service SG come before or after the Perez Search and Rescue SG? I've always wondered.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you mean Paragon City Search and Rescue (PCSAR)?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, that's what I meant. I remembered "PCSAR", but I blanked with what the "C" is.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
SerialBeggar: Did the Paragon Taxi Service SG come before or after the Perez Search and Rescue SG? I've always wondered.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you mean Paragon City Search and Rescue (PCSAR)?
I'm not familiar with the Perez group you mention, though I believe PCSAR started on Infinity and has some members working on Virtue. I'm not an authority on that group though. I think Ironblade can fill in more details when he spots this thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
Who? Me?
I still consider myself a newcomer to PCSAR. I've been a member for three years as of earlier this month (I think my join date was June 11 - I'd have to log in and check the SG list to be sure).
Yes, Paragon City Search And Rescue originated on Infinity and was voted favorite SG on Infinity a couple years ago. There is an SG on Virtue with the same name but there is no affiliation with us. We do have a branch on Freedom, though.
I can't tell you exactly when the SG was founded, but I can advise that the earliest registrations on our forums were early September of 2004. If you want to learn more about the SG in general, I have a link to our site in my sig.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I've seen the virtue taxi bots out the last couple of weekends.
Helped me get a few fire fighting badges in steel.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
thanks all, just another reason CoX folks are among the best
Spotted one of the Virtue Taxi-bots hanging out at the green tram in north Steel last week as I was leaving the station. Turned right around and read their fortune, right there on the spot ... because everyone should support their local Taxi-bot service.

I saw a taxi-bot recruiting on Champion, but i don't think they got off the ground. That was about a year ago. If you guys start again on champion look me up i can get you in our coalition temporarily to give you TP support or get you in Rented Portals sg coalition.
RENTED PORTALS is a sg that provides Teleports to all zones for new sg's, like Taxi-bots they are a true service sg. The only other sg similar to this that i am familiar with is
CRAFTERS sg, which is specifically a service sg, which will, for a fee, make any amount or any type of enhancement you need.
ALL-OUT-WAR is an sg that helps the community and we help those who help others, TAXI-BOTS would have our full support.
I have seen advertisements from another sg that acts as an alternate barter house to Wentworths to allow people to trade, buy, and sell, without having to goto WW, but i do not remember the name of that sg.
The Extraordinary League of Geeks on Freedom coaligns with new SG's to provide telporters and other benefits. If you have a new SG on Freedom, talk to @Patch Work or @Cyan Swan.
I've been playing for almost two years and still don't know what the term "Taxi-bot" means. Tried finding in CoH wiki and nothin'. I sort of feel like a doofus asking but it is burning holes in my cerebrum.