The Unofficial Official Lowbie MA Review Thread!




Here's what this is all about: I've been playing the MA for a good while--ever since open beta. One thing I've found is that it's hard to find a good lowbie MA arc that's between the ranges of 1-20.

So, I want to find some and test them with my squishy energy/fire blaster, Fusion Meltdown who's level 15 as of this moment. The perfect level to play anything from a MA for these who are just starting out in the world (lvls 1-5) to these who are well on their way to heroism/villainy.

I'll play and rate your MAs on the basis of:

Can it be soloed?

Is it easily accessible (in a rp sense for the young hero/villain)? It can be extremely inaccessible, your mile may vary, I'll try either scenario.

Fun factor, of course.

No catches. I don't claim to be as word-proficient as the other reviewers out there, or that I'll give it the same degree of depth as the others have. I'm just playing these things for one thing only: Fun.

Ok, enough of this long-wind message. Have at it!

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



I'll throw my hat in:

Arc Name: Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal
Arc ID: 55669
Morality: Heroic
Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium (Solo and Team friendly)
Synopsis: Help Paragon City's Finest combat a new Hellion threat!
Estimated Time to Play: 30-45 minutes

Watch the video trailer here.

Notes: I created this arc as an alternative to doing the initial contacts' missions (or simply running the sewers) for the first five levels. Solo or teamed, these missions will generally take a new character to level 5 or 6.

Feedback is welcomed. Thanks!

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



Arc 137561: Time Loop
Morality: Neutral
Level Range: 15-30
Difficulty Level: Easy
Length: Medium
Synopsis: Wyvern have unknowingly recovered a time-altering artifact, and it's your job to get it back before something strange happens... Wyvern have unknowingly recovered a time-altering artifact, and it's your job to get it back before something strange happens.



Arc Name: Duality
Arc ID: 84105
Faction: Heroes

Difficulty Level: Medium. Some custom minions, 1 custom lt. Some ambushes.

Synopsis: A group of identical masked killers are terrorizing Paragon University. Is it a gang? Psychotic Teenagers? Hired Minions? Or is it something worse? It's up to you to find out the truth. Designed for levels 10-20

Estimated Time to Play: 1 Hour
Arc Name: Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V.
Arc ID: 42221
Faction: Heroes

Difficulty Level: Medium. Some custom critters that can be hard at times.

Synopsis: While working at Architect Entertainment, you discover a glitch in the system - a holographic broadcast from 1950s macho astronaut Hank Carter. Now you're headed to the other side of the universe to rescue Hank and his crew from a planet full of hi-tech snake women!

Designed for levels 1 - 5

Estimated Time to Play: 1 Hour



Arc: Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal
ID: 55669
Written by: @Strike Eagle

Mission 1: You make a good hook right away so that when I click "Interested," I actually AM interested. And the pop-up message once you get in (forgot what it's called) does a great place of setting the scene.

Right away, I encountered two LTs in a row which wasn't good at level 5, lol, but they didn't give me much trouble.

I recommend you put some clues for the relics I find. It'd make a nice story element. I REALLY like the rescue dialog. One of the crates was a little difficult for me to get (no fly, jump or temp powers) because it was up on the shelves, but once you know the "jumping" trick (jump up the shelves), no problem.

Mission 2: I like the clues you get. However, heh, this cop seems a little inept. He keeps "needing" my assistance. :P

HOWEVER--"Defeat the Hellions" and that's it? I was half-expecting to rescue somebody. Also, you don't give a clue immediately that says that the person has been kidnapped. Suggestion: place a clue at the end (from a LT or end of mission message) mentioning the kidnapping.

Mission 3: The "hostage" is laugh out loud amusing. Nice punch-line.

Mission 4: I like the creative use of the new "Hellions." Due to careless planning on my part, the "demons" got the best of me at one point. I like the ending once you rescue the officer.

Solo-ability of this mission: 4 1/2 out of 5. These demons were a bit hard.

Overall, other than the blandness of the second mission, I really enjoyed this arc.

4 Stars. (make the "defeat-all" a bit more deeper and it's an instant 5 for me, imho)

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arcs 137561 and 84105 are in my queue. I will get to them tomorrow--it's bedtime for me here. I look forward to playing them!

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Thanks for the review! Glad you enjoyed the arc.

Spawn points (for enemies and items): Wish we had more control over this.

The contents of the collection: Were not included due to space constraints (each individual item would need to be its own objective). If you're curious, the entire collection with descriptions IS included in my arc 64511, The Wrecking Ball.

