Put an Architect Terminal in the Pocket D




based on the constant calls of 'meow' I already hear everywhere I go... dear lord NEVER put one in the D

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Actually it'd be kinda funny to watch the Meowers get mixed up with the horny guys looking to cyber with catgirls.



based on the constant calls of 'meow' I already hear everywhere I go... dear lord NEVER put one in the D

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Actually it'd be kinda funny to watch the Meowers get mixed up with the horny guys looking to cyber with catgirls.

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What, Virtue, you there?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



The most likely reason it's not in Pocket D is, from my estimation, that they don't want Co-op pre-35 outside of special events.

My opinion on this is mostly.. well, apathy. I just don't care.

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This, and I don't see how it makes much sense, a novice hero and a amateur villain wanting to "play games" together.


Plus, Pocket D isn't one of the zones I see populated a lot aside from events, having it full all the time (specially with all the LFF and Meow spam) would steer me away from there.



The most likely reason it's not in Pocket D is, from my estimation, that they don't want Co-op pre-35 outside of special events.

My opinion on this is mostly.. well, apathy. I just don't care.

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This, and I don't see how it makes much sense, a novice hero and a amateur villain wanting to "play games" together.

[/ QUOTE ]It makes as much sense as the two of them having a beer together.

Besides, the alternative to being nice to "The Enemy" while you're in the D is having DJZ shunt you into your own personal pocket universe with no way out.




This, and I don't see how it makes much sense,

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Possible reasons have been given. They are valid RP reasons even if you don't care for them. If you can't accept that, you are either being intentionally dense or are ideologically opposed to it for some reason. Either way people are completely wasting their time attempting to discuss this with you.



Plus it FITS the D better than it fits the RWZ, don't ya think?

[/ QUOTE ]I agree.

Virtual Reality center in a warzone:
Virtual Reality center in a nightclub:

[/ QUOTE ]

Behold my new and exciting response! Different from the ones you may or may not have heard before!

*ahem* anyway…

Look at it as more of a war training simulation device than a video game! After all, you gain physical skills doing it.. more akin to some sort of dangerous, non trademark non derivative room.. er.. building, than set of VR glasses.

It’ll let you practice with your new *ahem* allies in a safe environment and hopefully build some trust- or be tipped off by your friends when they hug you after a fight then make that 'i'm going to backstab you later' look when they think you're not looking.

Either that or learn the Power of Friends!

Before you rush with them into a dangerous, ‘real’ war zone. And fight for real against alien scum, who aren’t THAT close to the training building anyway!

As for bringing it to the D, I do agree it would be even more fitting there. I’m kind of hoping it’s another I15 feature. The delay could account for wanting to do a full ‘room’ for it, like they did with the D, complete with hopefully a couple new furnishings so it isn’t a few out of place terminals.

Ideally, this new console for the Pocket D will come in base ready versions as well- along with any new furnishings they might make of it.

Win/ win situation.. and seriously, how could co op play be MORE unbalancing at levels 5 or 10 than levels 35 and up, where you’ve got your final primary and secondary powers, and tons of slots?

J/ Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!