CoHMR Aggregator (a review thread)




I understand the point you're making. I do, I think I just wanted to include that danger in the pull too heh, plus it just sorta fit the story.Mind you, I had toyed with the ideas of changing his group diff. to Medium and busting him down to regular boss level, so I'll have to consider that.Also, he's set for the middle of the map spawn, so that I will have to look into.
Thanks again.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, one thing I've picked up from checking the maps is that maps have a front spawn and a back spawn, and everything else is middle.

Even if it's closer to the entrance than the front spawn is.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Tonight's arc: The Consequences of War, Pt. I (227331). Verdict - ****. Review in MA Forums Thread.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks very much for the constructive feedback, Glazius. I've replied to your review in my thread, and I'm headed straight to the MA from here to make some changes. *This* folks, is what a real review should do -- provide feedback that a creator can work with, as opposed to feedback that beats them over the head and does it's best to ridicule.

Kudos, Glazius, and thanks again.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



You can add my latest arc, Future's End, IE 255895 to your list. It is on COHMR already, and the thread is in my signature.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy




Runnin' on a mid-40s DB/fire brute. Diff 2 for ~goodfights~. Shivan loaded and ready.


Ohhhhh god it's a crazy cult.

Crazy cults sometimes have crazy money so I may as well.

(also you got some places where there's a period without a space after it so it looks like some weird kinda internet address. Clipped-out line breaks?)




Nothing's as awesome as losing half your endurance forever, let me tell ya.

And I don't even have the merits to buy a curse breaker from the RWZ!

...questionable pharmeceuticals. Uh. Yeah. Can I say no here?

Guess not.

Why are there a whole bunch of random robots folded in with the Vanguard? Malta Titans? Praetorians? (Later on Ms. Liberty's making noise about these being repurposed robots, but MALTA TITANS ARE MADE OF PEOPLE.)

Huh. That's odd. This base has what looked like a prison, yet I rezzed back in the MA building.

Okay. If this is Liberty Belt Ms. Liberty (as her description seems to indicate)... she's undodgeable and regenerates at an insane rate, you're supposed to use an Orestes Rifle to damage her, and guess what I can't possibly have.


Fortunately she's just got the EB scale liberty belt, and a Shivan and a -regen nuke help put her away. mission 1 is using a bioweapon to annihilate Paragon City. Man, where do you go from here?


Up, apparently.

So I have the staff and Babs hasn't noticed me.

But I still have to fight him.

Uh... yeah, two missions in a row this has happened. I could have freed all the cultists and detonated the warhead without saying boo to Liberty too.


Bug text for mission 3 is just a single period.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! Good thing you were a fire blaster, otherwise I'd have been in deep.

So this is destiny, huh? Doesn't exactly feel very weighty, but there's only five missions to work with here.


Man that's just a whole bunch of words crammed together for mission 4's briefing. I can make out most of 'em but seriously, man, spaces and double paragraph breaks are your friends.

So... find a hostage (do several loops around the map looking for a boss, maybe you should fix that navbar text), then search the map for a chained boss, then search the map for the chained final boss...

Then, since I led big S back into all the missile turrets for a gas, try to find the one last member of the group that spawned with him. Maybe the objective should just be to drop him alone?

Statesy doesn't even have a death scream.


Storyline - **. There's a lot of consequence here but not much lead into it. Most of the stuff has already been done - they've found a biobomb, they've located the staff, they've readied the Way. All I do is step into a suit somebody else built for me -- even the final mission is more the cult's doing than my own. The idea of a "junior Vanguard" is really kind of ludicrous, especially given that the "kids" are level 48 because that's as low as Statesman spawns. At the end I'm the Messiah of some crazy cult and I honestly have no idea what I did to get there aside from "follow orders".

Design - ***. The random robots bundled in with Vanguard are really just kind of off-putting. If you want to cut them with something, why not just cut them with Longbow? It's practically traditional and it'd make Liberty's presence make a lot more sense. There's also really no reason to take out Liberty or Babs other than they're there - according to what the plot wants me to do I don't need to bother fighting them.

Gameplay - ***. I'm almost positive I was fighting Liberty Belt Miss Liberty there, which is a death sentence for anybody fighting her as an AV. Hunting around the last map three times for one spawn was a bit of an exercise in sliding around and pounding tab as well. And unless I'm mistaken most of the boss objectives also include their escort, which is kind of a pain in both the police station and Vanguard base situations, given that an element of the escort can spawn behind/down a wall.

Detail - **. The contact text alternates between one-liners and giant blobs of text with sentences that all run together. Cult-speak is tough enough to decipher as it is without also trying to untangle sentences from each other.

Overall - **. It's trying to paint a picture of me striding into greatness, but through one thing and another it really feels like I blundered my way there, boss fights notwithstanding.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Thanks very much for the review, will be tweaking majorly. Just as a note, I removed the breaks in the speech text because for some reason the <br> was showing up in the bubbles, no idea why..
Again thanks for the reviews and will be majorly tweaking.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Ctrl + Alt + Reset's been updated if you're hurting for arcs.



Well, I just finished redoing Simple Times. Changes to all 5 missions, the least to number 5, some canon fixes to 1 & 2, major changes to 3, and a completely new number 4. I think the story flows and builds up to the final mission much better now.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Eh, what the heck, it's been a while since anyone's torn into one of mine.

Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black, #161629.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good enough! Tonight's arc is then Freaks, Geeks and Men In Black (161629). Verdict - *****. Review on MA Forums Thread.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I would love it if you would play my arc:
In Pursuit of Liberty - ID 221702

Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy.

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



There's always Consequences of War - Part 2 if you're up for seeing where the Rikti War goes from Part 1.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was going to play this tonight but I can't find it up on CoHMR.

So instead tonight's arc is The Flower Knight Task Force (260284). Verdict - *****. Review below in this thread!

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running this on a high-40s spine/regen scrapper, diff 2 for real boss fights with real bosses.

I don't actually have a single character who is vaguely Asian inspired so I just used super science to make a generic samurai disguise.


If I don't know anything about this new dimension how am I supposed to tell something's wrong?

Eh, whatever. HERO CARD AWAY.

Hoo boy. Perez Park In Yellow.

...IT'S ALL A NEMESIS PLOT (okay probably not).

Unintentional irony award - my ally speaks of strange iron weapons that strike from afar, then pops buildup and one-shots a minion in the next group with a shuriken.

She also tags along after I drag her to the extraction point. For a moment I think I'll need her, but the boss is something I've fought already. (for whatever reason custom spawns are now mixing in bosses when they spawn for 2. Not that I mind too much.)


...Lord Aion. I'm going to love this.

Hey. Hey buddy. Yeah, you. What's with that "strange costumes" line? I worked hard on this!

Eh, no accounting for taste.

Wow. These are some advanced-looking weapons. Aion should really be using one of 'em instead.

Worth dying to him for that line, though.

Wonder if his backer is actually who the enemy group implies.


It would seem to be!

Which is kind of odd, given Chimera's proclivities. I mean, dude doesn't come after people with a gun.

I'm a bit surprised by Lady Sayaki, but why was I expecting anyone else again?

...huh. He calls himself Lord Chimera here? Can't be the Praetorian one, that one is Manticore except the [censored] who killed his parents adopted him.


Or... it is? I guess he showed up here to slum or something?

Investigating around here. I guess it is "or something". I wonder if it actually would connect with Praetorian technology of if C is just covering his hinder.

Looks like some hinder-covering. Pity. I was almost looking forward to ninjas in the streets.

Lady Sayaki is going to be rather disappointed when she just goes down to one hit point.

Also, question: did you stick random silent gorgons all around this map or did they spawn in on their own? If the latter, were you using the stock Chimera minions group?

Because when I dropped down to get the last clue, what I thought was a normal spread-out group turned out to be two gorgons.


Huh. Well, I guess dropping off the battlements is traditional, but given that catching people when they're falling is a big hero thing, maybe have her go the other traditional route and slice open her abdomen with a mind blade. know, this map is really bad for pop-in. Really bad. Like, Recluse shows up 6 inches behind my back bad.

Everybody who's got an alternate coloration has also got a nice alternate bio except, for some reason, GW.

And I FINALLY get the gag in the name of the recurring boss character.

With two EBs as backup and a decent serving of inspirations it's a close final fight but I pull it off.

Be kinda interesting if Mr. S spawned on the map as an ally "boss" after it was all over. Just to see him.


Storyline - ****. Needs a little more foreshadowing or something on Chimera's part. I mean, I get the idea of what's happening in the same map that I kill him. Maybe drop hints earlier? Also, how much space you got? We really don't see much of the Spider Clan hierarchy early, and throwing in some of the "patron sidekicks" wouldn't be out of place.

Design - *****. But everything that does show up pretty nicely, and the customs are real class. My only real complaint is that the hawk clan kicked [censored] and only ran into trouble when they chased a spider into another group of 'em. Sometimes this was a boss group. Sometimes this meant that a boss had already said his warning and just blindsided the hell out of me. But there's not much to be done if you want battles on that map.

Gameplay - ****. Surprisingly few frustrations as long as I packed some break frees for GW's terrorize. But trying to hunt down objectives, especially chained objectives, on an outdoor map is always a pain.

Detail - ****. Pretty well done all-told, with the exception of GW's non-bio, and there was enough detail in the clues to give me a picture of what was really going on. But if I'd fought Chimera first in that map chances are I'd be staring at his death poem and scratching my head.

Overall - *****. Quality fights, nice help, good customs. There are annoyances but all lumped together they seem a little too minor to hold back.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



You know, I appreciate your reviews, but I was just thinking... except for the final thoughts at the end, your reviews aren't really very useful for anyone except the author. The play by play comments don't really mean anything unless you already know what's going on in thea arc. Just a thought.



Thanks for playing through A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force!

I wrote a nice bio for Gaki-Onna at one point, but it somehow got clobbered in my editing and re-editing of that final mission. I've republished a version which *should* fix that.

You're the second person who noted the Hawk Clan rank-and-file were mostly beating the Spider Clan rank-and-file. The Hawk Bushi are katana/SR while the Spider Clan bushi are katana/regen; I guess that extra defense toggle really makes a difference! The generic minions on both sides are just meant to die in droves in the background, to make it feel more like an epic battle. So I'll depower the Hawk Clan minions so they'll be on a more even footing.

Thanks again!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"