The Defeat All: This mission could easily be dropped altogether, but I included it so the arc would have more of a following-the-breadcrumbs feel and so new characters would gather enough XP to approximately hit level 5 by the end. As far as the kidnapping, there are clues in the Mission Success popup and the Return Success dialog, but some spoken dialog might be a good place to say it out loud for the benefit of anyone not reading everything. I'll see if I can find a place to include it organically, since I'm verrrry close to my size limit.

Soloability: Depending on your AT, you might want to hook up with more police before tackling tough mobs in the last mish.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Arc 55669 - Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (video trailer)
Arc 64511 - The Wrecking Ball
Arc 1745 - The Trouble With Trimbles
Arc 302901 - HappyCorpse



I'd like to get a review, or a play, for my Arc: The Clockwork Crusade. It is absolutely easy for a Hero player to RP their way into the situation, at least as far as I'm concerned. I fear the missions are a little bland though, so any feedback on how to improve that would be more then welcome.


Arc Name: The Clockwork Crusade
Arc ID: 126073
Faction: Arachnos, Vahzilok, Council, Clockwork
Creator Global/Forum Name: @YanYan
Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate, designed to be solo able by any AT
Mission Levels: 1-20
Synopsis: Hero Corps has asked you for some unique help. Seems the Clockwork are making some strange attacks against other villains. They've asked you to 'assist' them under cover.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 Minutes to an Hour.

[/ QUOTE ]



This arc is basically my love letter to teen superhero team books.

Arc Name: Teen Phalanx Forever!
Arc ID: 67335
Faction: Vahzilok, Clockwork, Freakshow, Rogue Robots
Creator Global/Forum Name: @PW / PoliceWoman
Difficulty Level: Moderate; there is one (fairly easy, non-customized) AV/EB per mission, but allies are present to help. It should be soloable.
Synopsis: The Teen Phalanx is on a recruitment drive, and they've extended an invitation to a teen version of your hero to try out! Do you have what it takes to join Paragon City's most prestigious teen superhero team?
Morality: Heroic
Estimated Time to Play: 4 missions, estimate 60-90 mins.
Level range: 15-20, 20, 20-25, 29-30 (mission levels gradually increase to "level" you up)

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Hey Steelsky. Feel free to take may arc, "Trollbane" (#106553) out for a spin. It's (mostly >.&gt balanced for levels 10-14, and takes a peek behind the curtain of a largely neglected area of CoH lore- Back Alley Brawler's Regulators. Skulls, Trolls, and more black magic than you can shake a really big stick at.

Standard warnings- it's got a handful of EBs/Bosses in it (including one that I think needs toning down, but that can't be toned down thanks to a rather stupid change in critter difficulty levels in the latest patch... yay for perma-confuse even on Standard >.&lt, and it's on the long side.

Other than that, have fun! (I hope )

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Title: Future Skulls
ID: 4727
Levels: 1-15
Description: The Skulls are just a street gang now. But they have big plans for the future. Mirror Spirit asks for your help to stop one of them. [SFMA/LBMA]

Title: Simple Times
ID: 70801
Levels: 4-15
Description: Talshak the Mystic has asked for your help with a minor clean up mission in a warehouse. Happens all the time, no big deal, just giving someone a quick helping hand. At least that was how it started. Sequel to Future Skulls. [SFMA/LBMA]

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



My wife created a short, satirical lowbie mission (her homage to a familiar CoH meme). Easy for soloists and early heroes, and maybe it will make some folks smile :

Arc Name: Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.
Arc ID: 158877
Morality: Heroic
Faction: Skulls. (Has Allies)
Creator Global Name: @tahlana
Difficulty Level: Easy
Mission Levels: 1-14
Synopsis: Your contact Azura has sent you on what she says is a very important mission to help ensure the future of all humankind. She has assured you it is in no way simply meant to get you out of her hair while she works on her "Mage" and goes "Raiding." Ever the dutiful hero, you travel to Perez Park.



Hope you'll give mine a shot.

Arc Name: The Dead and the Damned
Arc ID: 87912[/b]

Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Found Boy
Difficulty Level: Medium
Level: 5 - 14.
Notes: Recommend you play on heroic, and take it slow. I didn't try to make it difficult, but still have trouble soloing with my scrapper at higher difficulty settings. No EBs or AVs, but bosses aplenty.
Synopsis: A romantic comedy about a Hellion, a Skull, their forbidden love, and the supernatural gang war threatening to tear them apart! Featuring an epic cast of Hellions, Skulls, Legacy Chain, ghosts, Longbow, Roman demons, zombie pirates, and starring you!
Number of missions: 5



I'll throw mine in there to see what you think about it. I'm always open to see how it can be improved because it's still a ways from dev choice quality I think.

