The Unofficial Official Lowbie MA Review Thread!




Nice review too, I don't have too much to say about it aside from:

Arc: Dream Paper
ID: 1874
Written by: @GlaziusF

Mission 1: I like the set-up and I like the nod to the Omega Project (is that what it was called? I forget…) at the mission pop-up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't really trying for a reference here. But it's always nice to get informed. What did it make you think of?

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Nice review too, I don't have too much to say about it aside from:

Arc: Dream Paper
ID: 1874
Written by: @GlaziusF

Mission 1: I like the set-up and I like the nod to the Omega Project (is that what it was called? I forget…) at the mission pop-up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't really trying for a reference here. But it's always nice to get informed. What did it make you think of?

[/ QUOTE ]

You know, that connection between the Lost and a certain other villain group... (don't want to spoil it for other people, lol)

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



This is a great story that made me laugh and smile. I have nothing but good things to say about it. You have a really good sense of timing and humor.

5 stars.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks so much! I corrected the grammar error. Thanks for telling me about it.



Arc: Bricked Electronics
ID: 2180
Written by: @GlaziusF

Mission 1: I love it when CoV-native villains show up in “Paragon City.” So there’s an added bonus. I liked the comments about the “Rogue Island Protector,” heh.

Mission 2: Nice Custom. For some reason, it amused me that I got “carded.”

Mission 3: I really like the dry wit/sarcasm Mark Freeman has. (I’ve never had him as a contact)

Hey, I like this one--only two clickies and find the boss. Sometimes you’re just in the mood to *ahem* fight and I was in this mood playing this mission.

The “boss” was funny, but that ambush? Ouch.

This is a very creative mission with the way you have set up the sequencing. Well done.

Mission 4: You did a nice job of looping the story back to itself after a few detours.

Mission 5: 10 minutes? You are cruel…but oh so clever.

Mission 6: There’s no mission 6?! Heh. You left me wondering about who the real “boss” really was. Somebody with the initials “L.N.”?

Solo-ability: 4 out of 5. Council marksmen are a pita.

This is beginning to be a trend, I’m afraid. Your work deserves praise and it’s very imaginative and yadda yadda yadda. You’re putting me to shame here.

5 stars

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Out of the gutters
ID: 68054
Written by: @Madcat 88

Mission 1: That’s…quite an interesting choice for a contact.

Okay…the set-up intro is good--but I can’t help but feeling that the last half would benefit from being in-game instead of just the introduction message. Suggestion: This would be better if you met the Doctor at the beginning of the mission and he ran away after leaving you his message.

I do like the déjà vu and the different “perspective.” I liked the custom and the nod to the “Destined One.”

Mission 2: Hmm, I hate to say this, but I’m having a hard time of getting a sense of what my purpose is here, or to put it another way, what my character’s motivations are. You should probably flesh that out a little more out.

Okay, your contact makes mention of an attack, but you didn’t really explicitly detail that an attack had aside from the introduction and your description. The customs didn’t really give me that much of a hard time, save for a couple close calls that was entirely my fault. Their knockdown (focus?) is pretty nasty, though. Also, in my opinion, there are far too many patrols than are necessary.

You should include more clues, that way the player is able to follow the story a little better.

Also, this phrase “There's an added complication that Arachnos may have managed to get its location out of one of The Bad Sectors before they were executed.” is badly parsed.

Mission 3: Who am I talking to again? The doctor? If that is the case, then you should reconsider the “contact” since that confuses things greatly or at least highlight who exactly is talking to me.. But thank you for warning me about the timed mission.

This mission was especially hard for me to solo with the Ops, Mus and Blood Widows. Blasters doesn’t exactly have an easy time with them, at least mine doesn’t. Factor in that these small teeny bombs (one of them was hard to find) on a timed mission--this one was really a challenge.
Mission 4: I was led to believe I would be fighting this “Mindwrack.” However, this is no more than a simple “click” farming mission. The “surprise” at the end doesn’t really do much to change my opinion of this.

Mission 5: To borrow a Venture/TV Tropes phrase: this is starting to feel more and more like “just a bunch of stuff happens” MA. There is the semblance of a storyline somewhere in here, but it really needs work. My apologizes for being harsh.

