CoHMR Aggregator (a review thread)





Running on a level 49 spine/regen scrapper, looking to AE to 50 because why not.


Hey Crimson. Terse as usual. Okay, let's see what's up here.

Longbow base. Pretty standard. Malta lead operatives are named "two NATO phonetics number-number-number". Like Kilo Xray 4-3-4.

Some data remains. Some data's gone. What data's gone? I dunno, let's see what Crimson says.


Huh. Wonder what was in there about Ms. Liberty. Alright, let's go mow down s'more Malta.

Ah good, it's the little narrow Steel Canyon, not the big northeast quadrant.

So who ordered this op? Dr. Aeon? The banner seems about his sense of aesthetics.

No real information as to what's going on, just that Arachnos and Malta are both interested in Miss Lib for different reasons...

Arachnos, as it shakes out, because someone's nabbed Krylov.


I would have figured him for a B-lister given that he's on par with the Spetznaz, but I guess he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows Lord Recluse, or something.

...wait a minute. Silver Mantis's order mentions Krylov and the clue says Arachnos isn't there for the disks, but Crimson and the system message both seem to think they are.

Oh! Okay. Krylov had the disks. I didn't necessarily make that link, just because a lot of people get captured by Longbow.


So in I go after him.

Huh. Old soviet projects sold to Malta. Okay. But the only text in the navbar for Krylov is his name. Seems like a default result, really.

I think you want to reconsider the ambush - it seems like it should spawn on Krylov's rescue, not on the objective complete.


And now into a Malta lab. The Data Centers are called out by number instead of being grouped together, might want to collapse them since the navbar's looking rather crowded.

...okay. I find File C in Data Center A, File B In Data Center C (though it's also labeled File C), and File A in Data Center B. Uh. That's... that's a thing.

Huh. Okay, secret Soviet project to destroy Statesman... that worked... but was never actually dispatched to defeat Statesman. Uh. Why, exactly?

Apparently Malta wants to make the next generation of powerful people into threats to Paragon City.


Something you should know - allies you have to rescue on timed missions currently have to stay alive or the mission will fail. I manage to ditch the lieut so he doesn't ruin this.

Aside from that, pretty nice hunt over the the plains here for way more allies than I really need to take out a tac ops commander.

I wonder why the past is supposed to be kept secret from these people. Is there some secret codephrase that'll make them flamesplode?


Storyline - ***. Three missions to set the whole project up and two to resolve it, one of which is just investigation? Uh. That's kind of wonky pacing there, really. Among other things it doesn't actually give time to set these people up as a threat or whatever their secret power that wipes out the Freedom Phalanx is.

Design - ****. Generally solid maps with the occasional fight for flavor, and a pretty good likeness of Krylov. Some of the timing on chains seems a bit suspect though and that Malta base was just a land of confusion with the files not showing up where I'd expect them to.

Gameplay - ****. Trying to find a safe place to ditch the more breakable members in the last mission was the main sidetracker. I know it's a bug, but even so.

Detail - ***. Crimson's got a fairly solid voice to him, I have to give you points there. But the mixed-up files in the Malta base and the breakdown in the Liberty vs. Mantis mission both confused me about the direction you were taking the plot.

Overall - ***. Most of this is down to the off-kilter pacing. It doesn't so much end in the fifth mission as run out of space allotted and slam into a wall.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Running on a spine/regen scrapper exemplared down, diff 2 for real boss fights.


Invading a Crey lab! This always goes well.

Nice setup for the dummy glowies, and some pretty straightforward investigation results.


Straightforward setup here too. Time to ride to the rescue!

Huh. Everybody seems to think very highly of Piper, even the guy who betrayed him.

...I wonder if there's more to his powers.

Trekking out over four floors of empty with him in tow doesn't seem like a productive use of my time, though.

Heh. Yeah, thanks for confirming it, my elected official.


Why reluctantly, mission 3 accept text? I've hardly spent any time around this guy and his mind woogie.

Stealth, huh? Can do. Let's see how well it works.

Surprisingly well, actually, as long as the captains and officers don't run Tactics.

Huh. Guess he just convinced the Crey, then? He's not one of their projects? Because he seems the type.


Heh. Interesting various guards for this guy...

What, a Warhulk? Can't wait to see what this guy says... heh. Oh, that's a nice reason. Always easier to con the guys who think they're putting the screws to you.

Final boss has a pretty predictable powerset. I've long since started saving break frees for MAs.


Storyline - *****. It sold the Crey plot hard enough that the undercurrent was a genuine twist. I wondered for a moment why Crey wasn't telling anybody else about their concerns, but then I realized they probably didn't care.

Design - ****. The last three missions are all in identical tilesets. They all fit, but even so a little variety wouldn't hurt. Even just blue office instead of red office, but it would be hilarious if Piper's campaign was headquartered in a sewer or something and nobody cared.

Gameplay - *****. Everything went pretty smoothly. No hunting around cleaning stuff up.

Detail - ****. Would've liked to see a little more incidental stuff, after the first mission played a nice trick with dummy glowies.

Overall - *****. But overall there's nothing too overpowering about my objections. This is solid work.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)




Playing on a high 40s DB/fire brute, diff 2 for real boss fights.


Contact is Operative Parks. He introduces himself as Arbiter Parks. Probably just a little confusion there.

Interesting plan here. Let's see how it plays out.

Ah, good ol' chaotic neutral. So it's a freedom vs. restrictions thing set up.