Arc: 145387 : Unusual Alliance
Levels 1-15
Fight: Skulls, Hellions, Clockwork
Diff: Easy/Medium
Setting: You arrive in Atlas Park and find Ms. Liberty ready to assist you on your way to super powered greatness. Her first task is to send you to break up a gang fight. It just happens that you stumble upon a plot deeper than anybody could have thought, and all the big superheroes are too busy to help, including Ms. Liberty. It's up to you to find out what's going on and put an end to it before it's too late.




Soloability: Depending on your AT, you might want to hook up with more police before tackling tough mobs in the last mish.

Thanks again for the feedback!

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally understand about the space thing. Believe me, I know.

I saved the rescue for last--I always go straight to the glowie first!

And no problem! It was a fun arc.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Time Loop
ID: 137561
Written by: @Bubbawheat

Ooh, Foreshadow's the contact. This is a guy who we pretty much know nothing about, so what does he have planned?

Mission 1: Hmm. I know the morality is neutrality and that the Wyern are "rogues" but the (in a rp sense) "hero" part of me feels a little unsettled by this. (I'm not saying you have to change the morality, nothing like that. I think neutrality is a good choice so far)

The mission completed rather suddenly--and there's no clue that tells me anything to go on to the next mission. Also when you exit, it says that the player found the device. The NPC dialog beforehand does hint at it and I know you put a message after the LT. was defeated, but maybe a "clue found" as well that states he had it on him or something. Returning to the contact DOES explain things a little better.

Mission 2: Much better now that I know what to expect, but I'd still like to know what the heck he has, lol.

Mission 3: You're missing a "." right before Foreshadow sends you off. Just a nitpicky thing of mine.

I didn't know there was already a computer beforehand in the previous missions until my second walkthroug because the mission already completed and I didn't bother to go look for it. Suggestion: Maybe you could make the computer the mission complete and, instead of having it say something, just have blank information when the player clicks on it.

Mission 4: I really think three missions is enough for this arc, even though you do change things up a little. Four is getting, well, tedious. (sorry) and it's draining my enjoyment factor because it keeps repeating the same thing over and over again.

And I believe this is the first "clue" I've received. Up to this point, I've been noticing the lack of clues. The lack of clues/information hurts this arc because it makes you feel like you're in the dark and unsure of what the plot ACTUALLY is.

Mission 5: Usually, I just take my time defeating everything, but I rushed straight to the end. I'm thinking other players will feel the same thing. Mission 5 should really be moved up to mission 4.

I DO like the chronological backwards storytelling, though, but again--shorter is better. Foreshadow's ending comment just made me want to slap him, heh.

I was enjoying this up until the third arc, when it began to look like this would never end. I would suggest shortening it to three arcs and the lack of "informative" clues really hurt this one because I felt the story was lacking any meat.

Solo-ability: 5 out of 5. Wyern LTs. are a tad pushy with their explosive arrows, but otherwise, it was easy.

2 1/2 Stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Duality
ID: 84105
Written by: @DK242-B

Mission 1: Ouch. These villains are creepy--and they totally got the best of me. Three against a blaster--not good. And I ALWAYS forget to look left on that map, heh. That's what gets me every time.

Whoa, that appearance was unexpected. It did add a little complication due to spawning more mobs, but luckily I had help.

This story is a little grisly. It gives you that "slasher/horror" movie feeling.

Mission 2: Heh, Outcasts give this blaster a little trouble, due to their ranged attacks and my lack of accuracy. This mission is pretty much straightforward--no complains.

Mission 3: I like that your contact tells you to head to the Hollows. There's a tad too much clicking, though. Maybe less clickies, lest you be thought of as the "f" word. You know what I'm talking about. I had a difficult time finding the right one and was about to quit thinking that it wasn't there, but I did finally locate it. But the ambush was not a good one.

Mission 4: I'm still not sure what the trolls had to do with the Vahz. I thought this was an Outcasts/other story. For some reason, the link between the Outcasts/Trolls/Vahz feels random. And I'm still chasing a killer. There's either too much story that I'm missing or something else, I can't put my finger on it. Hopefully somebody else will help you out in this department. The clue at the end explains the plot much better now.

Mission 5: The map isn't the easiest map to lead hostages out of, but I think the concept fits in with your story.

Whew, for a moment there, I was afraid Double Edge was going to be a real Boss, but thankfully he wasn't. I don't think I would have been able to handle that.

Solo-ability: 3 out of 5. Some of the mobs may be too difficult for certain ATs like blasters/Defenders/Controllers. And the ambushes nearly did me in. There were too many close calls on that one, heh.

