



Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?

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No way, they did it because a keyboard is more versatile than a controller. Simple as that and it doesn't take a person in beta to know that.

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Aside from the fact that i know absolutly nothing about the game? I saw one video and that's it... =P

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



-coughs- I wont say much else. But yes Xplay has done videos on it and they have videos on youtube as it is.



I've been playing the CO beta for a while now. Think Fable. If you liked Fable game play and thought "this should be an MMO" then i've got a pleasant surprise for you.



It's not as friendly as Fable. But to some degree it's similar I suppose. With Fables scheme they could of probably supported more powers.




Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.

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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.

Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*

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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7.

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Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?

In CoH, you're forced to make alt if you want to test a fire hero after playing your ice one. If CO allow full customization and mix-matching of powers, wouldn't give as much powers as you want eliminate the use of alts?

Sure a few people would still make them for RP, names and costumes....but all the "pure gamers" would make 2-3 max then be done with it...

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i...don't quite follow, could you i get clarification on your point? although i heard and though the 7 slots thing was to emphasize build roles....




Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.

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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.

Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*

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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7.

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Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?

In CoH, you're forced to make alt if you want to test a fire hero after playing your ice one. If CO allow full customization and mix-matching of powers, wouldn't give as much powers as you want eliminate the use of alts?

Sure a few people would still make them for RP, names and costumes....but all the "pure gamers" would make 2-3 max then be done with it...

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i...don't quite follow, could you i get clarification on your point? although i heard and though the 7 slots thing was to emphasize build roles....

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I'll give it a try with an exemple from CoH.

Let's say in CO, you make a ranged fire character. With another build, it's a sword melee character. In the other, it's a buffer/debuffer with minor ice ranged attacks. Then in the last build, you make a tanker with a shield.

In CoH, you'd have to play 4 different character, and level them all one by one. To reach 50 with all of them, for a new player that doesnt do any alt.... that's at least 3-4 months.

But in CO, it's just one character you have to level. Sure even after 50, you'll play more that character then any in CoH thanks to the multiple build, but that would still be about 2 months.

Basically, you eliminate the "grind" part almost completly, even more then CoH. And if there's no grinding, it shorten a lot the time most player will stay on the game. (very bad for devs)

Of course, that's all just assumptioms. I have no idea what the max number of builds or powers is. Ad i haven't seen a single thing about the content. o_o

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



yeah and with that example how does that promote teaming? I can invite a troller to my team and i know i have controls. I invite someone to my team in CO i either have to force them into a role or i have a hodge podge team..The CO sewer does not smell like roses to me

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



yeah and with that example how does that promote teaming? I can invite a troller to my team and i know i have controls. I invite someone to my team in CO i either have to force them into a role or i have a hodge podge team..The CO sewer does not smell like roses to me

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Actually, i'd be more interested in teaming in CO then COH.

In COH, i HATE how so many people need the perfect team setup with tank-support-damage-control. What i love is when a random team just form, with mix-matched ATs and they succeed anyway. (cause outside of the LRSF/STF and hami, nothing really needs something special for average players)

Or i love when it's a team full of melee, just brute, scrappers, stalkers, blappers and tankers.

In CO, it seems like there won't be any "waiting for 30 minutes to find a tank". And people won't feel forced to play a pure "hearlorz" emp cause they think that's what most people want.

Everyone will only play what they truely want, and there won't be a way to know who's what "role" untill the team is made. (aside from broadcast =X but hopefully, the bad habit won't start) People will also learn to build more reliant characters i hope. So no pure buffer that can't take a hit and can't do damage. No awesome wall that can't hit a flie. And no nuclear weapon that gets kill by said flie.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



yeah and with that example how does that promote teaming? I can invite a troller to my team and i know i have controls. I invite someone to my team in CO i either have to force them into a role or i have a hodge podge team..The CO sewer does not smell like roses to me

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I actually hate having to do the "Holy Pentad" and aside from the STF or ITF, I will take a team of any ATs through any missions or TFs in CoH.

However, the caveat is that in CoH, you do have your Shivans and other temps, and inspirations and accolades, as well as several strategies that can work when facing mobs.

I'm happy to see that in CO there aren't "healors" or pure anything, and I don't have a problem teaming up with just about anything... as long as CO's gameplay supports that.

For an example, I also play Lord of the Rings Online (don't laugh), and, unlike CoH, where you could do an STF with 8 blasters if you desire, in LoTRO, you must have a tank, an off-tank, crowd control, dps and someone who is totally dedicated to healing and nothing but healing.

So, if CO's gameplay isn't based on specific roles, then the freeform classless character generation will be fine. BUT if they have encounters that need certain things, well.. might be hard and a long wait getting those filled.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
Intel Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz 4 GB RAM**NVIDIA Geforce 9600 GT set to 1280 x 1024**Windows Vista 32 bit



I dont see it working out well. getting 14 powers and only 7 tray slots people will have to choose a build to fit the teams needs not play what they like. Only time will tell

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



I shouldn't have opened my big mouth........

The biggest Green Lantern fanboy on the Forums



yeah and with that example how does that promote teaming? I can invite a troller to my team and i know i have controls. I invite someone to my team in CO i either have to force them into a role or i have a hodge podge team..The CO sewer does not smell like roses to me

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, i'd be more interested in teaming in CO then COH.

In COH, i HATE how so many people need the perfect team setup with tank-support-damage-control. What i love is when a random team just form, with mix-matched ATs and they succeed anyway. (cause outside of the LRSF/STF and hami, nothing really needs something special for average players)

Or i love when it's a team full of melee, just brute, scrappers, stalkers, blappers and tankers.

In CO, it seems like there won't be any "waiting for 30 minutes to find a tank". And people won't feel forced to play a pure "hearlorz" emp cause they think that's what most people want.

Everyone will only play what they truely want, and there won't be a way to know who's what "role" untill the team is made. (aside from broadcast =X but hopefully, the bad habit won't start) People will also learn to build more reliant characters i hope. So no pure buffer that can't take a hit and can't do damage. No awesome wall that can't hit a flie. And no nuclear weapon that gets kill by said flie.

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Actually, if Guild Wars taught me anything it's that the freedom to change ones build with a variety of powers on the fly means everyone has their idea of optimal and will try to force other players into it. In CoH, you look for support -- you find a Defender. Maybe you for some reason think Empathy is the only good Defender set, but there aren't any on, so you take an FF Defender or a Kin.

In a scenario like Guild Wars or possibly CO, if all "Defenders" can become "Empathy" at will, people who just want "Empathy" will tell people to change to it. If they don't, they get booted and the team looks for someone else who is willing to change.

Playing GW for a long time, I could only play what people wanted me to play. When minionmasters were popular, I had to play one. When curse powers became popular, if I wasn't specced for cursing, people didn't want me. I could easily switch to curse if I wanted to, but the fact was I didn't want to. I wanted to play my character. Ultimately, this is what caused me to quit.

To make that easier to understand, Monks in GW are the support class. They could spec into healing, protection, and smiting. Healing was basically just heal powers, which is what everyone wanted. Protection was useful powers that help to reduce or prevent damage, but as that couldn't usually keep people alive by itself (unlike CoH), people just wanted healing. If you were a Protect Monk, people didn't want you. They'd tell you to become a healer or kick you. And Heaven help you if you were specced for Smiting.

Now, if ALL characters can be anything, that's an even broader problem. If you invite a Scrapper to a team, he wants to Scrap. If someone is specced to melee DPS, they don't want to be told they have to be a healer or they're getting booted.

Or, in short:
"we need heals"
"I'm specced into my tanking build right now."
"change 2 heals"
"I don't want to."

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I have to admit, i haven't played a "free style" MMO yet.

The probablem i'm seeing with CoH, is that not everyone think the same. You mentionned a scrapper, but that's a case that doesn't cause much trouble except in scrapper-tanker rivalty. If you had said corruptor, now there's a lot of debat. A lot of people invite a corr wanting a buff-bot. On the other hand, corruptors were the most damaging ranged AT red-side. Someone who wants to "just kill stuff like a blaster" could very have taken a secondary like sonic, taken only the "personnal" shield and skipped everything else for attacks.

In that case, a lot of people will invite a corruptor wanting buff, then kicking him he's just damage with one buff. It's sad, because people who do that change there definition everytime. When they invite a defender, they yell to only buff/heal cause it's there primary. When it's a corr, he's supposed to still just buff/heal.... but it's his secondary.

The one thing i'm hoping with an open systeme is that everyone will take a bit of everything. If everyone distribute there 7 powers as this:
1 travel
1 mezz
1-2 personnal protection
1-2 buffs
2-3 attacks

Nobody would yell cause the tank didn't take aggro. Nobody would need to receive 6-7 buffs from one person, everyone would do one. And everyone would contribute to damage instead of faceplanting as soon as the damage dealer die.

It would be a bit like.... a team of SoA, wich was all the rage when they first went out, and it worked very well.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



I dont see it working out well. getting 14 powers and only 7 tray slots people will have to choose a build to fit the teams needs not play what they like. Only time will tell

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It's not very different then CoH if that problem arrive.
CO: You're a healer? No, then i'm kicking you.
CoH: *crickets crickets* Hum.... i guess i'll log in my defender, every is LF support.

In CO, they'll ask you to change.
In CoH, nobody wants to invite you unless you switch character.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX




Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.

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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.

Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*

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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?

In CoH, you're forced to make alt if you want to test a fire hero after playing your ice one. If CO allow full customization and mix-matching of powers, wouldn't give as much powers as you want eliminate the use of alts?

Sure a few people would still make them for RP, names and costumes....but all the "pure gamers" would make 2-3 max then be done with it...

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i...don't quite follow, could you i get clarification on your point? although i heard and though the 7 slots thing was to emphasize build roles....

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll give it a try with an exemple from CoH.

Let's say in CO, you make a ranged fire character. With another build, it's a sword melee character. In the other, it's a buffer/debuffer with minor ice ranged attacks. Then in the last build, you make a tanker with a shield.

In CoH, you'd have to play 4 different character, and level them all one by one. To reach 50 with all of them, for a new player that doesnt do any alt.... that's at least 3-4 months.

But in CO, it's just one character you have to level. Sure even after 50, you'll play more that character then any in CoH thanks to the multiple build, but that would still be about 2 months.

Basically, you eliminate the "grind" part almost completly, even more then CoH. And if there's no grinding, it shorten a lot the time most player will stay on the game. (very bad for devs)

Of course, that's all just assumptioms. I have no idea what the max number of builds or powers is. Ad i haven't seen a single thing about the content. o_o

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i guess that works...but can't we have 14 bars and multiple builds?