Alright, let's see how this goes.

Not bad, actually. Hook up with her halfway through the base, frob a glowie, clear the place out...

You might want to look into your captive animations, though, they rejiggered those a while back and the scientist is doing a standard kneeling animation.

Power Transmuter... we're not seeing the rise of Darla Mavis, are we?


Woo, Zig breakout!

Pretty straightforward. Took me maybe 10 minutes, so bringing the time down to 15 might not be out of the question if you're going for pressure.

On rescue Irene says "So my being captured and thrown in here part of Arachnos' plan?" That sentence no verb.


Nice scenery for the final fight. Crey and Arachnos repelling a Longbow incursion.

Also the final room has the protectable near a normal spawn, which means lots and lots of fighting. Pretty keen anyway, feels about right for a climactic rush.

The special power-transmuted troops add a nice wrinkle and they look appropriately "next level of Longbow".


There are technically already Longbow imbued with super powers - they're the Wardens. Still, legitimate concern here.

Two transmuters I can understand, but why does the mainframe also look like a stasis tube?

(also the stasis tubes have their default descriptions)

Posi up, Posi down. Rad vs Rad. Pretty good fight all in all.


Storyline - ***. Not that my villain minds, but I have to say - what exactly did this girl go through that she's willing to join up with Arachnos with a little card that says "hey there we're the Rogue Isles. FREEDOM! Now murder your former friends." I mean, let her rant on in the mission clues or something. Villains love to rant, right?

Design - ****. Great work on the Longbow Elite corps. ...not so great work on the clues, which disappeared after mission 2. I like seeing a little progress, at least.

Gameplay - *****. Very smooth run, though. Help was enough to take out the end boss, and while there were some challenging stretches they weren't anything that you could tweak the mission to get rid of.

Detail - ***. Default descriptions for the stasis tubes, and one of them was used to represent something there are already models for (mainframes).

OVerall - ****. Solid mission that needs a little more attention to detail and a little more character background to shine.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Arc ID: 296884
Arc Title: A Show of Hands
Morality: Villainous
Level Range: 40-54
Length: 4 Missions
Description: Things go topsy turvy when just a couple of hours before the sale somebody robs your fence. Get the item back in time and teach the thieves a lesson about stealing from the likes of you. (Ambush-heavy, teams or strong soloers recommended.)




Playing on a mid-40s DB/fire brute, diff 2 for real boss fights.

Amusing aside - viewed slightly off-kilter I parsed the contact as bare-chested with red suspenders.


Huh. The Circle may have a reputation for worshipping demons but in my experience they just go through the necessary motions to summon one.

Now Hellions, those guys definitely worship demons.

Hey mister? I don't know how long you've been down there but there's way more than one woman in Steel Canyon. Can I get a picture? A description? Ice sculpture, maybe?

I mean, the Longbow running around, half of them are women.

Okay, the guys chattering about Escalus, one of them says "on On Peregrine Island", and the other one talks about him going through Independence Port?

Le what?

Indy port is on the opposite side of the city from PI, check a tram station for a big city map. You might wanna give Helen a description that is not a spoiler for the rest of this arc. (at least now we know she falls into the "pure evil" bucket of the great dead/all-powerful/pure evil Summers Memorial Comic Book Wife Sorter)

I'm glad I got frustrated a couple arcs back, makes it easy to remember the little nook under the construction scaffolding where she actually ends up.


Yes, the Mu are treacherous monomaniacs, and there's a lot more people with Mu blood than make it into Arachnos.

But the Vaults of Mu are some crazy spiritual plane, a reverse run of the (also CoT special) Spirit City map. They're not what happens when the Mu settle in Oranbega.

Due to my level any variant groups you had in the custom don't actually spawn - I know I'm out of range for the midnighters. The result is wall to wall Super Strikers (at high levels they get more lightning powers), who don't so much chew away at my blue bar as swallow it whole.

Fortunately I have a little temp stealth saved up for a rainy day.

More fortunately the books I'm looking for are about halfway through the city itself.

Yes, yes, I've done very well, thank you demonically Liefeldian Mr. Grace.


Sweet Christmas, brother. You need to take some laughin' lessons from Vernon von Grun.

Hmm. It'd be interesting to have a mission that spit out endless waves of attackers that you'd beat when the timer hit zeroh wait that actually happens in Croatoa.

I suppose this is a good substitute.

Whoa whoa whoa. I have to wipe out all the Longbow on Thorn Isle in half an hour? That's not a very good prize!

Let me tell you how big Thorn Isle is. I spent the entire time at maximum rage, ended with 45 seconds still on the clock, and cleared 400 bonus tickets.

That is how big Thorn Isle is.

And that's without having to backtrack, just running right from one spawn to another! There's obstructing terrain and sheer drops all over Thorn Isle and the Longbow can fly, so all it would have taken was one runner and that would've been it. I would have carved my way through a wall of human flesh for half an hour solid and still failed the mission.

Maybe this would be a workable replacement: Escalus and N Longbow sorcery/excavation teams (boss spawns), where N is modestly small. After that they won't have the manpower to break through in time.


Uh... yay Rosemary's baby? Apparently I get to go off and have the Best Day Ever in the meanwhile.

Or not. My spree of destruction through Oranbega destroys no artifacts, disrupts no rituals, and steals no fenceable shinies. Instead I... help someone out of the goodness of my navbar. I mean heart.

