[MA] Ability to set some custom mobs to 'Unique'




What do I mean by that?

A mob set to Unique would only spawn when specifically called by a boss, captive or escort detail.

This would mean that you don't need to either set named bosses to AVs or segregate them into a second group to stop them spawning all over the place.

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



/signed completely.



/signed /signed /signed

This would be an *enormous* help in developing missions.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"




I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



Yes please. It's one feature that seems so obvious I'm surprised it wasn't included in the initial release. But that also means it will probably be added in the first round of enhancements, barring technological impediments of course.



If you don't mind them having a different tag, you can sort of do this already by putting your unique bosses and such in a different group. But yeah, this plus an option to set things to one per spawn maximum (ala Sappers) are things I'll always go for.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Rebel - already noted that you can stick your bosses in their own group, but it is clumsy.

#2409 - The Mystery of the MAGI vaults. Azuria has contacted you to help her stop the thefts from the MAGI vaults.
#68054 - Out of the gutters. Left for dead, you swore that you were through with being a victim (alt villain beginning story)



I don't really understand the suggestion (but apparently others do).

I know one thing I've done in some missions is add the "Defeat a Boss" mission objective, but de-toggle the "Required for Mission Complete" option. It allows you to enter the number of the boss type that you want to appear in the mission, where you want them to appear, what triggers their appearance, etc..

This allows you to add named bosses that are not AV's without them spawning all over the place.

Is what you are requesting different than what I described above?



Yeah, it is. It's the ability to add a critter to a group, but not have the critter spawn automatically in random groups. That way you can keep a unique critter in the same group as the rest and call it out with a Boss objective when you want it. Otherwise it doesn't spawn.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



/signed, this is a great idea.



VERY signed on my as yet unpublished AE arc I've ended up with some rather humerous and annoying changes from my intent is making missions.

I created a toon that was intended as a rescue/companion and ended up with an entire mission FULL of clones. NOT what I had planned...lol.

Realizing that my rescues and friends needed a different group I came up with a second name and plunketed in three types of custom toon complete with entire dialouge and scene setting touches in the boss spawn...so imagine my suprise when the supposedly unique boss was in every group AND in my little staged scene. Oh and the friendly toon was properly held captive...but still fighting rescue...lol

This is a really good idea.