Tactics Against Masterminds
jump into minion cluster.
Soul Drain.
Shadow Maul
Tune into /b
Confuse, or Drone him
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
jump into minion cluster.
Soul Drain.
Shadow Maul
Tune into /b
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Against a competent MM, you will be dead before Shadow Maul is done animating.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I usually just attack the MM and hope to do more damage than he can heal. If I see that my damage isn't enough (PD MM's seem to be basically unkillable by most builds currently), I just start ignoring the MM. They're pretty immobile, so I find that if I don't want to fight them, I can just avoid them at will.
jump into minion cluster.
Soul Drain.
Shadow Maul
Tune into /b
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Against a competent MM, you will be dead before Shadow Maul is done animating.
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Maybe against a fotm burst build I might, but I've seen positive results so far.
jump into minion cluster.
Soul Drain.
Shadow Maul
Tune into /b
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Against a competent MM, you will be dead before Shadow Maul is done animating.
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Maybe against a fotm burst build I might, but I've seen positive results so far.
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You must not be fighting very good MMs.
What are you, DM/SR?
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
jump into minion cluster.
Soul Drain.
Shadow Maul
Tune into /b
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Against a competent MM, you will be dead before Shadow Maul is done animating.
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Maybe against a fotm burst build I might, but I've seen positive results so far.
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You must not be fighting very good MMs.
What are you, DM/SR?
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This was asked not to long ago so I'll say the say way to take a MM out with a blaster type fire/devices/fire mastery
Get in close stealthed, aim, snipe, bonfire, blast a hell fire over him with single target attacks plus throw in fireball because its a MM and the AOE I think is good against them.
Yeah, except no one uses Fire Mastery in PvP because it's pretty much garbage. Aim+BU+Fireball+Inferno should do away with the pets, then pop a blue and hit the MM as he's trying to resummon.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
lol, inferno. Do people really still have that?
Most don't anymore.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Back before i13 you could use blaze ---> inferno = dead mastermind.
I'm not so sad those days are over, if only because my main is a mastermind.
Nowadays, it is actually better to go ahead and ATTACK THEIR PETS instead of the summoner. Since upgrading pets is no longer cheap, every minion you put down is one minion you can effectively ignore for the rest of the battle. Unless the mastermind can chomp blue bills faster than sound, after his initial setup is down all he'll have to throw at you is garbage.
Of course, killing the pets in the first place...There's the trick.
Yeah, except no one uses Fire Mastery in PvP because it's pretty much garbage. Aim+BU+Fireball+Inferno should do away with the pets, then pop a blue and hit the MM as he's trying to resummon.
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New idea thank you . And yes I have inferno on the build because its a both pvp and pve build efficient in both. And fire mastery has some real useful tactics and to say its garbage well I have to say I disagree.
If I can catch one moving, chances are good he's out of BG mode. Surveilance, blazing arrow, and snipe is all it takes. If in BG mode, then aim, surveilance, rain of arrows, fistfull, exploding shot, fistfull, exploding shot. Me or the pets are usually dead by that point. If it's the pets, then a single target shot or two does the job.
i've seen sr/dm scrappers do well against a ninjas/dark. he jumped in the middle of them head first. the scrapper went straight for the mastermind and kept hackin' away at him. tar patch and darkest night he was still kickin' him in the balls. this mm is actually very good against the majority of other mm's but he had trouble landin' his heals off of a sr/ scrapper. i havent seen any other build take him down like that
i tried out the sr/dm on my thugs/poison and managed to take him down rather quickly. i landed my power boosted debuffs on him before he tried to get into elude. tried again the 2nd time this time with him going into elude before my debuffs could land and ended up havin' to try to outlast his elude before taking him down again.
going straight for the pets is a good idea and is usually a pretty successful tactic. especially on a 2v1 with one person going after the mm and the other on pets. i find it a common question in zone pvp and i couldnt come up with a better suggestion besides going straight for the pets. i picked up the presense pool to avoid that.
i was curious how people in other servers that have dealt with them. thanks for the replies.
as for inferno its not as devastating as it used to be pre-13. it can still do a good amount of damage but not enough to kill him in 1-2 shots like before. i still see it used but not as much. when i saw a blaster before i would keep my pets spread out to absorb the blast without taking too much damage but even now its not really necessary anymore to spread the pets out.
TP Foe ftw!
Rage, jump in, EA, Footstomp, KO Blow
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Rage, jump in, EA, Footstomp, KO Blow
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A competent mastermind will laugh at you and kill you. And not necessarily in that order.
i've seen sr/dm scrappers do well against a ninjas/dark. .
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Yes, a dark MM that can't land his heal is basically a joke. They do extremely well vs non-defense people....but are pretty much hopeless against anybody with serious defense like SR.
Rage, jump in, EA, Footstomp, KO Blow
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A competent mastermind will laugh at you and kill you. And not necessarily in that order.
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It's worked so far. I must be doing something wrong.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Rage, jump in, EA, Footstomp, KO Blow
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A competent mastermind will laugh at you and kill you. And not necessarily in that order.
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It would be helpful if you told us just how...
TP Foe ftw!
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Yeppers this is the most efficiant answer
Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Isn't there a moment of Intangibility after TP Foe'd? I haven't been TP Foe'd forever and a day ago so I don't know.
TP Foe on to a stack of 12 Trip Mines ftw
Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server
How do you handle a MM in general when you engage into combat with one?