Oh hey, I didn't know the missing fortune teller scaled so high. But... is she supposed to just have the missing fortune teller description? And shouldn't she stick around (ally not captive) instead of just bolting if she's going to discuss stuff with me?

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! You know, if this guy was gonna wreck the world you'd think they'd spare more than a mook squad of Longbow to take him out.


Um... description, I'm pretty sure she's not actually brainwashed here, or she'd be trying to kill me too. Though I guess there's something going on since she doesn't remember me, she's not exactly a pawn of the big man either.

The destroyer of worlds... isn't even an EB? Le what? The ambushes come out way too fast here, even with me dealing with them and claw-lady on whatever she feels like his HP just plummets like a stone.

Also he seems to open with Inferno, which would be a pretty big deal to some other guy without capped fire resist.

And after that I need to push a Warden down the giant stone stairs. Bit of an anticlimax... and for some reason the clue from him comes before the clue for springing Viv.


Storyline - *. Vivian being everything bad that happens to women in comics crammed into one little package aside, there's stuff I really don't buy here. The Circle is summoning this guy who wants to destroy the world - but they're actual people, or the spirits of same, and the world is where they keep all their stuff. The hero opposition to this guy, though they apparently know about him and his plans, consists of one actual hero and a big pile of Longbow. And I only find out about him because I stop to help some random person on my rampage through Oranbega? Even if he's just planning to rip my heart out instead of destroy civilization, that last one's still a bit of a problem.

Design - **. A custom group where the level range makes it made entirely of Mu Strikers, a final boss who's a paper tiger (seriously, the Warden gave me more problems), map choice that's pretty much the entirety of the "special Circle" maps but without much appreciation of how the maps actually play (the "Oranbega" map is just a giant tunnel run crampathon), and a 30-minute red-and-white armored wall of human flesh with the only notable element being one single vocal boss spawn.

Gameplay - **. Seriously, that mission on Thorn Isle is absolutely terrible. It made me want to stop playing the arc. The other missions are well enough in their own way, but if I was only doing this casually I would have jumped ship right then and there.

Detail - *. Checking Viv's description in the first mission, even though it wasn't even the same model as her final appearance, spoiled the plot of the whole affair for me.

Overall - *. Needs a story that doesn't have the heroes trying to put out a forest fire with an eyedropper, a custom enemy group which will never be composed entirely of Arachnos Mu at any level range, hostage/ally descriptions that make sense for the person they're supposed to be at the point in the plot they're supposed to be (the standard fortuneteller description is also out of place since I don't care about Paragon City), and a third mission that's anything but "defeat all Longbow on Thorn Isle".

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

Playing on a mid-40s DB/fire brute, diff 2 for real boss fights.

Amusing aside - viewed slightly off-kilter I parsed the contact as bare-chested with red suspenders.


Huh. The Circle may have a reputation for worshipping demons but in my experience they just go through the necessary motions to summon one.

Now Hellions, those guys definitely worship demons.

Hey mister? I don't know how long you've been down there but there's way more than one woman in Steel Canyon. Can I get a picture? A description? Ice sculpture, maybe?

I mean, the Longbow running around, half of them are women.

Okay, the guys chattering about Escalus, one of them says "on On Peregrine Island", and the other one talks about him going through Independence Port?

Le what?

Indy port is on the opposite side of the city from PI, check a tram station for a big city map. You might wanna give Helen a description that is not a spoiler for the rest of this arc. (at least now we know she falls into the "pure evil" bucket of the great dead/all-powerful/pure evil Summers Memorial Comic Book Wife Sorter)

I'm glad I got frustrated a couple arcs back, makes it easy to remember the little nook under the construction scaffolding where she actually ends up.


Yes, the Mu are treacherous monomaniacs, and there's a lot more people with Mu blood than make it into Arachnos.

But the Vaults of Mu are some crazy spiritual plane, a reverse run of the (also CoT special) Spirit City map. They're not what happens when the Mu settle in Oranbega.

Due to my level any variant groups you had in the custom don't actually spawn - I know I'm out of range for the midnighters. The result is wall to wall Super Strikers (at high levels they get more lightning powers), who don't so much chew away at my blue bar as swallow it whole.

Fortunately I have a little temp stealth saved up for a rainy day.

More fortunately the books I'm looking for are about halfway through the city itself.

Yes, yes, I've done very well, thank you demonically Liefeldian Mr. Grace.


Sweet Christmas, brother. You need to take some laughin' lessons from Vernon von Grun.

Hmm. It'd be interesting to have a mission that spit out endless waves of attackers that you'd beat when the timer hit zeroh wait that actually happens in Croatoa.

I suppose this is a good substitute.

Whoa whoa whoa. I have to wipe out all the Longbow on Thorn Isle in half an hour? That's not a very good prize!

Let me tell you how big Thorn Isle is. I spent the entire time at maximum rage, ended with 45 seconds still on the clock, and cleared 400 bonus tickets.

That is how big Thorn Isle is.

And that's without having to backtrack, just running right from one spawn to another! There's obstructing terrain and sheer drops all over Thorn Isle and the Longbow can fly, so all it would have taken was one runner and that would've been it. I would have carved my way through a wall of human flesh for half an hour solid and still failed the mission.

Maybe this would be a workable replacement: Escalus and N Longbow sorcery/excavation teams (boss spawns), where N is modestly small. After that they won't have the manpower to break through in time.


Uh... yay Rosemary's baby? Apparently I get to go off and have the Best Day Ever in the meanwhile.

