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  1. When I say xp had value, I mean that someone level 50 had experience in the game. People had respect for 50s because it took dedication, and perseverance. You actually learned how to play the game along the way. Now it just takes a few hours of farming to ding 50.
    I love the idea and the game play of MA too, but the levels gained should only be for MA, pvp, and arena.
    Just try starting a lvl 47 AV team like I did today. Half the players are beginners with no idea how to use tactics to win a tough fight, so they die repeatedly, put the rest of the team in jeopardy, and then quit in frustration. MA has really ruined the quality of the old gameplay, and the sense of community.
  2. Its fine to earn xp in MA farm mishs, but the level gains should be for MA only.

    Just like I can't earn real life experience from playing CoX, I shouldn't earn real game experience from Architect.
    XP and level 50 used to have some value in the game. Lets bring that back. Shout out if you agree.