Fire Primary: Temporature Protection
Hi there, well TP is basically overkill for fire resistance, though a recent buff gave it 20% movement reduction protection.
But you're better off waiting to pick that up (if at all, I've never taken it on any build, and never missed it) later in your build.
Not knowing what your build or secondary is, you should take Hasten (out of the choices provided), the Fitness pool, the Fighting pool, and the Leaping pool.
When you get high enough, Pyre epics offer some great ranged damage to flesh out your tank.
If you post your build you'll get some more helpful suggestions, if you need them. Have fun. =)
edit, couple links that might help @ @
Tanker Fun

thanks AceMace... I love that animation under your name it's really hilarious how Recluse's eyes bug out. lmao!
Anyway back to the issue at hand the build is a Fire/Dark Tank. I thought of going for a build I don't see too often and do something original.
Primary: Fiery Aura - I'm planning on picking up everything except temperature protection. Which leads to the original question of the post: What should go in it's place?
Secondary: Dark Melee - I'm grabbing everything out of this pool. I like the sound of everything in the pool. Except maybe fear... only because it doesn't effect several enemies at once. I was thinking if I didn't go for fear, Temperature Protection and left out something else; I could work up to invoke panic and the other fear ability that is under the Intimidate pool. This would more than make up for the singular Fear power under Dark Melee... But then I would have to give up something else that I already like.
Alt. Power Pool Sets: Flight - seeing as how the Fiery Aura pool doesn't have any type of Knock back resistance it seems. The Hover ability under Flight provides me the knock back resistance I need without having to go for Leaping just to get Acrobatics and end up dropping another power for it. The only hiccup I slightly have is cutting off hover for a couple of seconds to activate Burn, then reactivate Hover again... but the damage from Burn coupled with my taunt keeps enemies running around instead of attacking while my team mates and the fire kills them.
I opted out the idea of Fitness for this build because I have alot of health and endurance management going on from both the primary and secondary power sets. Healing Flames, Consume, Siphon Life, and Dark Consumption. Anything these can't do... inspirations and my team I believe will be able to make up for.
Also, the amount of damage and stacked damage buffs from Fiery Embrace and Soul Drain will also add to Burn, Blazing Aura, and Shadow Maul (along with any Fiery Epic powers I pick up at level 41 to 50).
Tried to give as much detail as possible about the build without being too detailed boring.
Hope this helps. Thank You.
I said Intimidate Pool in the Dark Melee paragraph. I meant to say the "Presence" power pool.
Primary: Fiery Aura - I'm planning on picking up everything except temperature protection. Which leads to the original question of the post: What should go in it's place?
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Tough? Fire armor just feels a bit squishy to me.
(Translation: *I* took Tough.)
Alt. Power Pool Sets: Flight - seeing as how the Fiery Aura pool doesn't have any type of Knock back resistance it seems. The Hover ability under Flight provides me the knock back resistance I need without having to go for Leaping just to get Acrobatics and end up dropping another power for it.
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Please note that Hover *USED TO* give a good defense against knockback. This was considered as BROKEN and was FIXED. If you take knockback while hovering, you will be unable to attack for the same duration as if you were standing on the ground.
My suggestion: skip both of those and get a -knockback IO. True, it's only Mag 4, but that's not bad at all. I don't get knocked around much except when a Fake Nemesis uses his Staff, or I take an alpha from something like Council with a lot of grenades. And you can always slot more than one. I actually bought two, but slotted one at first and decided that was fine. Be patient at the market and you can get them at a reasonable price (reasonable = I never paid more than 5 million for one and I've bought quite a few). They're also reasonable with merits - I think 125.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Hasten. Easy choice if you ask me.
Yea... the more I thought about it. Hasten started to seem more and more like the thing to go with.
I'm using Hover to me and it really doesn't seem to take as long to cycle another power as it was taking when I don't use hover. For Example: With Hover... I do a flip and keep on going. W/out Hover... I might fall flat on my back, get up and continue fighting at the same rate. unfortunately that's not the case when w/out Hover I get knocked on the other side of the room into another mob or down off a balcony or ledge. In the latter cases Hover has helped tremendously in me keeping my position with the mob pretty steady.
I'll definitely look into the -knockback IO's for sure though. It's just so annoying to me that a "tank" is being knocked back. but I guess Fiery armor has to have a downside/balance considering the damage output it has just from the fiery armor (aura, consume, burn) alone. unlike the other armors that down have that much damage output I don't think, just from the armor. At least I can't be slept lol.
Thanks for all the help guys. It's all helpful
Hover wont allow you to lay Burn down, that's why most fire tanks take combat jumping/super jump and acrobatics, which gives knockback protection to virtually everything in the game.
IO's will do the same thing (acro), but they're costly, and if you're a new player it may be more then you can afford.
Anyway, have fun burning things on your tank. =)

Big fan of Tough on a Fire primary. It immediately improved the feel whenever I've taken it.