Or not. My spree of destruction through Oranbega destroys no artifacts, disrupts no rituals, and steals no fenceable shinies. Instead I... help someone out of the goodness of my navbar. I mean heart.

Oh hey, I didn't know the missing fortune teller scaled so high. But... is she supposed to just have the missing fortune teller description? And shouldn't she stick around (ally not captive) instead of just bolting if she's going to discuss stuff with me?

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! You know, if this guy was gonna wreck the world you'd think they'd spare more than a mook squad of Longbow to take him out.


Um... description, I'm pretty sure she's not actually brainwashed here, or she'd be trying to kill me too. Though I guess there's something going on since she doesn't remember me, she's not exactly a pawn of the big man either.

The destroyer of worlds... isn't even an EB? Le what? The ambushes come out way too fast here, even with me dealing with them and claw-lady on whatever she feels like his HP just plummets like a stone.

Also he seems to open with Inferno, which would be a pretty big deal to some other guy without capped fire resist.

And after that I need to push a Warden down the giant stone stairs. Bit of an anticlimax... and for some reason the clue from him comes before the clue for springing Viv.


Storyline - *. Vivian being everything bad that happens to women in comics crammed into one little package aside, there's stuff I really don't buy here. The Circle is summoning this guy who wants to destroy the world - but they're actual people, or the spirits of same, and the world is where they keep all their stuff. The hero opposition to this guy, though they apparently know about him and his plans, consists of one actual hero and a big pile of Longbow. And I only find out about him because I stop to help some random person on my rampage through Oranbega? Even if he's just planning to rip my heart out instead of destroy civilization, that last one's still a bit of a problem.

Design - **. A custom group where the level range makes it made entirely of Mu Strikers, a final boss who's a paper tiger (seriously, the Warden gave me more problems), map choice that's pretty much the entirety of the "special Circle" maps but without much appreciation of how the maps actually play (the "Oranbega" map is just a giant tunnel run crampathon), and a 30-minute red-and-white armored wall of human flesh with the only notable element being one single vocal boss spawn.

Gameplay - **. Seriously, that mission on Thorn Isle is absolutely terrible. It made me want to stop playing the arc. The other missions are well enough in their own way, but if I was only doing this casually I would have jumped ship right then and there.

Detail - *. Checking Viv's description in the first mission, even though it wasn't even the same model as her final appearance, spoiled the plot of the whole affair for me.

Overall - *. Needs a story that doesn't have the heroes trying to put out a forest fire with an eyedropper, a custom enemy group which will never be composed entirely of Arachnos Mu at any level range, hostage/ally descriptions that make sense for the person they're supposed to be at the point in the plot they're supposed to be (the standard fortuneteller description is also out of place since I don't care about Paragon City), and a third mission that's anything but "defeat all Longbow on Thorn Isle".
My exact phrase is 'oh crap, that's not the arc I wrote'. Well it is, but is a very early draft, as I dropped the Thorn Isle during testing for exactly those reasons you state, and the last time I tried the arc it was the vills respec cave and I augmented the Mu with rogue Midnighters. Either I didn't hit save or I've done something very silly. That's going to bug me until I get home and I'm certainly sorry you had to play that, because it's not very good and you're going to come away thinking this guy has no idea what he's doing. Which I apparently don't...

As for the other points, what I was going for was a simple arc for any kind of play, without EBs and stuff, as an arc that could be played for fun to get through some of the lower levels and it may not have worked quite as well as intended.



Originally Posted by Escalus_EU View Post
My exact phrase is 'oh crap, that's not the arc I wrote'. Well it is, but is a very early draft (...)
Ouch. Here's a quick tip - if you want to use the test tools with a production arc, edit it and save it locally, you can run it in test mode then.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I've just submitted my newest arc, The Rikti Accession, to CoHMR and it should be up shortly. My other two arcs were among the first ones submitted to that site, but I'm particularly looking for feedback on this arc (Although you're certainly welcome to try the other two out if you like this one). Since you said you like reading everything, I'm certain that this arc will definitely appeal to you. Its information is in my signature.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Ouch. Here's a quick tip - if you want to use the test tools with a production arc, edit it and save it locally, you can run it in test mode then.
It's my own very stupid fault. This was a story I ported over from my second account, before we had the option to buy extra slots and the edits I made to it I made on live and not the saved local version. Didn't even think to save the current published version of that arc, and another, before I deleted them. My language last night was not for minors!

On the other hand it did give me a chance to fix some of the stuff in there that didn't work that I had kept, but is a lesson learned.



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post

Running on a high-40s brute who needs a couple bars. DB/Fire running on diff2 for actual bosses.


This really sounds more like Ouroboros material here. Especially since, uh, if this is so important, why keep it on ice for 7 years?

It makes sense if a time traveler recently intervened, though.

I’m getting kind of a cheeseball 80’s era vibe off the custom villains. Maybe because they’re led by the evil supercomputer from Captain Planet.

Really getting a cartoony vibe off this whole state of affairs, actually.


Hmm. Well, congratulations, you’ve got the second blue cave I’ve ever seen in all the Architect missions I’ve ever played.

…are there other lieuts than the dark miasma guy? I only seem to see him around.

You know, if the ALL was hoping this would never be found, you’d think someone in the mission would have said something to that effect.


Why does she want a book when the world is full of treasure? Why indeed, contact. Why indeed.

Man, if that’s not a line leading into a Very Special Episode I don’t know what is.

