Thinking about a new base edit feature
It certainly would be.
I think the best way to accomplish this is to create a "Build" mode. This mode would allow you to construct anything you want out of any of the available base details, and then save your creations (possibly in you personal inventory) for later use. That way, you can place the new items anywhere you want, and you can freely delete them, edit them or copy them as necessary. Basically, exactly what you suggested but the creation of the items would take place outside of the base itself... that may make it easier to implement (using an empy base's largest possible room as a "staging" area, perhaps).
Yeah, this is a great idea and one I needed just yesterday. It makes me think of MS Word if you use the "Draw" menu. You can group items and make them one item. It makes things easy for when you need to cut and paste something elsewhere.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
Alright so basically this could be done by having an "Item Creator" similar to what we have available with the tailor screens, including save and load buttons. If the items can be saved/loaded that way, they would be easily shared like any costumes or critters. Perhaps they would need to then be "published" like arcs for AE content are.
My only question for the implementation is what impact would this have on the item count limit that causes base problems some have experienced. If the items are still separate pieces that are just placed in the proper configuration then this could actually make the problem more widespread as more people find it easier and easier to find themselves at a higher item count. If the items created in this manner are placed as a new, static unit, then it could conceivably lessen those issues, or at least I'd think.
Or would this be too ambitious an idea to implement?
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
This really is a cleaver concept. I kinda like the idea of: Step 1 - Put a "box" around "it", Step 2- Name it, and Step 3 - Ready to highlight and move it, copy it, edit it, or delete it.
Fantastic... or still too much to ask for? Ok, skip step 2 (reluctantly cause naming your stuff would be very cool) and just make the box a temporary thing. Still too much? Ok, forget about copy, and just do edits and deletes as they are done now... but keep the highlight and move thing.
In other words, any piece of OP's idea would be great!
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
Alright so basically this could be done by having an "Item Creator" similar to what we have available with the tailor screens, including save and load buttons. If the items can be saved/loaded that way, they would be easily shared like any costumes or critters. Perhaps they would need to then be "published" like arcs for AE content are.
My only question for the implementation is what impact would this have on the item count limit that causes base problems some have experienced. If the items are still separate pieces that are just placed in the proper configuration then this could actually make the problem more widespread as more people find it easier and easier to find themselves at a higher item count. If the items created in this manner are placed as a new, static unit, then it could conceivably lessen those issues, or at least I'd think.
Or would this be too ambitious an idea to implement?
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I would imagine the system would probably still need to count the items seperately. I also imagine that something is being done with regard to the item limit... However, this doesn't change how truly ambitious of a suggestion this is, or how relatively few people would actually use this feature. AKA, it would be awesome (any one part of it even) but it has a snowball's chance of coming to fruition.
Every time I add something I always have to wait for the server, Same thing for every time I move something. My building would move alot faster If it werent for the server. There Should be a stand alone base editor that would move at the speed of my computer. There would have to be some kind of verification when actually applying a work to your base <naturally, it would have to talk to the server>
I would love the ability to select multiple objects and save/load.
Heck I would love to be able to create my own walls, floors, ceilings. Making objects passable would add a new element to "hidden rooms"
What joy it would be if we could upload our own surfaces to use on things. <animated gifs anyone?>
Needless to say, we as base builders are overdue updated tools and features.
I would gladly pay for a stand alone base editor.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Alright so basically this could be done by having an "Item Creator" similar to what we have available with the tailor screens, including save and load buttons. If the items can be saved/loaded that way, they would be easily shared like any costumes or critters. Perhaps they would need to then be "published" like arcs for AE content are.
My only question for the implementation is what impact would this have on the item count limit that causes base problems some have experienced. If the items are still separate pieces that are just placed in the proper configuration then this could actually make the problem more widespread as more people find it easier and easier to find themselves at a higher item count. If the items created in this manner are placed as a new, static unit, then it could conceivably lessen those issues, or at least I'd think.
Or would this be too ambitious an idea to implement?
