Manga's Consolidated Bugs/Issues post 4/10 patch
- Upon zoning, travel speed boosts like Swift are suppressed for five seconds.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooohhh! I thought my Stealth power was causing things to go nuts.
Empowerment buffs are broken, and I wasn't able to send any comments to the help channel by typing /help <text>.
I got another one. In the Architect mode the arc souvenir clue in the story settings won't display properly. It displays the text and constantly "vibrates" up and down making you unable to read or edit it. I should note that the text is close to the 1000 character max.
/help now opens the Help screen, /helpchat or /hc is what you use to talk on the help chan.
Victory Wiki
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Any time I begin a MA arc all my accolade bonuses disappear.
My normal max HP is 1691.7
When I begin a MA arc it drops to 1338.2
The only thing I can think is that my accolade bonuses are not functioning correctly, as I do not have enough IO set bonuses to account for a 353 HP discrepancy.
Had I not been oneshotted by an EB with Seismic Smash (it did 1592 damage) I probably wouldn't have noticed it yet. My character is a regen, so that loss of HP hits him pretty hard.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
[*]In the Enhancement screen, Power and Enhancement tooltips will display on top of each other.
[*]Line breaks no longer work in character bios. Just opening the ID screen will remove any previous line break formatting.
[*]Empowerment buffs are working strangely at best. They are working on a lvl 50 character of mine, but not on one I created after i14 went live. They display in sg base when creating them, but upon zoning will no longer appear in Combat Attributes, but the buff icons still appear. Testing shows they aren't actually working though.
[*]Hibernate is missing its ice animation.
- Upon zoning, travel speed boosts like Swift are suppressed for five seconds.
[/ QUOTE ][*]All auto powers appear to be affected in this manner.
.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *
Got one more:
- In SG bases, it's possible for a rank besides Super-Leader to edit and create bases. As part of that they can place storage items. BUT, they cannot change the permissions on storage items, only the Super-Leader can. The Super-Leader cannot delegate this authority, because there's no setting to do so.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
- 36 Month Veteran reward power to claim Arachnos Flyer /Longbow Chaser can only be used once in a zone. After character zones to a new area the reward can be claimed again.
ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec
Line breaks no longer work in character bios. Just opening the ID screen will remove any previous line break formatting.
[/ QUOTE ]
oh, good, thought it was just me. Was driving me crazy!
Here's a bug I noticed last night.
If I edit the costume of a custom critter in the MA and save that costume as a new file, everything works properly. But if I save that costume over an existing costume file (ie. I overwrite the file), it will instead save a copy of the costume used by the character I was logged on with.
Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!
Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis
Has anyone else noticed that when you start a chat, like in team chat for instance, the chat buffer seems to insert a bunch of characters that shouldn't be there? Specifically, when I start to chat in team, a bunch of wwwwwwwww will be inserted first, which is obviously the "w" from me walking around. It's like the chat buffer is saving keystrokes that shouldn't be sent to chat!
Has anyone else noticed that when you start a chat, like in team chat for instance, the chat buffer seems to insert a bunch of characters that shouldn't be there? Specifically, when I start to chat in team, a bunch of wwwwwwwww will be inserted first, which is obviously the "w" from me walking around. It's like the chat buffer is saving keystrokes that shouldn't be sent to chat!
[/ QUOTE ]
Did you not even read the first post?
"- Pressed keys are not being cleared from the key cache, causing them to spill into text entries. Examples: Binding Shift-k for chat causes a "k" to appear in chat each time; Using movement keys and then attempting to chat causes a stream of the movement key characters to appear. This is not limited to chat, the same happens at Wentworths, and I've seen an incident of a global name changed to garbage because of it."
.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *
I don't recall these posted yet:
<ul type="square">[*]Mystic Fortune Buff with PvP Issue: The recipient of the Mystic Fortune buff of The Tower causes the player's Hero or Villain to have his/her HP drop a percentage when buffs/debuffs are re-applied. If one is defeated in a PvP zone while this buff is still active, and release to one's faction's base hospital, one may be defeated AGAIN in the resurrection chamber when the Damage(Self) part is re-applied.[*]Mission Architect: Ally Powers: If one's Mission Architect NPC Ally has Trick Arrow and is equipped with the ability to use Oil Slick Arrow, and the Oil Slick is ignited via Fire or Energy damage and turns into an AOE of DoT(fire), it does DoT(fire) to NPC Allies, Pets, Teammates and to yourself.[*]Visual F/X: Using the Temporary_Power.Nemesis_Staff and then the Radiation_Emission.Enervating_Field before the character sheathes the Nemesis Staff, it looks like the character is hitting the ground in front of them with the NemStaff like a hammer.[/list]
Updated by poster:
<ul type="square">[*]Masterminds / Robotics: Protector Bots still get "pushed" by Seeker Drones into a state where they are stuck and have difficulty finding a path to the Mastermind. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes they are not.
Possible symptom: The Seeker Drone seems to be summoned at the Protector Bot's location and thus some state occurs where it "pushes" the Protector Bot into the floor geometry.
Possible solutions: Make the Seeker Drone "float" in to the Protector Bot's location like from the Traps set. [/list]

I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.
My arc consistently is marked invalid, I go in to edit mode from the published version, there are no flags, I republish and usually within 8-10 plays it is invalid again. I have to rinse and repeat about 2-3 times a day.
Architect Bugs:
Starting animations set for bosses never work.
Mission goals once completed sometimes take 5-30 seconds to actually get marked as completed on the mission. This has included rescues and collections as well as the mission completion on a defeat all.