Liberty doesn’t have a “you lost me” text, which is nice to have on a map that’s slightly uneven like this outdoor one.

Fighting what looks to be a custom group that’s some DE mixed with a splash of Rularuu - are you using specific DE or the random spawner? If it’s specific DE, you should probably be using the random spawner because there are some DE (I noticed some Deathblossoms and Granites) who don’t give experience but still drop inspirations. Maybe they’re special trial spawns or something?

Anyway, the boss lady is a pretty nice fight — though if she had elec armor as her aura suggested the anti-knockback part of it didn’t seem to be working. But I have one suggestion for her powers. PLEASE drop Carrion Creepers. They stay up for a huge amount of time, even when the caster is dead, and never stop spawning little vines. I was five spawns away when I finally got the clue drop for her defeat.


Awwwww, not Red Atlas. Even though glowies are easy to find, bosses and allies like to hide in broken-walled chambers with smoke on top.

And the main enemy group is a bunch of high-level enemies, some of whom come from entirely different dimensions, thrown together for what the mission briefing as much as admits is no good reason.

Statesy, I know where the glowies are in Red Atlas, but just saying “near the building” doesn’t mean much. I’m surrounded by buildings! Some of them have fallen over! You can say “near the ruins of City Hall” and that’ll work out fine!

…oh, wait, this is modern-day Statesman jumped by these mooks? Not future implicitly-depowered Statesman? Last time anything held Statesman down it was an entire evil dimension.


So, last mission.

I really wish this custom group had another lieutenant. Stuff is packed so closely here that a hostage spawn has the very real possibility to put me up against more Fearsome Stares than I can carry Break Frees.

The stormer hostage is on the edge of a cliff. Because she’s running Hurricane even though she’s captured her guards are being blown down to the level below, and I have to act fast to wipe out the last one because his pathing back up only puts him not in range of Hurricane for about two seconds.

What can I say about the stormer? There are maps that ally stormers are good in. This is not one of them. Between the uncontrolled knockback and the sheer cliffs I wound up clearing out most of the valley even though absolutely no objectives were there, just because the stormer galed something down, all the allies chased it, and because of tornado/lightning storm/runners another group down below was alerted, and so on, and so on.

Her earth control primary doesn’t necessarily bring that crazy knockback under control.

Given how much the nav bar wanted me to find Statesman, I was expecting something broken like extreme inv/extreme SS from the last boss. His actual powerset, I didn’t really need Statesey to make much of a dent in his health bar.

Also, he gets flattened against the forcefield at the back of the graveyard by a gale in fine old Wile E. Coyote fashion.


Storyline - ***. And… that kinda encapsulates my feelings about the arc in general and its story in particular. I can’t take it seriously. But I don’t know if I’m supposed to. I would not be surprised at all to find that this is a bedtime story being told to Rose Jones, a 7-year old girl somewhere in Paragon City with a sparkly pink poster of Ms Liberty on her wall. It operates under its own brand of dream logic, which is the best way I can think of to explain MAL, an evil guy who sits around doing evil things and takes away the costume and swords from Rose Jones in the future so she’ll never grow up to be a superhero. (There’s a guy who’s got a hate on for Statesman and put together his own band of nefarious no-goodniks and born malcontents in order to hand him his big red butt in a sling. His name’s Lord Recluse. And even if MAL has himself a time machine, he feels a little less than menacing next to our unfriendly neighborhood spider-man.) But if I am just a bit part in a bedtime story, I’d like a contact who reflects that. Princess Bride-style, maybe?

Design - **. The lack of a second lieutenant in the custom group leads to waaaaayyyyy too much incoming fear. Most of the maps are pretty quiet as far as dialogue is concerned - the patrols don’t talk, and even allies don’t speak up when they get separated from you. And acknowledging that the future group is just a random mishmash doesn’t really make it any less a random mishmash. Here’s an idea for free - in the future there isn’t any native life on this Earth. Visitors come to scavenge from other dimensions - the Rikti and Axis America and Praetorians and Rularuu and Psychic Clockwork and another dimension’s Nemesis - but generally they don’t fight because there’s way more planet than any one group can salvage from.

Gameplay - ***. Pretty much down to the stormer adding 10 minutes of clearing in the valley by galing somebody off the edge and everyone chasing. Twice.

Detail - **. The smallest mook in MAL’s army of evil has a longer bio than MAL himself. That just ain’t right. Minions get a couple lines, the master has a history. A lot of the interactible objects are missing interrupt and completion text - the portal in the outdoor map has an empty interact bar. And Ms. Liberty flips back and forth between earnestly begging for my help in the pre-mission and snapping at me for not having finished yet when I bug her. It got to the point where I wondered if I was doing something nefarious for a villain wearing a clever disguise.

Overall - **. A simple story that really needs a better framing device, and some tweaks to make a more evenly weighted custom group and a less frustrating final mission.

Hello, I am not sure if you have an official policy on this, but I would like formally ask that you re-review my arc.

I have made many changes based on suggestions that you and others have made, and I hope the arc is better because of it.

Honestly of all the reviews I have received, many of which were filled with criticism, yours was the only one that upset me. The reason is this. I was so pleased by the fact that you broke your ratings down to categories. To me this meant that you could potentially 1 star the story and 5 star the rest. This lead me to believe you would separate your personal liking of a story from the other parts that you rate.

