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  1. If we have lost our red name, then we need a new one right?

    And there is no reason AE goodies couldn't be part of the micro transaction economy...I'd pay for special features that were good enough...not the power sets we are owed but if they gave us truely unique content it would make my paragon point list and post freedom sets could be part of the micro transaction system as long as it was fair to the fact that its only for AE. Perhaps AE desigers would have the oppotunity to earn paragon points for our efforts as compensation for having to buy some of the things we want for AE with them.

    Oh and Kheldians and the SoA are still missing from AE

    Phase Light
  2. With special thanks to my wonderful husband for patiently reading me every set from the charactor creator while I compared them to AE here is our list of missing powers.

    Blaster –
    Beam Rifle
    Psychic Blast (Is using the defender/corrupter version)

    Tanker –
    Street Justice
    Titan Weapons

    Street Justice
    Titan Weapons

    Beam Rifle
    Time Manipulation

    Darkness Control
    Darkness Affinity
    Time Manipulation

    Titan Weapons
    Street Justice

    Ninja Blade (missing entirely)
    Also none of the stalker sets contain placate or assassin strike.

    Ninjitsu is the ONLY stalker secondary that actually has hide...all the others are scrapper or tanker versions

    Beam Rifle
    Sonic Attacks
    Time Manipulation

    Darkness Control

    Beast Mastery
    Time Manipulation

    Completely Missing

    Power customization, Pool Powers, Epic Powers, Patron Powers, Incarnate Powers

    Temporary powers would also be a nice touch

    Phase Light
  3. I could have sworn shields was missing from AE (1 extra point to the devs )...I was trying to guess the last update yeah post shields would put the others in. Still a long list of missing powers remains.

    I'm going to try and make a definative list tonight...unless someone can get it done first (big doe eyes and impish grin).

    Phase Light
  4. I'm on a phone right now but perhaps its time we started a list of missing powersets or content and then tried to get it stickied/get a red name involved. AE is something that makes this game unique...besides I'll need beast mastery in to make "old macdonald's farm" bwahhha

    Missing from AE

    Warshade/peacebringer (as powersets)
    Soldiers of Arachnos (powersets)
    Patron powers
    Epic Power pools
    Pool Powers
    Incarnate Powers
    Power customization
    Plant Mastermind
    Plant secondary
    Psychic blasting (blaster version)
    Electric set from brutes
    Earth Assault
    Dual Pistols
    Pain Domination
    Dark blast (blaster version)

    And that's off the top of my head.

    We are also missing newer (post freedom) sets such as dark control, beam rifle, time.

    And we will son be missing pole arms, titan weapons, beast mastery, and street justice.

    Anyone in front o the game want to make the full list.

  5. I LOVE the idea of AE, being able to make your own missions is incredible...farming has its place in the game (I'll admit to the *occasional* use of it). But AE is a realm of creativity or at least it should be and the more tools we are provided the better job we can do.

    The newer missions in the game...the devs are using the kinds of stuff AE developers have been *begging* for. Missions that are all about story interaction that lead to combat or don't have any combat at all, disguises and temp powers, companions that do not start as captives, cut scenes, better placement of items and people, tons of new maps. Now I can appreciate that they may not wish to give us ALL the new toys but AE is *really* far behind on features, powersets, costumes, etc.

    Would you pay paragon points to have power appearance customization options for your AE creations? Architect Tickets? Run a in-game mission? Subscribe?

    What about to unlock the newest powersets for your AE creations? (Note that any older sets should appear as a good faith gesture from the devs....these sets are pre-power proliferation which was a lot of issues ago) If you got the AE version as a bonus when buying the powerset for real or could unlock all the new sets for AE only at a nominal paragon point fee would you do it?

    How about being able to add temp powers and disguises (only functional within AE mission or building) to your mission arcs?

    Being able to create the newer mission types and even access content which has been created specifically for the needs of AE arcs.

    Be able to create TIP missions?

    Unique models, maps, and mission types created specifically for AE creators?

    How about being able to use patron/epic/incarnate powers in your missions?