As Azure mentioned, after about 5 lines of text on a souvenir the box goes in to seizure mode once you leave and return to it making editing impossible.
Rescue targets (captives) are marked as Allies instead of NPCs. They flee after rescue properly, but are not of the proper type.
The above causes you to be under a negative stealth effect the entire mission, at least that's the believed link thus far given the description of the effect.
Rescue targets (captives) do not use the specified models (i.e. Civilian), they use the enemy group minion models instead. This destroys the mission feel.
The contact picture on the send off screen of the mission (the screen after you click accept) is scrambled.
The file size meter is usually wrong, and a mission will have the publish button disabled as low as 95%. Text vs. parameters contribute to this, the more text you have the lower your percentage before the mission can not be published.
Specifying the back of the mission for the location of a mission goal does not work about 50% of the time. The boss or object will be somewhere else in the mission instead. It's unclear if this is map or setting related.
Bosses in groups will sometimes not show up, and minions of said boss groups will be alone without the other minions entirely.
Battles lack a setting to make both sides mock fight and attack the player only, and they trigger at a massive distance. The inactive and active text for Battles is pointless as it is spoken simultaneously, this would only make sense in the traditional battle where they mock fight and speak the active text when agroed by the players. You never even get to see the battle as it's over by the time you get to it's location. As a result they are pointless and you can not create missions with conflicts as expected and seen throughout the game. Yes this is a "feature" complaint and not a bug per se but it ruined my mission intent
Did you not even read the first post?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, I missed that in the first post. But thank you for so kindly and politely pointing it out to me.
And more....
Mission Architect / Powers:
<ul type="square">[*]At times, I experience "Diminishing Returns." Example: I am a level 50 Illusion/Kinetics Controller. I cast Kinetics.Transfusion and heal for 415 points of damage on the first cast, but if it quickly recharges (due to a +Recharge buff) and cast it again, the number slightly less and continues to be less for an unspecified period of time (PvP time?). Bug? (Note: This may now be fixed on Training Room.)[*]For many CustomVillainGroup Boss-level entities that I have faced seem to have an awfully high resistance to Fear effects even though I know their secondary doesn't grant them resistance to fear. I have a Mastermind with Dark Miasma as a secondary and when I cast Dark_Miasma.Fearsome_Stare, I hit a Dual Blade/Regeneration Boss of the group, but it seems to ignore the Fear effect. Most of the Boss-level entities that are part of game content are feared for even a few seconds before fleeing or attacking again. Bug?[/list]

I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.
- The team leader cannot select factioned (labeled "hero" or "villain") missions belonging to other teammates.
- Sidekicked/Lackeyed teammates cannot enter Mission Architect missions until they un-sidekick/un-lackey first.
- Upon zoning, travel speed boosts like Swift are suppressed for five seconds.
- Opening the Map during Architect missions with lots of navigation instructions causes the compass area to compress vertically, corrupting the navigation info and the Mission Architect button.
- Editing a mission with the animated character preview open can cause your cape to disappear until you zone again. You're the only one who can see it though - other players see you normally.
- Some SG logoed and colored base items like wall banners are greyscale and are missing their tinting.
- Local and Published Mission titles don't always update until you do a blank search or use the Refresh on the Mac version.
- Published Missions show an outdated list if you log out and switch accounts. Doing a blank Search refreshes the list.
- Entering text for an Escort NPC's arrival, but no other dialoge, causes the NPC to repeat that text for every event (inactive, rescue, and also arrival).
- Local missions can be edited completely independently of their published counterparts, and there's no visual indication in the editor that the changes won't be saved in the published version. The opposite displays no warning either. This is proving to be confusing for many players, who have been editing local files and expecting the published version to be changed, or editing the published version and expected the local version to be changed.
- If you change a Custom Critter that exists in a published mission, there's no warning that the published mission needs to be edited and saved again.
- Hologram Contacts using the Valkyrie cape don't seem to want to keep it. They instead display with a standard cape.
- Pressed keys are not being cleared from the key cache, causing them to spill into text entries. Examples: Binding Shift-k for chat causes a "k" to appear in chat each time; Using movement keys and then attempting to chat causes a stream of the movement key characters to appear. This is not limited to chat, the same happens at Wentworths, and I've seen an incident of a global name changed to garbage because of it.
- There are occasional "Someone voted on 'arcname'." messages (exactly like that - "arcname" doesn't stand for anything).
- CRITICAL ISSUE: If a team begins an Architect mission, anyone who joins the team even immediately after, or *even leaves the map for any reason* (i.e. going to the hospital or leaving to buy inspirations) they may be locked out of further team architect missions until the arc ends or the team breaks up and reassembles. ADDED: This seems to be because the game believes you're on the mission map when you're not. The message in the Nav is the one from when you're inside the mish, not the one before you enter.
- MAC: The animated character previews are corrupted and broken.
- MAC: Certain zones like SG bases, Pocket D, and RWZ still have some lag-chop due to texture loading issues (though it's improved over I13).
- MAC: Zoning multiple times, especially with texture rich zones, causes the game to crash.
- MAC: Using /reloadgfx BEFORE zoning causes the game to crash.
- MAC: Turning up World Detail graphics setting beyond 100% causes frequent game crashes.
- MAC: 3D sound causes object sounds to become really loud.
- MAC: Plugging in earphones causes the game to lose sound until you cmd-tab out and back.
- MAC: FSAA and special effects are disabled.
- MAC: Occasionally, contact photos appear as white squares.
- MAC: Occasionally, costumes in the costume window appear as white squares.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination