Tornado vs Psionic Tornado
I love psionic tornado since it always works well, whereas tornado is situational.
Absolutely and completely different.
Tornado is a pet that follows you around for 30 seconds and just attacks the nearest mob. Its attack has extreme knockback as well as a 2 second mag 2 stun and a defense reduction.
Against regular packs it basicly has 2 uses.
1. Absolutely infuriate your team by scattering the mobs in every direction (by far the most common use for the power seen in pugs).
2. Respectable damage against mobs that have knockback protection from AoE immobs (I still don't use it this way unless I have another controller spamming thier Immob as well).
Against Archvillains Tornado is a great source of damage for you and provides a very useful defense debuff.
One of the most important aspects of Storm's Tornado -- AUTO-HIT. It is one of the few powers that is auto hit, even through high defense. It can be used against much higher foes and foes who have some kind of high defense buff (like paragon protectors).
I like Psi Tornado too, but I would take Storm's Tornado over Psi Tornado.
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Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
What's your primary? Tornado is a bit different if you have a primary that suppresses knockback on targets.
Psionic Tornado is a larger-radius slower-damage Fire Ball with a chance to slightly knock up targets. Graphically it looks a little like a pet, but it isn't.
the Auto hit is great. on my plant/storm, the knockback isnt an issue (roots)
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Absolutely and completely different.
Tornado is a pet that follows you around for 30 seconds and just attacks the nearest mob. Its attack has extreme knockback as well as a 2 second mag 2 stun and a defense reduction.
Against regular packs it basicly has 2 uses.
1. Absolutely infuriate your team by scattering the mobs in every direction (by far the most common use for the power seen in pugs).
2. Respectable damage against mobs that have knockback protection from AoE immobs (I still don't use it this way unless I have another controller spamming thier Immob as well).
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You forget use # 3 : Render an enemy without -kb nearly helpless even if they are mezz resistant.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Tornado makes a great Oh Shi-! panic button!
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
No offence, but this is a lot like comparing:
Storm Summoning: Thunderclap vs Super Strength: Clap
Very different powers ;-)
Tornado makes a great Oh Shi-! panic button!
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Sure as hell saved my team's butt a few times coupled with LS and ice slick.
They are both situational, and if I remember correctly, PSI does better dmg.
What's your primary? Tornado is a bit different if you have a primary that suppresses knockback on targets.
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I'm Illusion/Storm, so no immobs available. I usually try to minimize scatter unless situations calls for me to completely let loose. Tornado's reputation for wonton scatter was why I passed it up. In addition to the damage Psi Tornado does, I took it for the additional "controlled" control it provides with its AOE knock up. But I've been hearing Tornado's damage is pretty good and was wondering if it was good enough to make it worth the scatter.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I've used both and I find that Tornado really is a situational power. It's one of those ones you use very very carefully so as to not upset your team and make matters worse. Against AV's I love it! It does some pretty decent damage, and throws around any stragglers that are tryin to wail on you while your attention is on the AV.
I also like to drop it around in AP on unsuspecting lvl 1 hellions.... hehehe

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper
if you are using it against characters with KB protection then Tornado does way more damage than Psi-Tornado. Otherwise Psi-Tornado does more damage. I forget the actual DPA but I believe its around 500 dmg over 30 seconds. And if you keep the spawns tight then Tornado works as an AoE as well. On my plant/storm I alternate roots, and Psi-tornado between summons.
SoC +roots +3 tornado +CC +FR = Win (for Boss, EB, or AV just add LS)
There's also the question of whether the enemy resists psi damage; the ones that do resist it heavily. Personally I prefer to have a variety of damage types.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
How does Storm's Tornado compare to Psionic Mastery's Psionic Tornado?
I passed up Tornado on my */Storm and took Psionic Tornado because I have it on another Controller and liked it. I'm currently comtemplating using a free respec to swap out some Set IOs and started to wonder if I may want to try Tornado. What are your opinions?
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.