    In summery I am proposing if you buy/have access to something in the real game you have AE access or can gain it with Architect tickets. If you don't already have access to it you can earn some things with architect tickets and others with paragon points. Let us have animals and vehicles and the "dream" zones and maps everyone is clamoring for to play with....and then when you are ready you make much expanded versions of our undersea and space zones Truely unique features could cost paragon points...that I'd pay for.

    Note: Players would only have access to these things for the purpose of making better AE missions not in the actual game. So costs or packages in paragon points should reflect this fact.

    And if it should have been added to AE a really, really long time ago...uh devs put it in as a good faith gesture with only architect tickets required for unlock or a *nominal* paragon point cost for the entire package.

    I've said my piece...other people's thoughts?


    Authorname: Bloodstryke
    Arc: Storybook World (Work in Progress)
  6. So I've recently rejoined the CoH community and have resumed work on my AE arcs. One thing I've noticed WHY are so many of the newer power sets missing from AE. Now I can understand EITHER having to seperately unlock them through architect tickets OR having aquired access to that powerset in game. I've looked for a thread on this issue and I don't see one. So um Devs could we please start adding powersets to AE. I have no problem earning extra tickets to unlock them


    AE arc = Storybook World (authorname Bloodstryke)
  7. Before recent patches I had a working story arc, with the first mission set in the Midnighter's Club Map. As originally intended (and previously working) completeing one set of clickies spawns a group of CoT to fight, and they run in from the hallway. The other clickie set is completed in the big circular room and my boss used to "magically" appear as soon as you disturbed his ritual (clickie), now I can only get him in the mission at all if he is no longer linked to any other goal ((

    I THINK I finally figured out what is going wrong, what I don't understand is WHY such rigid control of spawn points is neccesary in this mission.

    I was looking at the map and apparently it only allows one ambush spawn point at all now, which is in the bloody hallway of all places. The clickies used to be well distributed now they are annoyingly predictable and my nice dramatic scene is absolutely ruined.

    Was there actually a problem with things spawning in this map? Is there a problem with the circular room actually containing anything interesting?

    This is the only map that even comes close to looking right for this mission, and while I can still use it, talk about losing a lot of dramatic flare for absolutely no reason.

    Am I wrong in my educated guess of the situation, if so how do I adjust things to work again, and why do I have no error message.

    If my sad realization is correct, does anyone know of a legitimate reason why this change was actually neccesary?

    A very sad,

    Phase Light (Bloodstryke)
  8. The AE building, Wentworths, Black Market, Arena, Pocket D, etc in virtual versions WITH spawn points.

    Maps specifically DESIGNED for modified GIANT MONSTER encounters (Large sized, but defeatable by a single team). Be they scaled down GMs designed by the devs or eventual creations of our own. I do't know about you but when the BIG thing appears it makes you jump just a little.
  9. I really like the idea of more multi-part maps and/or daisy-chaining as suggested by an earlier poster.

    You could easily create tons of new story idea (for dev maps as well as AE ones) just by rescueing a pilot/driver/mage/portal tech/transport device and then clicking on the helicopter/ship/train/truck/portal/sub/etc to travel directly to the second part of the mission. While no one wants to have insanely long missions, two shorter submissions would be really cool this way.

    I'd also like to see all existing two part maps that are already in the game placed in AE. I.e. winter/new year outdoor to cave. Ship exterior to ship interior, etc.
  10. VERY signed on my as yet unpublished AE arc I've ended up with some rather humerous and annoying changes from my intent is making missions.

    I created a toon that was intended as a rescue/companion and ended up with an entire mission FULL of clones. NOT what I had

    Realizing that my rescues and friends needed a different group I came up with a second name and plunketed in three types of custom toon complete with entire dialouge and scene setting touches in the boss imagine my suprise when the supposedly unique boss was in every group AND in my little staged scene. Oh and the friendly toon was properly held captive...but still fighting

    This is a really good idea.
  11. Sorry about coming late to the party but this is a thread I am VERY interested in. First I'll admit having a similar idea awhile back..its fallen off the boards but I called them mercenaries, vigilantee works fine also. REgardless of what we call them or how it works....I want both a method for side switching fo existing toons (involved process with lots of storyline) AND a way to create a "neutral" toon from day one.

    To me its being "purple" i.e. a combo of red and blue.

