What Happens in MA stays in MA
I strongly shout out that I disagree.
Like many, I use the Mission Architect as an occasional alternative for standard missions. Don't nerf my MA XP.
I gain levels in real life by playing CoX.
That's funny... I lose them.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
XP and level 50 used to have some value in the game.
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@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions
Its fine to earn xp in MA farm mishs, but the level gains should be for MA only.
Just like I can't earn real life experience from playing CoX, I shouldn't earn real game experience from Architect.
XP and level 50 used to have some value in the game. Lets bring that back. Shout out if you agree.
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Just because some players are abusing exploits to make fast levels doesn't invalidate MA.
MA is a really cool feature that is getting a bad name because some people are impatient, greedy and lazy.
When I say xp had value, I mean that someone level 50 had experience in the game. People had respect for 50s because it took dedication, and perseverance. You actually learned how to play the game along the way. Now it just takes a few hours of farming to ding 50.
I love the idea and the game play of MA too, but the levels gained should only be for MA, pvp, and arena.
Just try starting a lvl 47 AV team like I did today. Half the players are beginners with no idea how to use tactics to win a tough fight, so they die repeatedly, put the rest of the team in jeopardy, and then quit in frustration. MA has really ruined the quality of the old gameplay, and the sense of community.
When I say xp had value, I mean that someone level 50 had experience in the game. People had respect for 50s because it took dedication, and perseverance. You actually learned how to play the game along the way. Now it just takes a few hours of farming to ding 50.
I love the idea and the game play of MA too, but the levels gained should only be for MA, pvp, and arena.
Just try starting a lvl 47 AV team like I did today. Half the players are beginners with no idea how to use tactics to win a tough fight, so they die repeatedly, put the rest of the team in jeopardy, and then quit in frustration. MA has really ruined the quality of the old gameplay, and the sense of community.
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Er. Powerlevelling's existed waaaaaay before i14
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
PLing existed way before I14 even did, as Cavatina said. All AE did was make it accessible to everyone.
Frankly, I hate to say it, but after you gain a certain number of 50s, this game just really gets to be nothing more than a level grind. And at that point you start to play different powers, not necessarily for the leveling up experience, but just to get to see different abilities that are different from what you previously rolled. When you start rolling your 8th alt, it gets *annoying* to go through 1-20 again, especially if you're like me and are a fan of brutes.
I'm in favor of some means to get through the 1-20 slog, too... but a LEGAL means. Be it some sort of veteran reward, accolade, or microtransaction to speed up the process. If you guys want to petition the devs to introduce some way for folks who have already 1-50'd the normal way several times to get there faster in some game-friendly manner, I'm right behind you.
Relying on explots and cheats to do it, however, is not kosher. It's never been kosher and they've said several times not to go that route. This isn't anything new.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!
I'm in favor of some means to get through the 1-20 slog, too... but a LEGAL means.
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As opposed to PLing/farming being illegal? As in against the law?
The law set down by the developers, yes.
If you try to make a pawn use a sniper rifle in a game of Chess, that's generally considered an "illegal" move, as in not acceptable by the players or creators of the game.
Illegal is a word, a perfectly acceptable word with meaning outside the realm of criminal and civil law.
When you start rolling your 8th alt, it gets *annoying* to go through 1-20 again, especially if you're like me and are a fan of brutes.
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How about when you hit 100 alts or 200, I am there. I do love Brutes also but 1-20 can be a pain.
As opposed to PLing/farming being illegal? As in against the law?
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Please don't make me do a tired old "fixed that for you" modded quote.
I specifically said exploits and cheating, not farming. I've run plenty of Council newspapers to farm my way up from one level to another when I don't feel up for stories, and there's nothing wrong with legitimate means of gaining XP.
1-50 in three hours is not legitimate. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine it is not legitimate. It takes three pinches of common sense.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!
As opposed to PLing/farming being illegal? As in against the law?
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Please don't make me do a tired old "fixed that for you" modded quote.
I specifically said exploits and cheating, not farming. I've run plenty of Council newspapers to farm my way up from one level to another when I don't feel up for stories, and there's nothing wrong with legitimate means of gaining XP.
1-50 in three hours is not legitimate. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine it is not legitimate. It takes three pinches of common sense.
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Legitimate in this case meaning not in the way you choose to do it, or even in the way you are capable of doing it. I know someone who got a level 50 in 88 minutes, does this mean that they are playing the game any less fairly or is it merely that they are playing it better than anyone else in this game?
No, legitimate means not using an exploit. Meow farms were not farms, they were an exploit because the communication officers gave entirely too much XP compared to the risk they posed, and it would be impossible to get from 1 to 30 in an hour and a half without meowing, and to claim they got to 50o would be silly.
Yes, it is unfairly to level that quickly exploiting the system.
As opposed to PLing/farming being illegal? As in against the law?
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Please don't make me do a tired old "fixed that for you" modded quote.
I specifically said exploits and cheating, not farming. I've run plenty of Council newspapers to farm my way up from one level to another when I don't feel up for stories, and there's nothing wrong with legitimate means of gaining XP.
1-50 in three hours is not legitimate. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine it is not legitimate. It takes three pinches of common sense.
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Legitimate in this case meaning not in the way you choose to do it, or even in the way you are capable of doing it. I know someone who got a level 50 in 88 minutes, does this mean that they are playing the game any less fairly or is it merely that they are playing it better than anyone else in this game?
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It means that in my personal opinion that shouldn't be possible in any shape way or form but is meaningless in the end because my opinion is not the opinon of the game creator and if the creator sees it and deems that it shouldn't be possible to do it that fast then then they will try to hunt down how it was done and close it off without killing something else which could take hours to years depending on how complicated it is to close.
We simply rent what is controlled by someone else. It's up to them to look at what we do and judge if it's passible or a scar that needs to be healled.
The worse case stuff happens to be things that started as a scratch but became infected and spread forcing what was ignoreable into a festoring wound that risk the need for limb removals.
They may not have cut off the limb but they took a hunk of flesh to fix what they might had thought off as only a scratch in the beginning.
That's funny... I lose them.
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I nominate this as Insightful Post of the Day.
Its fine to earn xp in MA farm mishs, but the level gains should be for MA only.
Just like I can't earn real life experience from playing CoX, I shouldn't earn real game experience from Architect.
XP and level 50 used to have some value in the game. Lets bring that back. Shout out if you agree.