Self-Duplication: verified as hard to do because of engine limitations, but still its a fun set to think about. The set focuses on quantity over quality, with an extra tier 1 henchman and a spamable "throwaway" pet as the "bonus" power.
Visually, the duplicates would look just like you, with a few limitations. Before being upgraded, your henchmen would have totally featureless faces, flat skin toned nothingness where a face should be, and no hair. With the first upgrade they get the a vague outline of a face and they get hair. The final upgrade gives your henchmen your full face.
[color= yellow]Self Duplication- [/color]
Through means not well understood, you have the strange ability to create duplicates of yourself. These clones deal smashing damage and have no innate resistances but make up for it with superior numbers and the ability to replace fallen duplicates. The confusing nature of these clones gives their attacks a chance to taunt or placate, as opponents easily lose track of which one they are fighting. Your own attacks have a chance to placate as well.
A note that the placate effect here is a simple removal of aggro, there is no "hide" effect.
[color= yellow]
Project Image-[/color] (Ranged, Minor Smashing Damage, Placate) You create a single temporary clone next to an opponent. The clone delivers a single punch and vanishes, dealing minor smashing damage. A confusing attack, it has a chance to placate an opponent.
[color= yellow]
Create Clone-[/color] (Summon Clones) Creates 2-4 clones of yourself (depending on your level) Basic clones, they have very limited attack capability. Each attack they make has a chance to placate and a chance to taunt.
Starting Attacks:
[color= yellow]Brawl-[/color] Melee, Minor Smashing Damage, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]Boxing-[/color] Melee, Moderate Smashing Damage, Stun, Taunt, Placate
Upgrade 1:
[color= yellow]Kick-[/color] Melee, Moderate Smashing Damage, Knockback, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]Health-[/color] +Regen
Upgrade 2-
[color= yellow]Challenge-[/color] Ranged, Taunt
[color= yellow]Weave-[/color] Self +Defense
[color= yellow]
Manifest Images- [/color](Ranged, Modearte Smashing DoT, Placate) You create several temporary duplicates by a foe, who pummel him with several sequential strikes. Like other attacks of this nature, it has a chance to placate.
[color= yellow]
Improve Duplicates- [/color](Ranged, Improve Duplicates) You take some time to improve the quality of your summoned duplicates, giving them more advanced attacks and abilities.
[color= yellow]
Image Onslaught- [/color](PBAoE Moderate Smashing DoT, Placate) Focusing your power, you replicate yourself many times over, pummeling all enemies in an area around you with several temporary duplicates of yourself. This attack is confusing, and can placate enemies.
[color= yellow]
Create Replicants- [/color](Summon Replicants) Creates 1-2 Replicants (based on your level) to bolster your forces. Replicants are duplicates of you that can generate even more duplicates themselves. Like other duplicates, attacks by your replicants can placate or taunt.
Starting Attacks:
[color= yellow]Project Image-[/color] Ranged, Minor Smashing Damage, Placate, Taunt
[color= yellow]Manifest Images-[/color] Ranged, Moderate Smashing DoT, Placate, Taunt
Upgrade 1:
[color= yellow]Placate-[/color] Ranged, Placate
[color= yellow]Copy-[/color] Summon Copy. (Copys are poor quality brawling pets that last a very short time)
Upgrade 2:
[color= yellow]Image Barrage-[/color] Cone Moderate Smashing DoT, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]Replace Clone-[/color] Summon Clone (Will only activate this power in response to a dead Clone)
[color= yellow]
Copy- [/color](Summon Copy) A quick and dirty duplicate, copies are quite weak, but can be created quickly and often. Dim-witted, copies will not follow orders like normal henchmen and will only last a short while before vanishing. Recharge: Fast
Starting Attacks:
[color= yellow]Brawl-[/color] Melee, Minor Smashing Damage, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]
Create Doppleganger- [/color](Summon Doppleganger) You create a near-perfect replica of yourself. The doppleganger has access to some of the powers of your secondary power pool, even if you yourself have not taken them.
Starting Attacks:
[color= yellow]Manifest Images-[/color] Ranged, Moderate Smashing DoT, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #1-[/color] Twilight Grasp, Force Bolt, Alkaloid, Web Grenade, Gale or Entangling Arrow
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #2-[/color] Tar Patch, Deflection Shield, Envenom, Caltrops, O2 Boost or Flash Arrow
Upgrade 1:
[color= yellow]Image Barrage-[/color] Cone, Moderate Smashing DoT, Taunt, Placate
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #3-[/color] Darkest Night, Insulation Shield, Weaken, Triage Beacon, Snow Storm or Glue Arrow
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #4-[/color] Howling Twilight, Detention Field, Neurotoxic Breath, Acid Mortar, Steamy Mist or Ice Arrow
Upgrade 2:
[color= yellow]Replace Replicant-[/color] Summon Replicant (Will only activate this power in response to a dead Replicant)
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #5-[/color] Shadow Fall, Personal Force Field, Elixer of Life, Force Field Generator, Freezing Rain or Poison Gas Arrow
[color= yellow]Secondary Power #6-[/color] Fearsome Stare, Dispersion Bubble, Antidote, Poison Trap, Hurricane or Acid Arrow
[color= yellow]
Perfect Duplicates- [/color](Ranged, Perfect Duplicates) You mentally impart more knowledge to your duplicates, giving them even more impressive abilities.
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Original Thread
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OMG THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH WIN!!! *looks at name*