Based on this assumption your review both baffled and disappointed me. You gave me a 2 stars on detail. NEVER in my life have I ever been accused of lacking detail. In fact just the opposite. I am way too verbose. No one I ask can understand why you gave 2 stars on details. I understand your point about MAL's bio being short but in fact even that criticism had a contradiction because you stated "The smallest mook in MAL’s army of evil has a longer bio than MAL himself". The small mooks bios are in fact detail. I was having and am still having lots of space issues. Details on MAL were in a mission 5 pop-up. Perhaps you missed that. Based on your criticism, I moved it into his bio.

I was also baffled by your final rating of 2 stars. Because, the numbers you gave averaged to 2.5. In your thread intro you said that in these situations you round up or down based on your gut feel. In your review you said "Storyline - ***. And… that kinda encapsulates my feelings about the arc in general". If 3 encapsulates your feelings in general, why did you 2 star the arc?

Please re-review and give me some insight. Thanks

@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



Originally Posted by ArrowRose View Post
Hello, I am not sure if you have an official policy on this, but I would like formally ask that you re-review my arc.
Good enough. Probably toss Esc's back into the hopper too.

This lead me to believe you would separate your personal liking of a story from the other parts that you rate.
No, it leaks through everywhere. If I don't like the story I'm liable to be more ticked off at the gameplay, less forgiving of various missing pieces of detail, and more infuriated at vagaries of design.

Of course, it goes the other way, too. Inconsistent detail, frustrating gameplay, and bad design can weaken an otherwise good story.

You gave me a 2 stars on detail. NEVER in my life have I ever been accused of lacking detail.
I explained this up thread. You even replied to it. It's not just a measure of how much is there, but the effect it has on the overall experience. I've given two people one star for detail, not because they facemashed their keyboard to write things, but because I checked somebody's description in the first mission and spoiled myself accidentally on the whole rest of the arc.

I was also baffled by your final rating of 2 stars. Because, the numbers you gave averaged to 2.5. (...) In your review you said "Storyline - ***. And… that kinda encapsulates my feelings about the arc in general". If 3 encapsulates your feelings in general, why did you 2 star the arc?
Ah. That was actually a tie-in to the final comment above the dotted line. Seeing the end boss plastered against the war wall by a gale, like some kind of goofy cartoon character. It is how I felt about the storyline - I couldn't take it seriously, which is kinda a problem when I'm staring Agony Hall / Red Atlas right in the face.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by Apollinaris View Post
If you would, I would love to see a review of Redoubt Operations #1 and #2 found in their feedback thread.
Well, it's nice that you've got stuff about it on Youtube and elsewhere, but I generally don't review things in this thread that aren't listed on Like it says in the first post?

So tonight's arc is The Rikti Accession (278757). Verdict - ***. Review lower in this thread.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I believe I also mentioned that I had updated my arc Ctrl + Alt + Reset! 137561 and I also have updated Matchstick Women #3369 wouldn't mind seeing these get tossed into the mix in lieu of a random arc. They rated 4s previously, but I see that as room for improvement.




Running this on a merc/TA mastermind, diff 3 because swarms are a problem and I want to see real bosses.


Ah, the Mark III. About dang time.

Oh boy, it's thoughtcrime! Time to get all Ministry of Peace on these guys. ...although when I bug C'Kelkah I get the sudden image of a Freak with a psi amplifier trolling the Rikti internet.

Short little base later, we find him. The lighting in here's pretty awful and it looks like this dude is pretty dark anyway, so I can't really make him out. But he looks Riktoid. And apparently he's the next step in Rikti evolution?

Eh, whatever, let's see what CK has to CSay.

Pff. You know how Positron goes all cat-stance? Or used to, anyway? Outside the mission CK is doing Captured (Energy Field). Pretty funny.

Hmm. Wait a second. Meta-humans? The Rikti should have guys like that, they just cut off the Magic power source to amp the progress of Science. Mutant should still be sticking around.


...and the Rikti are humans. It doesn't make much sense to say "a mix of Rikti and humans", CK. But okay, let's go grab a nerd for ya.

Well, this is interesting. The base defenses and Vanguard patrols manage to accomplish the mission by the time I load in and get my guys summoned up.

Not really complaining, but that's a risk you take with these types of maps. This one especially.

I roam around anyway, trying to get a feel for the enemy group. All the bios start out with the same information CK already told me. It's only at the end they actually get a bit different. Maybe just make that their whole thing?

Also according to CK they're quite, quite insane and may drive all the Rikti down with them.


Hmm. Proper Rikti values, huh? Usually whenever somebody says something like that it's cover to do something terrible.

Eh, whatever.

Wow, a couple of bosses in the first room. Another heretic from the first mission and a recolored (?) magus.

Oh, so this isn't the mothership abandoned lab ...and apparently the Restructurists were cribbing.

Your thoughts, CK? wait. There was actually a "meta-Rikti" before the Rikti even came over here. But CK said they were made by fusing metahuman DNA.


Okay, wreck everything. I can wreck pretty well.

Explosive crates but no canisters. I guess I'm disposing of them more discreetly?

Because of the vagaries of mapping I find an unescorted Meta in the last room I check. Thank goodness for Reveal or I'd have overlooked it forever.

Anyway, H-Dotz is in a room without even any obstacles in it, which is kind of a pain if you want to fight him for the tickets.

Huh. Okay, dude from mission 2 wants to wreck everyone.


Well well. Choice is up for me. Let's see here. Well, I'll try to contain him. Don't know how well it'll work. The insano factor here is more from these guys being turbonically grown than anything innate.

