Please tell me I'm wrong
It's true.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Congrats. You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out
Congrats. You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out
[/ QUOTE ]
90%...really? That number seems a little inflated.
Well I meant the serious PvP playerbase. Mostly the competitive team arena players.
When I13 hit, there was actually a thread made where people posted they were quitting. It was done to show the devs that they were about to lose a lot of customers. The total number of accounts lost went to several hundred in like 2 days. Remember, the whole hardcore PvP community was only a couple hundred people...but almost all of them had at LEAST 2 accounts. Some had up to 4 or 5.
Then the thread was completely removed from the forums, and the devs pretended that it never even existed. In fact, they made sure to make a public statement that their account signups actually went UP during those 2 days. Total bs obviously...but PR is PR.
Anyway, you can ask around. 90% is a number I can be pretty confident about. Granted some of those probably did come back, but who knows.
The point wasn't really about the numbers either. Sure, it was only a few hundred accounts, but these were some of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated players in the whole game. Being hardcore, they had the most actual knowledge of the game. The best chance of being able to help the devs improve their product.
Instead, everything they advised was ignored, and instead of trying to keep their business, the devs chose to spit in their face.
Well, now it's at least balanced across the melee sets (apart from spines and super strength) as now everyone has precisely the same attack chain.
Perhaps they didn't want to go quite as far as limiting everyone to sprint and brawl. But honestly, I don't see that Air Superiority, Flurry, Kick is any better.
The darned thing about it is that it'll work. It'll show up in their data mining (apart from Super Strength and Spines) that all of the melee sets are having more similar levels of kill/death ratio. And thus, they will trumpet how much more balanced and fair the new PvP has become and have "the numbers" to "prove it."
What a sanguine mess.
What's next? All baster attack chains are essentially the same except secondary effects? So everyone goes with Sonic or Psi?
What a shambles.
And thus, they will trumpet how much more balanced and fair the new PvP has become and have "the numbers" to "prove it."
What's next? All baster attack chains are essentially the same except secondary effects? So everyone goes with Sonic or Psi?
[/ QUOTE ]'re a bit behind on that. Both of those things have already happened. ALL they've said about I13 is that it was a huge success. And any blaster that actually wants to compete would be a total idiot to roll anything other than sonic or psy.
Unflipping believable. And I thought the whole "Run around with brawl and sprint" was hyperbole. So I suppose now /devices is one of if not the blaster secondary of choice, since blaps are ineffective.
I'm stunned. Guess it's fortunate that in PvPee 2.0 it only lasts 1.7 seconds.
Good game Devs. You've managed to take the Player out of "Player vrs. Player."
New PvP project:
Speed/Flight/Throw Fishes Epic Phailure!
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm stunned. Guess it's fortunate that in PvPee 2.0 it only lasts 1.7 seconds.
[/ QUOTE ]
"All the old PvP'ers left..."
I keep hearing that, but I sure don't see that in the pvp zones.
Old pvp RV was a ghost I always find darth noobians to pound on.
In other words..."You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out" is flat out WRONG. It just simply isn't true. Your friends on your friendlist might have quit, but methinks they weren't all that good to begin with when their FOTMs lost some of their inherent advantages in old pvp.
"All the old PvP'ers left..."
I keep hearing that, but I sure don't see that in the pvp zones.
Old pvp RV was a ghost I always find darth noobians to pound on.
In other words..."You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out" is flat out WRONG. It just simply isn't true. Your friends on your friendlist might have quit, but methinks they weren't all that good to begin with when their FOTMs lost some of their inherent advantages in old pvp.
[/ QUOTE ]
Go back to bed Castle.
"All the old PvP'ers left..."
I keep hearing that, but I sure don't see that in the pvp zones.
Old pvp RV was a ghost I always find darth noobians to pound on.
In other words..."You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out" is flat out WRONG. It just simply isn't true. Your friends on your friendlist might have quit, but methinks they weren't all that good to begin with when their FOTMs lost some of their inherent advantages in old pvp.
[/ QUOTE ]
Go back to bed Castle.
[/ QUOTE ]
rofl, castle has a few good arcs in mission architect about him and pvp. least he did on test.
In other words..."You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out" is flat out WRONG. It just simply isn't true. Your friends on your friendlist might have quit, but methinks they weren't all that good to begin with when their FOTMs lost some of their inherent advantages in old pvp.
