Happy Birthday Thor's Assassin
Heppeh birfday.
Official Offline Psychopath of PWNZ
"Hey, sneak up, stab someone, and sneak away...or kill them with Iceland at a distance. Either way, no one knows what the hell happened!" -Umbramancer, on Assassin's Boulder
Echo So'kar reference shots ||| Punkicide reference shots
You age?
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday TA, I love your character and I keep clicking thru your DA loving nearly every picture, if not all
congrats TA. I heard you look like me
(Blackshroud from LOJ )
Reference Pics
The Legend Continues
My Deviant
lol, your birthday is the same as one of my friends. Happy Birthday!
General Flag - Hero - Tank
Spy Smasher - Hero - Scrap
King Chrono - Villain - Brute
Witch Hazel - Villain - Dom
Server: Victory
Supergroup: Legion of Valor
SG website: [url="http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com"]legionofvalor.guildportal.com[/url]
Deviant page: [url="http://kingchrono.deviantart.com/"]http://kingchrono.deviantart.com/[/url]
Happy b-day TA.
Don't let AoT hog the cake.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Happy Birthday bruddah... here you are unmasked again, so we can see how old you are! Sorry it's not finished, but you can add it to my tab!
Happy Birfday TA!! <^_^>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Happy Birthday, TA. Sorry, no artz. Every time I sit down to finish anything I get interrupted by stuff like babies or work.
"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.
Happy B-Day
Happy Belated Birthday!
A bit late but happy wishes nevertheless!
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Have not seen you post in awhile but wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company