I take advantage of the confusion to slip through the battles. know, I guess it's because Vangaurd are just kinda wrecking machines but they're really getting the better of those new Rikti.

Rhodes should probably make to bolt a little earlier than 25% health. He barely had the chance to get up from a little knockdown my mercs threw at him before he passed out. Either that or give him a defense set in addition to MA or AR.

Interesting conceit with the souvenir's mandatory ambiguity, I'll give you that.


Storyline - ***. Mission 3 pretty much sums up my biggest objections to the meta-Rikti. Or really the first room of same. I wrecked the meta-boss just fine but the Rikti Magus wrecked me. And then there was the reveal at the end that contradicted what CK had to say about the metas. It's like... the Restructs were trying to make some kind of superior troop, but the Rikti are already top-tier and I didn't feel the customs were any more threatening, and H-Dotz was risking sending his own troops insane in the process. Also CK's all up about a ritual to destroy the meta's mental network and everyone connected to it, but isn't that most of the Rikti on both sides?

Design - ***. I don't know if it was the lighting in their missions, but most of the metas just looked like black, vaguely man-shaped blobs with glowing eyes. They need more contrast and more bright colors. Also mission 2 needs to be on a different map or something so it doesn't complete itself in a few minutes.

Gameplay - ****. The usual little frustrations, missing a room in the big Rikti base, not actually getting to participate in one of the missions, that sort of thing.

Detail - ****. Generally good stuff, though that whole affair with the box feels a bit kludgy. I mean, it's not like CK will say anything different if she knows he's asked me to spare him. Wouldn't he beg for his life on the same grounds within the mission anyway?

Overall - ***. The somewhat confused story brings this one down. There are about three separate contradictory explanations for what the metas are, how they're created, and how their mental comm-net affects the Rikti.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Well, thank you for running my arc. While I disagree with a few of your criticisms, you still made a number of points worth addressing, which I will now do to the best of my ability.

Hmm. Wait a second. Meta-humans? The Rikti should have guys like that, they just cut off the Magic power source to amp the progress of Science. Mutant should still be sticking around.
If the Rikti did have them, I imagine we would have seen them by now. After all, they threw just about everything else at us during the War. Why not their own meta-Rikti? My assumption is that generations of being exposed to the mutagen eventually made most Rikti biologically similar (After all, males and female Rikti look identical), with metas disappearing as a result.

The only Rikti that we've seen with what would be considered super powers besides the Magi would be Dra'Gon, who was a human converted during the War who probably retained his powers similar to Pyriss in the Devouring Earth. Guardians and Priests are also pretty close but it seems that their powers likely have technological roots.


...and the Rikti are humans. It doesn't make much sense to say "a mix of Rikti and humans", CK. But okay, let's go grab a nerd for ya.
I suppose that could have been worded better, but I was already extremely short on space. The idea is that the meta-Rikti share physical characteristics of both humans and Rikti. The two species may be biologically similar but they look quite different.

Well, this is interesting. The base defenses and Vanguard patrols manage to accomplish the mission by the time I load in and get my guys summoned up.

Not really complaining, but that's a risk you take with these types of maps. This one especially.
Yeah, this map seems to be the one that causes the most trouble for people. I'm considering replacing it with the other Vanguard base map, which tends to spawn the objectives further away from the defenses. The fact that every single Vanguard in that map yells something that you can't control discourages me from using it, though. I really don't want to take this one indoors, since we don't have any map that would work for a convincing Vanguard interior.

I roam around anyway, trying to get a feel for the enemy group. All the bios start out with the same information CK already told me. It's only at the end they actually get a bit different. Maybe just make that their whole thing?
I was considering that but decided against it because it didn't flow right in my mind. I guess I'm a little crazy like that.


Wow, a couple of bosses in the first room. Another heretic from the first mission and a recolored (?) magus.
Yes, he's recolored. I actually recolored all the regular Rikti on the map so that most of them had similar colors to the meta-Rikti.

Quote: wait. There was actually a "meta-Rikti" before the Rikti even came over here. But CK said they were made by fusing metahuman DNA.
Yes, that's how the Restructurists created their versions of the meta-Rikti. Tk'Lankah, however, was created using a different method that the Restructurists can only attempt to duplicate the end results of by using meta-human DNA. After all, she was intended to be created for something entirely different. It's because of this difference that she is spared from Rhodes' ritual should you allow him to go through with it.


Rhodes should probably make to bolt a little earlier than 25% health. He barely had the chance to get up from a little knockdown my mercs threw at him before he passed out. Either that or give him a defense set in addition to MA or AR.
The thing is that I didn't actually want Rhodes to be that tough, since I wanted the player to have complete control whether he runs or is defeated. Making him much tougher or running much sooner would possibly make people unable to catch him. It's not much of a decision if the choice is made for you, after all.


Storyline - ***. Mission 3 pretty much sums up my biggest objections to the meta-Rikti. Or really the first room of same. I wrecked the meta-boss just fine but the Rikti Magus wrecked me. And then there was the reveal at the end that contradicted what CK had to say about the metas. It's like... the Restructs were trying to make some kind of superior troop, but the Rikti are already top-tier and I didn't feel the customs were any more threatening, and H-Dotz was risking sending his own troops insane in the process. Also CK's all up about a ritual to destroy the meta's mental network and everyone connected to it, but isn't that most of the Rikti on both sides?
Regarding the power of the metas, the bio of the Gammakineticists and the dialogue from the Restructurist scientist in mission 2 hint that this is merely the first stage of the meta-Rikti project. They may not be more powerful than the Magi now, but they will eventually grow stronger. Gameplay wise, I wanted to keep the arc accessible to people of varying skill sets. I used to have the Amplifiers (Sonic users) as minions, for instance, but all the stacking -res isn't very fun.