And the “twist” with the Legacy comes far too late into the game and having it the last thing in the arc, that’s not a good thing. It leads the player to think there is more to come. I would recommend omitting it. Also, the story ends rather abruptly.

Solo-ability: 2 out of 5. Mindwrack dropped confuses on me and the NPC ally. Not good. I also had some problems with ambushes and the custom villains with their knockdowns. And there’s the Mus (although I know you have no control over that).

I hate giving out bad reviews. I truly do. You have a story here, you just need to rein it in and not have it to be so scattered.

2 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc: Cutthroat Competition
ID: 10171
Written by: @Frozen Northman

Mission 1: Heh, I like the contact’s matter of speaking and the touches of humor.

That’ interesting hostage.

Your compass heading cannot make up its mind if it’s 2 or three models to kidnap and when I kidnapped the first model, it said “kidnap last model” or something like that. Just FYI.

The “boss” is a ruin mage? Ouchies.

Despite the CoT, this wasn’t a bad mission. I liked the humor with the NPCs/Hostages.

Mission 2: <.< Vahz. Squeamish. Me.

Mission 3: I like the look of the soulbound archer.

Having a stealth boss in one of my arcs, I admit that they are fun and gleefully nasty to use. I was able to recover quickly enough, thankfully.

Mission 4: The Cap outdoor map=

This one was a really, really hard one due to the hidden soulbound assassins. Not mention the CoT AND the Boss. Some people have an easy time with outdoor maps and these NPCs. I’m not one of them.

Solo-ability: 3 out of 5. Some people will have problems with the mobs for the Cap map and Vahz and CoT.

Overall, I really liked this story. It’s different and clever. And, in spite of the hard last map, I’m giving you…

4 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



Arc Name: Forever Lost
Arc ID: 135563
Written by: Starsman

Mission 1: Nice job of outlining the story and the hook.

Great sequencing and I liked Mike’s bio. It does a great job of filling things in.

Mission 2: No complaints. Nice job with the bios here as well.

Mission 3: You did a great job with the emotional hook, making me feel sorry for some of the NPCs.

Solo-ability: 4 out of 5. The “bosses” were a mite tough, but nothing inspirations and being careful can’t solve.

This is a great story with a strong emotional hook. Really well-done.

5 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



First of all, my apologies. I only have time to play one of your arcs and I took the one that appealed the most to me and so without further ado:

Arc: Learning The Ropes
ID: 100304
Written by: @Flame Kitty

Mission 1: I really like how you set this up... It takes me back to when I was first starting out in this game and didn’t really know anything about it.

I liked the set-up and the plot; it’s straightforward with a little “extra flavor” thrown in.

I like the NPC dialogue of the “bosses.”

(however, you spelled ‘dyne wrong. It’s “superdyne.”)

Mission 2: Heh, I like how BaB reassures you that it’s a “small” map.

Mission 3: Just a manner of my opinion, but I don’t think you need the quotation marks for the word “recruit.”

Something I noticed in this mission: the Lost keep defeating each other. You might want to change that.

Heh. The “hostage” doesn’t strike me as the kind of person to go clubbing, but who am I to judge?

lol at the “initiate”

Mission 4: Hmm, this map isn’t one of my favorites because of the “open” first room. I hate that first room, the one with the multiple stairs and doorways. Also, I think there are too many “glowies.” 10 or 8 seem enough. Such as it is, I couldn’t find the last two “glowies” and had to quit, but I’m giving you a rating anyway.

Solo-ability: 4 out of 5. The usual suspects: CoT, Marksmen, etc that nobody really should have much trouble with.

This is a really good “crash course” for the beginning hero/heroine. Just reduce the number of “clickies” and maybe change the last map. Otherwise, well done.

4 stars.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed



I'm taking a break from reviewing and playing MAs for now. But thank YOU for allowing me to play your missions. I had a blast and they were fun!

Bubba, I'll get to yours eventually and send you feedback in-game.

My Arcs: A Spider on the Column (117024)--updated/fixed bugs/small story modifications
Hub (87439)--updated/fixed