That siad, Hasten will help a ton with your recharging heal and the nice Dark effects. If you could work both in, even at the cost of not investing a lot in an epic pool, I think it would be worth it.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
If you can fit it Temp Protection is a a nice debuff resist. It also stacks well with the other +20% speed debuff resist IO's out there.
If you were a lower level I would suggest picking it up early as it help in the pre-SO days. Frostfire is a bit easier if you have the extra Resistance.
yea... all great ideas. Like 'em all.
yea I can't use hover and burn at the same time so I have to cut off hover for about a sec, activate burn and switch on hover. lol its kinda funny cause there seems to be a loop-hole in the game so far that when done fast enough (probably especially with a key bind) the foes still don't knock you back cause they have to wait until that turn for the hover which is already set to start again is cleared. At least that's what i've noticed so far. lol but there is always that possible millisecond chance where a knock back gets squeezed inbetween the commands to knock me down, but it hasn't happened yet. :P (but this combo is definitely more high maintenance for hasten, than it would be with acrobatics and leaping).
I didn't want to try leaping as a travel power cause I thought I would have to go with an extra slot for acrobatics, but now that I think about it... acrobatics wouldn't have made me lose an extra slot, I just would've been able to use the Temperature Protection's spot for acrobatics.
Right now I'm trying out how hasten will effect the game play. If its really not doing what I need, I'll use one of my Veteran respecs for the Leaping pool acrobatics power.
I'd really consider Touch of Fear for your Tank. Taking a peek at it in Mid's, with 1 SO each of Recharge and Fear duration (slot for Accuracy to taste) you get a 6sec recharge and a 29 second duration. Not to mention a 10.5% to-hit debuff. I know on my Dark / Regen Scrapper, I waited until the late 30's to take it (and I'm sure the Elder Scrappers are sending someone to kill me now) and regretted it so much after finally taking it. I know Regen and Fire are two completely different beasts but Fire is a Resistance set and I can't see it not benefiting from the extra mitigation. Plus, it's so awesome to get this stacked on an EB and just watch them cower - cower - cower - whiff - cower..
Hover doesn't give any KB Mitigation anymore.
man Ryu... are you trying to just completely ruin my day? lol
So what good is hover then if it gives no KB mitigation. its just a slow travel power that you can fight with I guess.
Although, if you look at Hover it still says that it takes Defensive sets although the only one Defense set I see that gives knockback protection is Karma. unfortunately it just causes 4 points of knockback resistance. whatever that is.
besides motion this makes hover useless. is this the nerfing of a power to the point of uselessness. I guess hover is still fun from an RP point of view. Cause we all know that moving doesn't have an effect on defensive percentages in the game VS. standing still defensive percentages
(sheesh, I swear it's harder to hit disoriented NPC sometimes, than it is when he's completely coherent, unlike when I'm disoriented... it seems my defenses go right out the window lol)
I'm starting to see that hasten isn't really doing me all that good right now. my set bonuses and my IO's are letting all my powers recharge pretty fast. Hasten almost seems to wear on my power endurance more than necessary. Although I'm going to have to do some soloing and teaming to know for sure and especially when I get to 35, 36 and 44, 45 I can really see how its panning out.
I may have to respec to Leaping and Acrobatics anyhow if it becomes unneeded or a hinderance.
oh yea,... much smiles and thanks for the continued advice and recommendations
Although, if you look at Hover it still says that it takes Defensive sets although the only one Defense set I see that gives knockback protection is Karma. unfortunately it just causes 4 points of knockback resistance. whatever that is.
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It's a measure of knockback power, just like holds have magnitude.
Acrobatics gives 9 points of resistance, of which I think two are enhanceable.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Hover doesn't give any KB Mitigation anymore.
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Not quite true.
Hover essentially turns KB into KD, keeping you in place. It can be helpful.
Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.
IMO Rise of the Phoenix is a waste of time on a Fire Tank, but there are hundreds of threads you can dig up to see that debate. I took temp protection for the slow resist because after taking tough, it just seemed like slow was the only annoyance to my tank.
I also picked up the IO that came out during the winter event that offers up some additional slow resist and put that in one of my travels. My 2ndary is SS so I am also using the knockback set that grants 3 points of KB protection in a couple of powers so I can phase out acrobatics.
Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...
I'm at level 30 and was wondering if I should finally take temperature protection. I was reading on the forums before and someone mentioned that Temperature Protection was a power that could be skipped for something better. but I'm wondering what is better.
Level 32 will be reserved for Rise of the Phoenix and level's 35 and 38 will be 4 my 2ndary powers.
Will I just be better off with Temperature Protection or is there something in the Power Pool area in the 1st two slots that will be useful in the long run?
I've thought about tp friend, tp foe, provoke, maneuvers, kick, stealth, or hasten. idk.
What would you guys suggest? Thank You.