As for the Hro making his troops insane, he probably was unaware of that particular facet going into the project. If he knows about it now, he probably is egotistical enough to think he can find a way to prevent it from happening.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say regarding the ritual. Only the newly-created meta-Rikti are in the meta-Rikti mental network, so only they'd be affected. The meta-Rikti are, however, connected to the regular Rikti mental network as well but that network is unaffected by the ritual.

Design - ***. I don't know if it was the lighting in their missions, but most of the metas just looked like black, vaguely man-shaped blobs with glowing eyes. They need more contrast and more bright colors. Also mission 2 needs to be on a different map or something so it doesn't complete itself in a few minutes.
There's not much I can do about the lighting in the missions, but I suppose I can slightly brighten the colors of the meta-Rikti. I personally never had much trouble discerning which colors the meta-Rikti had but a little more brightness wouldn't hurt.

I will look at mission 2. It's been ruining a number of playthroughs now with that map.

Detail - ****. Generally good stuff, though that whole affair with the box feels a bit kludgy. I mean, it's not like CK will say anything different if she knows he's asked me to spare him. Wouldn't he beg for his life on the same grounds within the mission anyway?
I'll admit the box is a little contrived. However, I think that C'Kelkah actually would say something different if she knew you were offered such a thing. For one thing, if you let him go, she'd know that you obviously went along with his plan and I imagine your career in Vanguard would be over right then and there for possibly destablizing relationships with the Traditionalists.

You do have a good point about him possibly begging for you to spare him instead of offering to let you in on the plan. However, I wanted to present his point of view a bit more clearly and let the player know of the decision ahead of time and this was the best way I could think of.

Overall - ***. The somewhat confused story brings this one down. There are about three separate contradictory explanations for what the metas are, how they're created, and how their mental comm-net affects the Rikti.
I don't personally think there's anything particularly contradictory about the metas... Let's see:

The first meta-Rikti is Tk'Lankah, who was created on accident by her unnamed father. He was attempting to create a Rikti that skips the human stage of development and is born a Rikti but ended up with her instead. The Restructurists used her DNA template to create their own meta-Rikti, presumably using meta-human DNA to substitute whatever they couldn't duplicate from her template (This part was never said in the arc but I'm not sure where I could add it. It sounds like I should, though, to clear this up).

Finally, the meta-Rikti are a part of two mental networks: The overall Rikti one and their own smaller one. Their involvement in the former is what makes C'Kelkah afraid their insanity will corrupt the rest of the Rikti while the latter is what allows Rhodes to target them all at once.

I hope that cleared some things up.

Thank you for playing this arc. Your run is the first real negative review I've gotten for it so I apologize if I seemed overly defensive or anything like that. I guess it's a little unrealistic to expect everyone to like the arc. Still, you brought up a number of good points and although I can't fix everything that you mention, I can still improve the arc from it regardless. Maybe you can take a second look in the future when you have the time.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
I explained this up thread. You even replied to it. It's not just a measure of how much is there, but the effect it has on the overall experience. I've given two people one star for detail, not because they facemashed their keyboard to write things, but because I checked somebody's description in the first mission and spoiled myself accidentally on the whole rest of the arc..
I completely understand why you didn't give a 5 star on detail. Your point on the Boss bio was very valid, and based on your input, I moved detail on him from a clue to his bio. It's just on a scale of 1-5 I don't get a 2, as he did have a bio.

As an aside, I just played Venture's top arc from the rotten COH thread. One of his main bosses had an extremely short bio, shorter than many of his minions and personally I would have given him a 5 on detail.

At any rate your input was very valuable, in that most people probably missed the detail I had in the mission begin clue, so it is much better to have it in the bio.

I was maxed out on space and each time I reloaded customs it seemed to take me over the top and this is why the detail on him was not where it really belonged. I think I now sit at 99.8 space usage.

Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Ah. That was actually a tie-in to the final comment above the dotted line. Seeing the end boss plastered against the war wall by a gale, like some kind of goofy cartoon character. It is how I felt about the storyline - I couldn't take it seriously, which is kinda a problem when I'm staring Agony Hall / Red Atlas right in the face.
Before you replay, you should know the intent of the arc is lighthearted fun, so I don't really want the player to take it too seriously. Since you played it, I added a warning that the arc may contain some humor to the summary displayed before you play.

Also a word on the allies. I made them all fight defensively so that don't go "Lady Jane" and cause random aggro. However, Liberty Rose and Statesman are still "overpowered". If either was defeated, it would ruin the spirit of the arc.

I realize that many want to feel important and don't care for overpowered allies. Is there any wording that I could put in the mission overview to briefly convey allies are there only if you need them? I am not the most amazing player and on setting one I can solo my arc without them, though some ATs I play, give me more trouble than others.

If you replay and give me additional feedback, I would love it.


@Gypsy Rose

In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest



Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
Well, it's nice that you've got stuff about it on Youtube and elsewhere, but I generally don't review things in this thread that aren't listed on Like it says in the first post?
Whoops. When you said "Post in CoHMR" in the first post I thought you meant this thread. Guess I should have put together the acronym and the link at the top together. Guess I better do something about that.