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I would imagine the system would probably still need to count the items seperately. I also imagine that something is being done with regard to the item limit... However, this doesn't change how truly ambitious of a suggestion this is, or how relatively few people would actually use this feature. AKA, it would be awesome (any one part of it even) but it has a snowball's chance of coming to fruition.
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I always view this sort of discussion as being akin to a negotiation. You shoot for the sun, the moon, and the stars, all in the hopes of motivating enough progress to get to the corner store. The idea above would be very ambitious, as you say, and has little chance of implementation in that format, but if it gives them an idea for something far less ambitious that can be done while moving even a step in that direction, its a worthwhile discussion.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
Every time I add something I always have to wait for the server, Same thing for every time I move something. My building would move alot faster If it werent for the server. There Should be a stand alone base editor that would move at the speed of my computer. There would have to be some kind of verification when actually applying a work to your base <naturally, it would have to talk to the server>
I would love the ability to select multiple objects and save/load.
Heck I would love to be able to create my own walls, floors, ceilings. Making objects passable would add a new element to "hidden rooms"
What joy it would be if we could upload our own surfaces to use on things. <animated gifs anyone?>
Needless to say, we as base builders are overdue updated tools and features.
I would gladly pay for a stand alone base editor.
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hmmm could work....maybe add in a function like splasher to let you change textures on your end..throw in a special base item or two(Base Architects Design Computer similar to the arachnos stand up comp)...add a dash of badge and a hint of lime and Voila'! Base Builder Booster Pack
I must say, I have just recently gotten addicted to base building and I love to create new objects. My only problem is that if I want to use them again, i have to create them again. which takes forever since my base editor keeps crashing. Anyways, I have also been thinking about a feature like this. In my version you would have a seperate button under Edit Base called Create/Edit Custom Object. This button would open up a similar version of the base editor but with only one room. This room is where you can create/edit your custom object. once the item is created you can then exit the Custom Object editor, click on the regular base editor and then insert your custom object. Custom objects would be located on a tab called Custom objects in the place item slider menu. Additionally, these items once put together would be considered 1 object regardless of how many peices went into it. For instance, I tricked out a column in my base to make it more tech inspired. The column cost me 20K prestige to trick out and roughly has about 30 pieces. to have to recreate that would be a pain. And i have 6 other columns in that room that I need to do the same thing to for continuity. Needless to say that a feature like this would be a godsend.
There are a bunch of other features I would luv to see for the base editor like an UNDO button! Which would take care of any unwanted stray desks, floating in walls or sticking of a building that you spent a week to stack, furnish, and detail
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Great Ideas.. I'd love to see Undo and Custom Object buttons as well.
Great Ideas.. I'd love to see Undo and Custom Object buttons as well.
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Oook! Please give me an "Undo" button!
Especially for the occasional "I've got this item lined up perfectly right here... Click... *POOF!* now just where did that disappear to?" moments.
Pretty please with a banana on top even!
I've been thinking along the same lines and was thinking about posting something to this affect.
Due to the base pathing issues I was thinking to add on to the grouping feature if you group a bunch of items together the editor could just cut out intersecting edges/surfaces to create a super object and store that info in the DB. While the server wouldn't have to store as many objects in the DB, it would need to store what the objects look like (which may or may not speed up the over all usage of bases). Objects such as IOPs or Generators that are hidden inside of other objects could lose their functional abilities in such cases and would provide for more unique item designs. Functional base items would need to not be linked/touching other items to be functional - which in turn would make it much easier to reinstate base raiding...
Just a thought - however silly it may be.
Positron has stolen my Eludium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator!
I was thinking it would be neat to have a two part feature for bases.
1. Be able to name items or give them sur-names. (not just items but our creations that we would have made with desks or block's, lamps, etc..) allow us a feature that would be able to highlight the newly made item as a whole and give us the ability to name it.
2. Once its named, its then recognized as its own feature. Thus if you wanted to move the whole thing to another room you would be able to. (This would be a dream for a base builder like me that builds many things and hates having to tear something down to rebuild it again, simply because it would look good in another room.)
There should also be a neat edit button for the item in case you wanted to add things too it.
Anyways it was just a thought, I am not sure if the game can do this but I think it would be a neat feature.
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