[/ QUOTE ]
Get wrecked.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
90% of all the PvPers worth mentioning left. I'm guessing you come from some ghost town server where there are just no players period. Also, bad troll is bad.
bad troll is bad
[/ QUOTE ]
Especially when you do the LOLOLOLOLOLOL thing.
it is true many good pvpers left....
idc how broken was old pvp - it was more fun than this "balanced" pvp 2.0 we have atm :/
pvp 1.0: required skills
pvp 2.0: buttonsmashing for most part :/
Sooo... I should respec my DM/invuln so he has Kick,flurry,and air sup?
and slot rest.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

"All the old PvP'ers left..."
I keep hearing that, but I sure don't see that in the pvp zones.
Old pvp RV was a ghost I always find darth noobians to pound on.
In other words..."You have figured out one of the 100 reasons why 90% of the PvP playerbase quit the game when I13 came out" is flat out WRONG. It just simply isn't true. Your friends on your friendlist might have quit, but methinks they weren't all that good to begin with when their FOTMs lost some of their inherent advantages in old pvp.
[/ QUOTE ]
I could post lists of accounts from multiple test team rosters that no longer play the game all due to the changes of i13. It wasn't because of the loss of FOTM or w/e you want to say, it was do to the fact that really i13 made PvP not as much skill based as it is button mashing therefore why decide to roll any new toons or readapt to the new changes since they just weren't much fun. We had adapted for every change that the devs had thrown out there because pre-i13 pvp was fun and fast paced, unlike it is now. I13 PvP is like running through mud neck deep, it is just so slow and taking the roles away from buffing, debuffing and support toons just made it rather boring and why waste time doing something that just isnt fun anymore.
We practiced 4-5 nights a week for 2-3 hours at a time, that is a large time commitment and with the changes it just wasnt fun or worth doing.
So it wasnt because of no FOTM's, I13 made worse FOTM's than anything before and if you want to say bs then why oh why did you only see shark throwing widows and stalkers villian side and mostly /sr scrappers, ice/* tanks and */em/force blasters in the zones after the release of i13?
We may have certain AT and powersets that worked the best in 8v8 arena matches but it was still more diverse than what you normally saw anytime after I13's release.
We had blasters, emps, sonics, rads, colds, ffr's, storms and every once in a while you could possibly see a scrapper or tank in the mix and then villian side you could see forts, corrs, mms, doms, brutes and stalkers. After I13 you would see far less diversity.
So maybe you should think before you speak or at least get your facts straight. Most of the "veteran/hardcore" PvPrs did leave the game or stop auto payment on their accounts, which have since expired, after i13 went into beta testing.
Ok sorry about the Psypunk post all.
RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups
Well I meant the serious PvP playerbase. Mostly the competitive team arena players.
When I13 hit, there was actually a thread made where people posted they were quitting. It was done to show the devs that they were about to lose a lot of customers. The total number of accounts lost went to several hundred in like 2 days. Remember, the whole hardcore PvP community was only a couple hundred people...but almost all of them had at LEAST 2 accounts. Some had up to 4 or 5.
Then the thread was completely removed from the forums, and the devs pretended that it never even existed. In fact, they made sure to make a public statement that their account signups actually went UP during those 2 days. Total bs obviously...but PR is PR.
Anyway, you can ask around. 90% is a number I can be pretty confident about. Granted some of those probably did come back, but who knows.
The point wasn't really about the numbers either. Sure, it was only a few hundred accounts, but these were some of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated players in the whole game. Being hardcore, they had the most actual knowledge of the game. The best chance of being able to help the devs improve their product.
Instead, everything they advised was ignored, and instead of trying to keep their business, the devs chose to spit in their face.
[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed.. I think the last threads still active regarding this is the thread below

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
after reading this thread Ive decided to make a scrapper named Fight Clubbin with air sup, kick and flurry.
after reading this thread Ive decided to make a scrapper named Fight Clubbin with air sup, kick and flurry.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ironically, back in issue 11 I made a Scrapper like that just for fun. After 15 levels he wasn't fun anymore, just annoying, and got deleted. Now I almost wish I'd kept him
I tested some pvp on my SS/Fire brute tonight. I went in RV with my pve build, then decided to use my alternate build for a pvp respec.
I checked Mids and saw that Flurry, Kick, Jump Kick... etc were much better than any of my attacks ! What's even the point of having a primary ?
Now I wish they could revert to old i11-i12 pvp (even if I rarely played it)... at least there was some thought involved in building a pvp toon back there.
"From one of the player that was supposed to be the target of this PvP revamp" ====> back to abusing the MA^^
I've tried and tried, but I can't seem to find any melee primary or secondary attacks that make a better burst attack chain than kick, air superiority, and flurry.
Can this be true? If so, it seems there's no point in running any melee builds other than spines for range and super strength for rage.