    My mechanic was a bit different them yours basically involving starting in a neutral zone. "mercenary training academy", vanguard training, or midnighter training. Completeing brief tutorial explaining how to run a "purple" toon and the game as a whole and then on to making contacts on both sides by say level 5.

    You would start out as an unknown quantity in both the isles and paragon with no real credentials. You could choose to take on a mission to fake your way onto "the list" ala the VEAT toons and/or start befriending important folks in paragon. For instance once "on the list" in the isles you can never actually be removed but you can become disliked enough to "Smell like week-old fish" in Kalinda's eyes and she (or other contacts) will require you to prove your loyalty to the isles (missions/story arc) before they will trust you again.

    On the blue side spend to much time doing high profile stuff that looks overly villanious and yu may find yourself with missions to perform on the isles just to be allowed back in paragon city...better hope kalinda doesn't find

    To spell this out in purely mechanical terms each purple toon has a "bar of deeds" that fills up weighted toward red or blue (there are also neutral missions that keep things exactly where they are but help with the occasional purple stuff like getting your cape). Doing a safeguard/mayhem/or entire story arc will add to your amount of blue/red points. A normal mission will barely register. As long as your toon stays in the central "purple" level of trust you can travel between zones with little difficulty.

    Purple toons would also have the added advantage of being able to lead mixed bliue/red teams intot he other zone for infiltration/purple missions.
  12. I have to agree with the Scythes not really doing it for me, but why not include them as a visual option among a general pole arm set? I wouldn't be perfect but it would do the trick.

    Now onto my wishlist

    Water sets - I know they had graphics issues, I know they have the mako prestige, and power push can be rped, blah, blah, blah....I still want actual water sets. Come on devs there has got to be a way to make this happen. I want to send waves crashing down, drown my enemies, send them up on water spouts, suck them into whirlpools, and blast them like a super soaker.

    I want animal sets. Summoning for controllers and masterminds. Shapeshifting for scrappers, stalkers, tanks, and brutes. Giving related sets to our purely ranged toons might be a challenge but shape shifts could be cast on friend or enemy to create another set or two. Either that or give me a new archetype that does one or both of these.

    Duo weapons (might need a new AT) designed to work in combos:
    The much desired WHIP primary and secondary would come in this group.

    One whip set would be about soft control., Trip your enemies,bind them, disarm them (force weapon re-draw), etc.

    The other would be an attack set meant to actually wound but would be limited in power.

    Either set capable of comboing with any of the other companion sets.

    I visualize whip (attack) and whip (control), knife and whip (control), knife and boomerang, knife and lasso, pistol and whip, throwing knives and whip. Just to give a few examples.

    Elemental blades

    Thorn stalker/scrapper/brute/tank

    Psi blade

    Eco blast, control, etc. think a mixed bag of environmental effects like storms, landslides, windtunnel, lightning strike all held together by an ecological theme.

    well thats off the top of my

    phase light
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Even the shadow shard?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Admitedly that one might be a bit challenging but sure the rational could be a partnership between portal corps and AE to allow you training even there. Subsection of the occasinal "Safe zone" they set up to keep lag away.
  14. Some players would like to make, play, and test AE content on our low level toons...and not for farming. There is the options of making a seperate AE broadcast channel. There other thing is the AE fests will calm down once this isn't so new. There is already a lot of creative AE missions out there and even so well done farms that actually have a fun/challenge for the rest I can choose not to play them and go back to the story arc I'm designing....or the rest of the game.
  15. I'd like to see a terminal in ALL locations...using whatever rationalization is neccesary...including pocket d. More importantly I'd like to be able to access the same arc from another city zone....I went to another zone to hit a store and wentworth's and found out you can't pick up an arc in another city zone although if I remember right the holographic contact did follow me....the mission teleporter did not .

    But anyway I'm in favor of adding AE to pocket D, giving it a vanguard connection in RNZ, and giving it the appropriate "Look/feel/excuse" to work in cim..."Its the midnighters they found a way to connect it using crystals in a roman looking structure the locals beleve to be haunted. Instead of terminals you use circles of stones, crystals, pools of water, etc. For that matter ouroboros and midnighters club could have terminals also
  16. Exactly...thats why I suggested a MAGIC based AE location for cimerora. It is back in time but that doesn't mean such a facility couldn't run off crystals and stone circles
  17. Also a big fan of this, although I would point out that cimerorra would work...provided the AE facility there is given an entirely different look and theme. Magic based and more classical. Kinda like those I think.
  18. We also need a "rate later" or "pause arc. button for those times when you start an arc, play some of it and then realize you A. need/want to restart it with teammates. b. Its just not your sort of thing but you have nothing against it and just shouldn't rate it because you didn't play enough of it. C. Need/want to go help your SG, friend, etc with a mission, base raid, TF or whatever...and that means quiting architect mode.

    In any of these circomstances you just want out of the arc for now without rating it...which could lead to artifical zero stars for the designer.

    Phase light
  19. There are so many wonderful ideas in this thread....I have at least skimmed the entire thing I'm totally in support of this now to add to the idea and point out a few problems I also hope to solve Warning long stuff and probably typos ahead but hopefully good ideas

    I agree the two level issue is not needed, AND I could see limited missions where a single hero or villian takes a disguised opposing team to the opposite world for a special mission that only they could get. IF something happens where the "guide" is no longer presant for whatever reason the other team members would have the option to follow the suggestions in the rest of my post or be transported back.

    I see a major problem with the "leash" of exemplar/sk being applied to a cross-faction player - We have to solve the hospital zoning problem. Especially on the hero side being sent to a hospital or having your mentor go to one could easily mean the cross-faction toon is automatically sent back to thier side of origin. There are disconnects, loading, travel issues etc. I like the idea of being auto teleported back where you belong but we need an easier way around it. Especially for those of us who sometimes take a LONG time to zone. Besides I see some other fun things that can be done with my solution

    What if a hero of villian who loses thier mentor through distance, disconnect, team-break-up or whatever...had one other option, besides finding an immediate new mentor in the team. What if they had a limited period of time in which to get to one of several designated "safe" locations, as long as they stay in these locations no timer for deportation applies.

    It would work like this:

    "Warning: You are getting to far from your mentor" , "You are to far from your mentor, you must return to your mentor immediately, or proceed directly to a designated safe area or you will be deported from the rogue isles/paragon city within 15 minutes.

    Designated safe areas would include "Any Hospital (even prisoners can recieve medical treatment), "Any Police Station" (Voluntarilly turning yourself into the authoities/turning "informant" on the eventual falling/redemption paths) , "Wyvern Outpost(as per the suggestion of using them to transport villians to paragon to be "on probation").

    I don't really like Hero corps as the gray area specialists for heroes going "Across" to the red side but perhaps a "mercenary brigade" or whatever we want to call it. Another maybe is a drone protected spot next to a TF/SF/Trial contact. You are ostentiably being watched by that elite hero or villian and can not leave thier sight. Also while ON a TF/SF/TRIAL you are effectively mentored to the TF/SF/Trial eliminateing concerns until it is over.

    There would be no combat in these locations but you could look for a new team, wait for your mentor, send yourself back to your side of origin, maybe buy inspirations, level, visit a store, perhaps even get certain special missions. Not all of these locations would have all the features.

    In RP terms if a hero under duress or an honorable villian they have given thier "parole" and will do as they have promised...returning to a designated spot to wait for instructions.

    This would solve the problem of going to a hospital by mentor or cross-game toon causing the toon to end up back home, and if the team breaks up they can try to find a new team or head back.

    The instant a cross-game toon leaves a safe zone without a mentor a timer starts if they are not within another safe zone or else near a mentor within the alloted time(my example is 10-15 minutes but I'll leave it to the devs to come up with the perfect window of time) then they are deported. As long as they get where they are supposed to be within that time then everything is alright.

    As for getting a team from within any of these locations the cross-game toon can hold up an emote sign that could be created or access a computer terminal/contact/mystic crystal or else just use the searching for team interphase with a new flag as suggested.

    Just stand there in the lobby with a "please recruit me" sign or whatever

    If/When the redemption/falling system is put into place some or all of these locations could be used to give special missions that would assist in the process of falling or redeeming yourself...maybe for these missions you could even be given a "probationary pass" to travel to your missions solo if you wish. These "passes" would get longer and the help you would gradually gain (access to npc vendors, extra missions, features, etc) would be unlocked as your redemption/fall continues. Eventually you would could choose to stay a "mercenary" one who can travel fairly freely on both the hero and villian side but never with full trust or access on either (you can access certain general npc's on both sides but will have to use your own contacts for certain types of missions...for instance no villian side patron powers because you would be unable to access the patron power arcs but can access the black market, on hero side you will not be able to access wentworths as they will not deal with your kind but will have access to the Ancillary Powers or merc specific ones) and it will be mercenary contacts that will introduce you to general contacts, so each no "tier" of missions will start with a mercenary contact before feeding back into the general pool.

    If you chose to completely switch sides you would then be a hero or villian of course and play completely under those rules, still able to be "on probation"/"duress" and use that to start the redemption/falling process over and I do mean from square one. Otherwise welcome to your new life as a hero/villian where although you remain the level you are you gain new stuff by proving your loyalty to your new allegiance.

    If you choose to remain a "mercenary" then once you reach a fairly balenced point between red and blue achievement you have access to both and must STAY relatively balenced. A declared mercenary can range between 1/2 red & blue - 1/4 & 3/4 red & blue. This is determined by doing tasks on your designated side. If you get to far past this line on either side you will have to get your "Balence" back or come under suspicion (i.e. the timer will bug you again) on that side and you will have to earn freedom of movement and other stuff back...or decide to fall/be redeemed.

    The "Weighting" is as follows (these are examples we could always change the percentages)

    "MAYHEM/SAFEGUARD" it is best to alternate these missions as they attract a lot of attention. Each one changes your rating by 1/10.

    A trial/TF/Sf will change your rating by 1/4 this will not take effect until after the TF/SF/TRIAL is completed.

    Regular missions 1/100th

    Story Arcs 1/50th

    Special (redemption/fall) story arc 1/4th

    Paper/police band mission 1/100th

    Mercenary specific missions -no impact but can be used to unlock mercenary specific content.

    What do you all think?

  20. Empress ...I'm guessing you were just replying to me because I was the most recent post right? I'm proposing chosing these at slot only levels, it would have nothing to do with regular power selection, except where they, may or may not, slightly enhance a character's powers in very limited circomstances.

    Phase Light
  21. I lOVE this idea. My suggestion or leveling- make them inherant powers (the first pool chosen at character creation, the others unlocked in game by things you do). They would be recieved at "slot-only" levels.

    The first pool you choose is your "background" and pieces of it arrives as you settle into paragon/the rogue isles and pieces of your past intersect with the presant. (A letter of recomendation from a former business partner, learning the way around the criminal underground, or just the way through the get the idea).

    Pieces of your first pool are the only one available for the first x number of levels until you start unlocking other pools. (Your first mayhem/safeguard badge, your first mentoring or sidekick badge, etc., your first time selling a do at the proper store.) When you go through a trigger event the game pops up some sort of window that is is time to contemplate whether you "like" this sort of thing and to consider "specializing" in it at your next leveling opportunity.

    (formerly bloodstryke)
  22. Phase_Light

    Moon Hazard Zone

    I really hope we get a moon zone this is a wonderful idea.
  23. Phase_Light

    Moon Hazard Zone

    Totally love this idea
  24. Item name : Water
    Originally suggested by: (Bloodstryke)
    Category: (Decorative/interactive)
    Customizable? (y)
    Type: (purchased)(requires a source and a form of containment
    Description: (add a natural/magical/or technological source of water and use it to fill a swimming pool, decorative water garden, a fountain or mearly fill a room with splashable, swimable water)
    Limitations: (Needs a source, only floating or bottom anchored items can be placed in water.)
    __________________________________________________ _
    Item name: Floodgate
    Originally suggested by: (Bloodstryke)
    Category: (defensive item)
    Customizable? (y..there should be a few styles)
    Type: (unlocked/crafted)(special conditions: Requires water tank & and/or flooded area)
    Description: (In a raid the floodgate opens and releases any water into the room under presure, raiders may be knocked down/back or disoriented and experiance some damage)
    Limitations: (water tank can be destroyed, raiders may use hover, or other travel powers to escape the deluge...can only be used once in a raid.)
    __________________________________________________ ____________