Best PvP Build ever!
Fire/SS Tank?
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Best PvP Build ever...
Fire/Ice Tanker
You lay down Ice Patch and hide behind that corner, right there, see? The villains will fall on your Ice Patch and then your can burn them, it's the most powerful PvP build.
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart
Best pvp build? Anything with PFF stay in it and you won't die.
Must not feed the troll regarding offensive builds... (lulz at only wanting everyone to list one build we can all agree on LOL)

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
the best PvP build is...
whatever works for you! not all builds work the same for people.
flurry > kick > shark > pff
'nough said,thank you castle
Best pvp build? Anything with PFF stay in it and you won't die.
Must not feed the troll regarding offensive builds... (lulz at only wanting everyone to list one build we can all agree on LOL)
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You posting that uninspired babble is more trolling than this thread is. Dont post if you dont/wont share your opinion.
the best PvP build is...
whatever works for you! not all builds work the same for people.
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Thank you. No offense but Ive seen that response too much.
The point of the thread is for people to pick YOUR Fav/Best build. Remember this is a game, and this threads for fun.
Fire/SS Tank?
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You mean Fire Armor Super Strength Tank?
So far theres a vote for Broadsword/Invulnerability, and a Fire Ice Tanker...
actually there are 3 votes, id even go with 4 since it's:
1 vote for bs/inv scrapper
1 vote for fire/ice tank (which i think he's talking bout for PvE)
2 votes for fire/ss tank.
no tell me how this topic wont start a flame war..............
and woth that, maybe you might change the title to: What is your favorite PvP build? instead of Best PvP build ever!
Spines/SR's Tier 9/Weapons Mastery
Spines/Ninjitsu's Tier 9/Shark Mastery
lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker
New Toons
lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker
My favorite is my Fire/Dev blaster (in SC), cause once you're webnaded you either phase or die. That and he has enough accuracy and to hit to hit forts and widows most of the time with ML on.
/close thread
best toon is whatever im playing at the time im owning frankensteinsmonster with. pretty much all of my toons and half of my sons. (some of his have six slotted team teleport and stuff like that.)
actually there are 3 votes, id even go with 4 since it's:
1 vote for bs/inv scrapper
1 vote for fire/ice tank (which i think he's talking bout for PvE)
2 votes for fire/ss tank.
no tell me how this topic wont start a flame war..............
and woth that, maybe you might change the title to: What is your favorite PvP build? instead of Best PvP build ever!
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Not... I meant PvP, come on, haven't you guys tried to herd SoAs in RV?
50 Ice/Ice/Force Blaster *
50 Ice/Fire/Fire Tanker
50 Kin/Sonic/Power Defender
50 Ice/Storm/Psi Controller
50 Stone/WP/Soul Brute
50 Spines/SR Stalker
Pinnacle | Virtue
@Black Heart
npc SoA's or playable SoA's? if it's the npc kind, that's PvE.(even though they are in a PvP zone)
He clearly means PvP. I used to herd whole maps of villains into dumpsters. After all the nerfs, I can only herd a few. I grab a couple forts, a couple stalkers, and maybe a corr.....and then they follow me around a corner, and I burn them all. Best PvP strategery evar. Amirite zero?
hold on a sec, i'm still setting up tripmines
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Ugh. I just got my BS Inv toon to 50 (my first) went into Recluses Victory, and got stomped like a narc in a biker rally. I found out PvP is all about the sets.
So if the sets make such a difference does it matter what build you have really?
Ugh. I just got my BS Inv toon to 50 (my first) went into Recluses Victory, and got stomped like a narc in a biker rally. I found out PvP is all about the sets.
So if the sets make such a difference does it matter what build you have really?
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Yes. And the way you use it matters to.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Ugh. I just got my BS Inv toon to 50 (my first) went into Recluses Victory, and got stomped like a narc in a biker rally. I found out PvP is all about the sets.
So if the sets make such a difference does it matter what build you have really?
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Usually I'd come with an immature "LOL U MAD CUZ U BAD" reply, but I've been there. At first, PvP really looks like some sort of rock/paper/sissors. Sum it with the way its fast paced and fairly unbalanced, and you are going to have a frustrating experience alright.
However, you realize that there are always some way to work around on pvp with your character. Given, some will require lots of work to do squat, others can overpower many ATs easily. It's really a balance of fiding something that you find cool to play, and that is on the list of "average to good" PvP ATs. It's harsh, but can be fun.
If you dont really have the patience to go there, get roflstomped and come back to try something different, or a different AT, or dont know your AT very well... even the Sets will seem worthless.
My 2 inf.
- Dual Blades Stalker Guide
- Mastermind guide to Pain Domination
Thanks man. Appreciate it.
ive got a few pvp builds, but id have to say my kat/regen scrapper does the best vs all the different types of enemies, but every toon has its nemesis, so no build will be unbeatable, saying this though, 1 vs 1 a well built dark or poison mm will be nasty vs 95% of opponants but my single vote is still kat/regen
Did you only read the title and not the rest of the thread?
Drone 'em
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
What is it? Only list one. Thats right only one. Ive seen a gazillion posts where people list dozens of toons with different combinations.
Only list one or not at all. Im curious if people start agreeing and then we can see which common choices repeat.
My choice is my highest level toon FRANKENSTEINsMONSTER....a BS Inv Science Scrapper, and Frank is a bad bad man baby!
One vote - Scrapper Broadsword / Invulnerability