Discussion: Issue 12's Improved Character Creator




I like what has been stated regarding upcoming I12 content, but i have a question regarding the upcoming Improved Character Creation in Issue 12...

i realize that this additional content is addressed for new character creation, but i have several accounts and a few toons on them [even though other characters on those accounts function properly with respect to showing enhancemnt updating for new enhancement slotting] that have never permitted me to see the #'s whenever i insert an enhancement into a power slot... will this update/new issue content provide any fix/patch to allow enable viewing enhancement # adjustments in an existing character that previously/currently does not permit viewing the number adjustment????

Plz dev respond to this post since i know other players have this issue as well and my prior inquiries have always been that devs are aware of the issue but no plans for correcting/addressing.

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A dev has already responded

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

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I think what they have there is a bug, and it should be sent in as much detail to the guys as possible. If you can't view the numbers on SOME characters (i'm guessing older ones?) but you can on others, that's a bug. What Pohsyb listed there was merely the ability they've improved upon, to show you *before creation* what the numbers are like in the generator. if the character data itself is buggy, that has to be corrected by them on a different level. I would HOPE that this would change, but I don't think it would, just by having added code in another part of the generation/game program.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!





I like what has been stated regarding upcoming I12 content, but i have a question regarding the upcoming Improved Character Creation in Issue 12...

i realize that this additional content is addressed for new character creation, but i have several accounts and a few toons on them [even though other characters on those accounts function properly with respect to showing enhancemnt updating for new enhancement slotting] that have never permitted me to see the #'s whenever i insert an enhancement into a power slot... will this update/new issue content provide any fix/patch to allow enable viewing enhancement # adjustments in an existing character that previously/currently does not permit viewing the number adjustment????

Plz dev respond to this post since i know other players have this issue as well and my prior inquiries have always been that devs are aware of the issue but no plans for correcting/addressing.


A dev has already responded

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Thnx SaintNicster,... i obviously missed the earlier clarification from Pohsyb. For me this was a very big issue and I for one am very pleased this next update appears to have addressed it.

HUGE KUDOS from me to devs for I12!