The Loss of a Fellow Hero




Over the past 6 months I have never had much time to play. My schedule with work and school had me all over the place, spending only a few short hours at home before rushing out the door again. When I did have time for anything, I'd usually spend it working on different local bands I manage. Booking, stage set up, travel. I haven't been as heroic. One of my band members invited me home to meet his family. There I met his brother, Quinten. Q had such a great personality, but was stuck in his house all day and all night fighting cancer. I decided, since I hadn't played as much, to offer him my CoH account and allow him to play freely, either on my characters or his own. He fell in love with the game as hard as I did in the early summer of 2004, and often told me being a hero gave him more reason to fight. His goal in CoH was to get a level 50 and fight in one of the Hami Raids I'd told him so much about.

On Tuesday, May 19th, I got the call that Quinten had lost his long battle to cancer. I've taken a couple weeks off and spent time with the family, mourning, talking of good times he'd had playing baseball as a kid, running, learning to play the bass guitar and forming a great band with his brother.

He never did get to have a level 50 and never got to see Hamidon, therefore I decided a much needed vacation is at hand. I'm going to, very soon, take another long needed week off from work, where i will spend that time getting the character he'd always talked about creating to level 50 and leading a raid with it. After only a few months of knowing him, that is the only justice I can think of to give him.

Hug your families tonight. Spend every moment you can making sure they realize how much you love them. God Bless.




Speaking as a man who has (for now) beaten kidney cancer, it is sad to hear this kind of news. I am sorry for your loss. If you need assistance in your task, please call upon me.





My sincere condolences for your loss, Xisha. Your message hit home to me, because my father was diagnosed a couple months ago with lymphoma. It was found to not be Hodgkin's, and he's in his first round and month of chemo. They say he'll likely kick it in the teeth with this round, but it will never go away. Eventually, it will come back. Adding on the fact that he's had Parkinson's for 5+ years, and my father has had it really rough.

My Dad is my hero, always has been. I know I'll lose him some day, but it doesn't stop me from doing everything I can to love him and help him through tough times.

In the end, that's all we can do, right?

Xisha, if you want some help getting Q's hero to 50, and going on a Hami raid afterwards, I am there for you. Send me a global friend invite (@Raven Lord) and I'll help anytime I'm on.


Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



I am sorry to hear about your friend's death, Xisha. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Sorry Elfy, Death sucks. . love ya, you're on of the people I've know longest on this game. I'll help with raid if i can. ----Philly



Sorry Elfy, Death sucks. . love ya, you're on of the people I've know longest on this game. I'll help with raid if i can. ----Philly

[/ QUOTE ]

What Philly said.

Nothing anyone can say to make it better.

Sorry to hear this

Whiteseeker, Stitch Whitewolf



Help if I'm able.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG




Sad to hear that Xisha. If I can help in someway, let me know.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Keep the memories of your friend close to your heart, Xisha. If you need help getting to 50 or on the Hami Raid, let me know. I don't normally play heroes but I have 2 50s available.



If you need help leveling that toon I'm there. I have a bunch of brutes/corrs/tanks to assist. Global is @Massimo-



This flat out, in no uncertain terms, sucks Xisha.

If there's any way i can help, let me know and I'm there.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web




That story is both sad and happy at the same time. So sad for the loss of a new found friend. It's happy because you introduced him to something that gave him a little "joy and fun" while he fought the biggest enemy of all.

Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.

Vixen defined by
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.



I did the same thing for a friend as well Xisha... my tank Bub J Simps is in memory of a dear friend, and I would be honoured to tank for you, should you need any assistance.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



It's always heart-wrenching to learn of personal loss like this in a person's life but the best thing you can do for yourself and them is to remember all the good things you shared with them in the time you had. In that way you can keep a part of them alive in yourself. My heartfelt condolences to you Xisha, if I spent more time in game I would offer my services to you as these others have but lately it seems I don't usually have enough time to comb my own hair anymore. If you do see me on though feel free to ask and if I can I will be most happy to assist you in game however I best can.



My condolences to you Xisha. I know how it feels to lose a hero.

I got the unfortunate news a month and a half ago as I was in Kuwait getting ready to board a plane to come home for a couple weeks of R&R from the 'Stan that my grandfather had passed away at the age of 94. Granted, he had lived a very long, and very rich life, but it was still something of a shock to me. He had been going through some tough medical times in the previous couple weeks, so we kind of knew it was going to happen sooner than later. Selfishly I wanted him to make it though at least until the end of my deployment here so that I could see him one more time and maybe swap some "war stories" as only veterans can do seeing as how he was a WWII vet and I'm a GWOT vet. The hardest part is that I wasn't able to make it back in time for the funeral due to all the traveling I had to do just to get back to my final destination.

Unfortunately the people we care about in our lives always leave us before we're ready for them to go. Like your friend, my grandfather was one of my heroes, and I still miss him every day.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



This post may be late, but it's the thought that counts. My deepest sympathies for you and your friend's family. I would be honored to help you achieve your goal if you haven't yet done so. Keep fighting the good fight!



My condolences Xisha, much support and love to you and to his fam.

As many have said before me, I'll help in anyway I can, contact deets are in my sig, be it stretchin' you ta 50 or kickin' Hami in the testicle

May Q always be remembered.



Originally Posted by Xisha View Post
Over the past 6 months I have never had much time to play. My schedule with work and school had me all over the place, spending only a few short hours at home before rushing out the door again. When I did have time for anything, I'd usually spend it working on different local bands I manage. Booking, stage set up, travel. I haven't been as heroic. One of my band members invited me home to meet his family. There I met his brother, Quinten. Q had such a great personality, but was stuck in his house all day and all night fighting cancer. I decided, since I hadn't played as much, to offer him my CoH account and allow him to play freely, either on my characters or his own. He fell in love with the game as hard as I did in the early summer of 2004, and often told me being a hero gave him more reason to fight. His goal in CoH was to get a level 50 and fight in one of the Hami Raids I'd told him so much about.
My grandmother had breast cancer, so i know a little bit about this. I took her a few times to her chemo and/or rad therapy. She went into remission for a few years, till it came back and ultimately finished it's job. /em cries

Originally Posted by Xisha View Post
On Tuesday, May 19th, I got the call that Quinten had lost his long battle to cancer. I've taken a couple weeks off and spent time with the family, mourning, talking of good times he'd had playing baseball as a kid, running, learning to play the bass guitar and forming a great band with his brother.
BTDT, i'm so sorry about your friend. /em cries

Originally Posted by Xisha View Post
He never did get to have a level 50 and never got to see Hamidon, therefore I decided a much needed vacation is at hand. I'm going to, very soon, take another long needed week off from work, where i will spend that time getting the character he'd always talked about creating to level 50 and leading a raid with it. After only a few months of knowing him, that is the only justice I can think of to give him.
I've wanting to lead or help lead a successful Hami Raid for about 2 months now. I would love to lead a taunt team, scrapper team, or troller team whatever you need. Lemme know when the raid will be, and i'll be there. Contact me at @Lil ole Me.

Originally Posted by Xisha View Post
Hug your families tonight. Spend every moment you can making sure they realize how much you love them. God Bless.




Deepest condolences, and sympathy.

I would be proud to lend a hand or to help you smack the Hamidon. Just call on me. I'll bring Guards runnin'.

I honor your tribute.




Better late than never.

I am sorry to hear about your friend's death, Xisha. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.

I have several various level toons that would be honored to help in anyway I can.

My globals are @Outlaw and @LizzyRose.