Other than a few tough mobs, I really liked this story. It may not be for everybody due to its mature content, but it's a good story. The plot loses a little in the middle, but I'm not sure how or why.

4 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Secret Origins(Tech) The Snake Women of Epsilon V.
ID: 42221
Written by: @DK242-B

Mission 1: Aah, a Dilbert reference. You can never go wrong with these.

Hmm, people should definitely read the “disclaimer”/description of this MA first. This requires you to go outside out of your comfort zone, assigning a pre-determined background biography of you. In this case, since we’re referring to the MA itself, I’ll overlook it. As an aside: I do like the character/role, personally, that the writer has created for the player.

Ah, there’s that “f” word again. You might want to be careful about that. Or at least reduce the number. And I’m not sure this is a good starter for a lowbie just starting out since it’s designed for heroes at level 1-5.

I like the clever references after you click the computers. A techie hero would love this. But again, just too many clickies, I think.

Heh, MacGyvering-- Whoa! Ambushes for a low character—I’m uncertain of how I feel about this. And what’s up with these holograms at all, anyway? They don’t even help you fight at all.

That’s a very, very good use of the character creator.

Mission 2: There’s a typo in the clue message after you click the first computer: “…the oproblem” But I’m liking the use of clues so far.

Mission 3: Again, really good use of the creator.

Aah, I was wondering how on earth I would know so much about the Rikti then I got to the end. Clever. The Rikti hook is quite intriguing and left me wanting more.

Mission 4: Good mission, even if it was just a hunt and destroy.

Mission 5: Ooh, twist! A good ending that reminded me of one of these space B-movies. Are movie themes a, erm, theme with you?

Just a couple of things: You should probably mention that it’s a lvl 1-10 range, even though the MA auto-sidekicks you and says that it's level 1-5. I like the evolution of the player from the beginning to the end...

Is this a good beginner arc for a hero? I was dubious at first, but then, yes. It’s just the right amount of madness to throw at a beginner, although the clockwork may be just too much for blasters, lol.

Solo-ability: 4 1/2 out of 5.

Really, by the time I finished this, I was grinning from ear to ear. I WANT to give it five stars; I think it’d be a solid five star MA save for the excessive “f” clicking. Reduce that and you have gold here!

4 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



YanYan and PoliceWoman are next. I'll have your reviews up by evening (EST).

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Poi, Demonology, and Everything I Learned from Hellions
arc: 164235
2 missions (open air and dance club), glowy click, boss fight, free captive, no kill all.
Enemy group: Hellions only (no custom)

From testing it, I've found you can zerg most of it or if you want, you can spend time killing all the mobs. Boss can be a little rough simply because of fire attack but beatable with strategy even on highest diff. Let me know what you think.



Arc: The Clockwork Crusade
ID: 126073
Written by: @YanYan

Mission 1: Well, you do a good job of setting up the scene. It took me a while to figure out who was really talking—the Clockwork or the Corps. Once I figured that out, it was all good. But I did ask myself why the clockwork would want me to do their dirty work for them.

Wow. The Base Leader is TOUGH. Had to exit to rest up because all of my endurance was gone. I had to load up on blues in order to take him down. However, I don’t think it’s necessary to change the leader. Just a matter of timing and strategy (which I lack, heh).

I like that the player feels bad after they’re done.

Mission 2: Good job with the “thinking to yourself that this doesn’t make sense” part. It lets the player know you’re thinking the same thing he/she is.

However, how do you (the character) know what Hero Corps wants? Did they tell you after you spoke with the Clockwork? Just a nitpick on my part. But, ugh, this mission grosses me out. I can handle most anything, but Vahz always, always makes me squeamish. I would also suggest changing the difficulty to “flat,” because the first thing I encountered was yellow mobs and a mort. There are more yellows than whites in this map That’d be okay for a scrapper or tanker; the other ATs, not so much, IMO.

“Base leader,” to me doesn’t work for this mission. Maybe another name?

Mission 3: In your compass heading, it says two different things: “Clear the office/clear the base”.

Mission 4: The new concept is nice and I like how you tied everything together in the end.

Solo-ability: Difficult, I’m afraid. Mu Strikers which drain end, Vahz with their slowing acid attacks and Clockwork with their endurance-draining attacks. And this is at a level where you can’t get stamina. 2 out of 5.

Overall, a nice “mystery” story that neatly ties together in the end. I enjoyed it, save for a few troublesome mobs and confusion over some story points (who was talking to which). The story is pretty good and straightforward. If I could give you 3 1/2 stars because it's good in spite of these flaws, I would, but I'm giving you...

