I dont like Forms




I wanted to play a kheldian but I feel like I shouldnt be bound to looking like every other kheldian in the same form or looking like a lobster/squid. Anyone else feel the same way? Thats only reason I havnt made one already. I dont know maybe its just me.

all I know is money $ $



Play human form. *shrug* You don't *have* to take the forms, any more than (most) blasters have to take the snipe, or MMs have to take a personal attack - though you may want to snag Dwarf in any case, just for the "get out of mez free" effect. (And for the extra Mire as a Warshade.)



Can you still be good as all human? well besides taking dwarf.

all I know is money $ $



Yep. Different playstyle, but my last PB started out as Triform, switched to all-human in the early 20s due to a bug that was - er, bugging me. (Forms wouldn't switch if another animation was playing - so my macros would switch trays but not forms.)

Several Khelds do so - you'll probably get quite a few answers on human form.

Heck, the thread just below this right now ("OK, I'll give it a try...") - AlienOne's comment:


Agreed. Human-form only PBs tend to only *slightly* improve things when on a team (though still useful), but solo... They're great. I've done a lot of soloing on my all-human form through all the Ouro arcs, and had a great time.

Human-form-only on a WS, on the other hand.... w00t! Team with mine sometime on an 8-person team... Because seeing is believing.

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Cool man thanks for the info and help. I plan on trying both.

all I know is money $ $



No problem.

Side benefit to human-only, of course, is that you don't have to spread your slots as thin as you do with the forms (Nova, adding four powers to slot, Dwarf adding six plus the forms of course.)

And if you decide at some point, what the heck, try a triform (or have a human/dwarf, human/nova build,) don't forget your dual build option - see any trainer for details. You can, of course, even rename them now



I hear you. I love the Human PBs Wild Light Powers looks and playstyle, but I just do not like the Forms. Yes, they are useful and powerful...but I don't like them. Never have and probably never will.

My main is a human-only PB...lvl 50 and a blast to play. A Human Only can be pretty difficult to play from to late 20s to lvl 38, when you get Light Form. That's when mezzing and psi attacks really stark kicking in, and you really don't have a defense against them other that Breakfrees and Oranges, and teaming of course, esp. with 'trollers.

At 50 though, I carry about 5 BFs as a rule (using the 3-1 rule if I dip below 5), and I can solo Carnie, Malta and Raluruu missions without using Light Form more often than not... These missions are literally no more difficult for me than for my lvl50 Scrapper.



I definately think Human Form is a workable alternative. It can get a little hard to solo, but now that the forms benefit from the team bonuses, too, any Kheldian will now do better on a team. You really just have to learn how to leverage the unique properties of the Kheldian's human form.

I've played both a PB and a WS as Human Form, and as a previous poster said, the real advantage is that you can concentrate all of your slots on human form, and you don't have to keep putting up multiple shields. Even being stunned or held won't drop your shields any more, since they changed that. So you can get all three of them and keep them all up, once you get Stamina.

I seem to have a little more trouble soloing with my PB than my WS, but that is probably because I haven't yet picked up Essense Boost. (I based him in a FF Defender that I had previously, so I'm trying to avoid the heals, although I won't leave them out completely) Once you get Incandescent Strike, though, the PB plays very much like a Scrapper, except that you can "soften up" the foes with Proton Scatter and Luminous Detonation first.

With my WS, I seemed to have a lot of trouble with End, so I used a dual build to get Stamina at 20, but probably at 22 I'll have Stygian Circle and so I will not need Stamina so much. Even so, I'll keep it around as the dual build in case I need it. WS's are more about using utility powers than PB's, I tend to just attack directly, being a bit more ranged than the PB, since the melee attacks are not quite as powerful. I think that using the stealth from Shadow Cloak and Starless Step to tp foes to you would really help soloing. I tend to use this on my Tri-Form, but again, my Human Form doesn't really have this concept, so I just make do.

In short, I solo at a rate that's acceptable to me, and that's not even using the optimum build. So you can probably do even better. I personally like the forms, even though they are shared among all Khelds, and I wish there was some way to customize them, still, Khelds are rare, and I don't feel like I look like EVERYONE else.

Plus, it's just cool to glide around in Nova form, not having to land, or to hear those booming footsteps as you stomp around in Dwarf form. I guess it's not for everyone, which is why there's Human form, but I enjoy my Tri-Forms too.



I like the forms, but not because of the look.

Honestly I find the look to be the detriment to being able to quickly "switch" ATs all together. Yeah, I look like a giant space rhino when I'm in dwarf form, but I'm immediately a scranker with nice mez resists.

Human form to me is a bit too blapper, so Nova is a nice way to go straight to a blaster-like form.



I love my all human Peacebringer He was my fastest toon to 50. An all human PB has some blaster in him,some melee and some decent shields to help defense and also some control to him not to mention the ability to heal self and others and eveng o intangible when need be all in all one of the best toon experiences i have had



forms haev sucked since they broke them with the "fix" for costume exploits. Way to ruin kheldian game play devs.



Go back to the hole of a thread you made, Semper.

I have an all-human PB at 30 and I love it. :3 I think I'm gonna drop Proton Scatter, though. It seems fairly underwhelming compared to my other attacks.

@Amarlex in game, on the Virtue server.



Go back to the hole of a thread you made, Semper.

I have an all-human PB at 30 and I love it. :3 I think I'm gonna drop Proton Scatter, though. It seems fairly underwhelming compared to my other attacks.

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It's not bad when on teams, and it's doesn't cause KB, unlike Detonation, meaning teams will love you more for using it. For a Human Only there's plenty of room - I have both ranged AoEs, fully slotted



I may have to try this myself. I have been the same. I hate the look of the forms. Never got a PB or WS up because of the same reasons. All human PB sounds cool.

ARC # 2517 "Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting"
ARC# 102898 "The Great Sewer Rescue"



I wanted to play a kheldian but I feel like I shouldnt be bound to looking like every other kheldian in the same form or looking like a lobster/squid. Anyone else feel the same way? Thats only reason I havnt made one already. I dont know maybe its just me.

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I can understand that argument.. And my best advice.. Make multiple khelds.

Humans vs triforms vs biforms vs form specialists play drastically differently. A few issues ago it was a lot harder to play a human form due to the effects of mez (all shields drop) but not impossible with the right team. While the new issues have brought buffs to any type of Kheld, they REALLY helped bring Human form only khelds more in line with their triforming counter parts.

This doesn't mean a human form kheld is going to be as good as a triform in the area of what a triform is intended/capable of doing. But it does mean a human form will be good for the things the human form is capable/intended to do.

Seriously though.
Make the human form, and then give the triform a try. It really is an interesting style of game play which is TRULY different than anything any other AT can offer.

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster



forms haev sucked since they broke them with the "fix" for costume exploits. Way to ruin kheldian game play devs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stop posting.. seriously..
Kheld game play is better than it's ever been. One small issue hardly "breaks" the AT.

Dwarfs don't die in 2 sec (they weren't broken)
Novas still do decent damage (that isn't broken)
Humans offer lots of utility (that's not broken)

Sometimes the switch between can glitch. Solve it by opening 3 bars and keeping the toggle for human and dwarf visible for a quickly and easily clickable button to toggle them on or off.. Problem solved..

Or.. Bind it to two keys like nova on and off on [ and dwarf on and off on ]

The fact that you don't understand how to work around a small glitch doesn't account for the whole AT being broken.

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster