PB's getting a bad wrap?




I have a lvl 50 PB (Ima Mann victory) and a lvl 41 WS Darius Darkstar protector) and have had a lot of fun teams and tfs. That was one bad player that doesn't know the awesome power of the kheld. Stick in there and have fun.

People motivate themselves, and are inspired by others.
Orion Darkstorm lvl 50 tank (invul/ss/nrg) 483 badges
Ima Mann lvl 50 pb 397 badges
American Agent lvl 50 blstr (nrg/nrg/nrg) 279 badges



Every so often when i am on my lvl 50 WS i will get one of those types that whine about the possability of voids or cysts. When that happens is just nicely explain to them that it is ok if they are afraid of the big mean shadow cyst and that they can go hide in the corner when they and everyone else that is scared needs to go hide and wet themselves. Then i inform that while they are busy with that i will be busy soloing the cyst and whatever large spawn is around it, and will inform them when it is safe to re-join me and the rest of the team.



My SG hates cysts. Not because they're going to wipe, but because it changes the pacing of the mission. Usually our missions can be broken down to; Lots of controlled mobs, lots more damage, FS just hit, someone nuke while I pull.

We hate Cysts because it then changes it to; HOLY BALLS HEAL HEAL HEAL SOMEONE DO SOMETHING [censored] WE JUST LOST CC REZ HIM REZ HIM GOGOGO. All the while, our powers are pinned because of the nictus slow.

Needless to say, most of us have a Kheldian, and our dislike of the chaos never stops us from Combat Jumping into them head-first with our toggles off just for fun.

Always invite the Epic AT's. They have far too many useful powers. I've had PB's act as backup healer and save my butt too many times, and WS put out some serious damage once you have a few scrappers on the team.




Yeah Cysts can be taken out by any halfway competent group, but for the life of me I can't believe they still popup in reg. missions

But in lower levels and some PuGs they can be a pretty big danger. I've been on a mish where the Cyst was positioned just the right way near an AV that the 8-man team wiped 3 times before we managed to defeat it.

Moments like that, when all know it's there because of you, the teamchat silence is deafening.

Cysts have no business in regular missions, no matter how easy a competent prepared team can take them out



I have a slightly different take on PBs that what seems to be the majority opinion here.

I started my PB on day 1 of kheldian go-live. Over the course of however long it took me to level him up, I hated him. He did get better when they removed the inherent dam-res debuff. Some other changes might have occurred before I was done as well.

But in the end, he got deleted at level 50.

I recreated him not too long ago and he's back in the 30s, but last time I played him, I was reminded that he still wasn't very good.

I should respec him into a human/dwarf bi-form and give him a few nights to see if the recent range and dwarf changes are enough to make him fun, but I don't have high hopes.

For me, the PB is flatly inferior to the WS. And coming from a soloist, that's a bit odd considering how the two are described.

Be well, people of CoH.




Not that this has anything to do with the actual topic, but the term you're looking for is "bad rap". As in "rap sheet".

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Heh. When I saw the thread title my first thought was "Bad Kheldian Wrap=Kheldian Sarong?"

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I was thinking more along the lines of sushi.



Not slightly different, massively different. I just got my Peacebringer to 34 and it's the first toon outside of a VEAT that I feel really like a super hero playing and I've played a Scrapper to 50 and have several Tank alts. PBs just blow everything else away with their ability to tank and blast at the same time and I'm not even to the point where she'll be able to use the best of the human form powers yet. I've played Warshades too and loved them but that don't take anything away from PBs.



I have a slightly different take on PBs that what seems to be the majority opinion here.

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I share your opinion on them, for whatever that's worth. The PB just is too mediocre at everything, without really the bursts of excelling that WSs or other ATs can generally manage.



As the owner of a 50 Warshade I've seen lots of little comments like that in-game. I've found that the grief that most khelds receive is due to one of three things:

1. The perceived myth that khelds are just generally weaker than other classes (I might make an exception for low-level warshades on this one, but even then nova form can be very useful with damage and slows)

2. The fact that khelds have a chance to spawn Quantums/Crystals. I've been rejected from many taskforces and farms because the people were afraid I'd spawn a crystal and we'd all wipe. Heaven forbid something in this game gives a challenge...

3. Like Justaris said above - some people are aware that khelds are pretty gimped in pvp and base their pve potential on that alone.

Of the three I find that number 2 is the reason I get more than any others. It seems common for people to see a kheldian as more of a hindrance than a help sometimes.

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One of the other things that happens, is that after a character teams up with an alien character, the quantums/crystals/cysts can continue to show up in any former teamates missions.
This can happen long after a "normal" character and alien character have parted ways.
It is possible for these things to occur until the character that teamed with the alien logs out and back in.
I believe this was recognised as a bug, and I personally do not recall any post indicating that is has been corrected.



Nay, for the Kheldian taint still lingers! I love the cysts and extra spawns so that bug never bothered me much.

Be well, people of CoH.



Nay, for the Kheldian taint still lingers! I love the cysts and extra spawns so that bug never bothered me much.

[/ QUOTE ]Ah, that's fun stuff, actually. My group of game friends calls it "Kheld cooties".

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



The knockback which is very often poorly controlled doesn't help any



you know i use to be like that and hate teaming up with PBs and WSs but then i had a chance to up with one from my super group in a LGTF. That changed everything i mean PBs and WSs can be really good so now it doesnt bother me to team up with a PB or WS and sometime i even ask for one to join.



you know i use to be like that and hate teaming up with PBs and WSs but then i had a chance to up with one from my super group in a LGTF. That changed everything i mean PBs and WSs can be really good so now it doesnt bother me to team up with a PB or WS and sometime i even ask for one to join.

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Well, considering how many instances I've had where I was kicked off the team solely for being a Kheld without having a single chance to "prove myself", that's a nice thing to hear.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I won't lie. I've never kicked off a kheldian from any teams I form.

I've ran ITFs with 3 kheldians on the team, with no problem (PuG ITF mostly)

I joke about them all the time.

Even have my own PB working her way up on Virtue.

Still, when I go looking for members to join teams I'm forming, Kheldian are never the first pick to go to.

Though yes, that knockback gets annoying to some melee's. Especially when it's melee who prefere enemies in close to survive better.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I may be reading to much into this

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2. The fact that khelds have a chance to spawn Quantums/Crystals. I've been rejected from many taskforces and farms because the people were afraid I'd spawn a crystal and we'd all wipe. Heaven forbid something in this game gives a challenge...

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That is my #1 complaint but the crystals are easier now (it seems) and I no longer have to keep reading "Watch out Quantum!!". It was mildly annoying that we had to kill quantum or void first because we have PB or WS on the team.

Overall, a good player is a good player. I don't mind having PB/WS on my team.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.




2. The fact that khelds have a chance to spawn Quantums/Crystals. I've been rejected from many taskforces and farms because the people were afraid I'd spawn a crystal and we'd all wipe. Heaven forbid something in this game gives a challenge...

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That is my #1 complaint but the crystals are easier now (it seems)

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It doesn sorta seem that way. We had one spawn in a PuG I joined last night. When we smashed it and killed all the Nikti fairly quickly, everybody seem kinda shocked that there were no deaths



The knockback which is very often poorly controlled doesn't help any

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LMAO at the memory...was on a team last night with 3 PBs, a WS, and two melee-types (Scrap & Tank).

Oh the KB-frustration for those two! They were running and hopping every which-way trying to keep up with the flying baddies!

I laugh now, but felt their pain when I had to go Lobster-form for a while.

Even if one or two or even three of the Khelds were trying to control their KB, we were often working at cross-purposes and in fact there was NO control, whatsoever.

It was fun for a while (we all had some LOLs about it, even the Scrap & Tank), but by the end of the longish mish, I didn't blame either of the melee-types for Quitting in favor of a more traditional (i.e. low-KB) team.



Yeah, for sure.... As someone who almost constantly plays on his Khelds, I must admit I'm happy when a 'troller's on the team. I prefer a tight group for most efficient AoEs.... I actually wish the Devs would come up with some sort of enhancements that would *reduce* KB instead of enhance it.... That way, people who prefer to not KB could enhance it that way, and the people who like it for damage mitigation while, say, soloing or whatever could enhance it with extra KB....

Alas.... One can dream.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)