Four stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Teen Phalanx Forever!
ID: 67335
Written by: @PW

Mission 1: I like that the starting contact is the one you (might) started out with when you first arrived in Paragon City.

I like the play on the various superhero names. Very cute.

HOWEVER, Vahz again? I was all UH-OH at the mention of Dr. Vahz. Isn’t that a tad too much to throw at a young beginner?

Heh, Manticora is true to form.

I admit, I was nervous and half-hoped that it wasn’t the “real” EB Dr. Vahz, but luckily, all of my allies made it through to the end and contributed a great deal to taking him down, which made it so much easier. Whew.

Mission 2: I’m beginning to see a trend here. Then again, I DID ask for this, heh. You really should, though, warn in your description, that there are several EBs. I realize this is the level where you start getting your feet wet, but you don’t want to scare our young heroes out of Paragon City/the game, lol.

Like I said in the other review—Vahz and Clockwork=a bad combo for me. But with the assistance of NPCs, this is more tolerable and easier.

Defeated the King by the skin of my teeth; that was close.

Mission 3: I know I’m a teenager, but wouldn’t I be too moral to snoop around? I can overlook it, I guess. But I’m glad it served as a purpose.

(by the way, you have to tell me how you did the sequences because I cannot figure that out myself!)

Mission 4: That last EB was really hard, even with allies. But you know what? I thought it was a worthy challenge and I’m glad you included it. I would recommend either toning down or eliminating the ambush; the EB alone is hard enough.

Solo-ability: The allies helped. A lot. Without them, I would never have been able to do these missions. 4 out of 5.

I really liked this, despite the hairy beginning with the Elite Bosses. It reminds me of Teen Titans/Young Avengers/your standard teen team book. It’s a breezy, fun story with heart.

Five stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



It took me a while to figure out who was really talking—the Clockwork or the Corps. Once I figured that out, it was all good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must admit I'm confused on this point. The Hero Corps gets blue text and the Clockwork get's the standard white. The first time the Corps' talks to you in the contact text, there's an explanation of the ear piece, and whenever the Clockwork talk, they had a constant *Bzzt* sprinkled in the speech. I'm not really sure how to make it any clearer, but if you have any suggestions, I'm willing to listen. I also tried to have at least two conversations with the Hero Corps' contact each mission (via ear piece, colored blue), once before and once after.

The difficulty of the NPCs I can't really comment on, as they are all standard NPCs you face in game (with exception to the last mission's six bosses) in that level range, as such they should be no harder then what any player could face just by running standard contact missions. (also, all mission's were set to "Flat", so any spawn anomalies you faced are standard for all missions not set to ramp up, or front load)

I'll check mission three's text, as I must have missed something when changing from a Council Base to an Office. I'll also investigate the name of Mission Two's boss in the Nav bar, as you're right, that could be better. I must have glossed over it. I'll even check back and make sure the Hero Corps' contact gets enough talking time.

Thanks for the feedback and review! You've helped me make the Arc a better play



Mission 3: I know I’m a teenager, but wouldn’t I be too moral to snoop around? I can overlook it, I guess. But I’m glad it served as a purpose.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heheh, you KNOW that snooping in the other kids' stuff is NOT a required objective for the mission ... yet you still did it. *evil grin*

I really liked this, despite the hairy beginning with the Elite Bosses. It reminds me of Teen Titans/Young Avengers/your standard teen team book. It’s a breezy, fun story with heart.

Five stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, that was exactly what I was going for. :-)

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"




I must admit I'm confused on this point. The Hero Corps gets blue text and the Clockwork get's the standard white. The first time the Corps' talks to you in the contact text, there's an explanation of the ear piece, and whenever the Clockwork talk, they had a constant *Bzzt* sprinkled in the speech. I'm not really sure how to make it any clearer, but if you have any suggestions, I'm willing to listen. I also tried to have at least two conversations with the Hero Corps' contact each mission (via ear piece, colored blue), once before and once after.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then it's probably me. I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes. I was mostly having problems finding my "own" voice/thoughts in all of that noise, most likely.

The difficulty of the NPCs I can't really comment on, as they are all standard NPCs you face in game (with exception to the last mission's six bosses) in that level range, as such they should be no harder then what any player could face just by running standard contact missions. (also, all mission's were set to "Flat", so any spawn anomalies you faced are standard for all missions not set to ramp up, or front load)

[/ QUOTE ]

Understandable. I've had that happen to me in my own missions as well, I was just pointing it out in case you DID have it to staggered or something else. I'm just really sloppy with mobs, lol.

Thanks for the feedback and review! You've helped me make the Arc a better play

[/ QUOTE ]

You're welcome!

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed