Things that make you go "hmm."
Poor little buggers just confused is all.
That is pretty funny though.
No he's escaping -from- the trolls. he was a captive -of- the trolls, therefore a troll -escapee-.
not a -troll- escapee.
Therefore, it can be concluded that being imprisoned by trolls sure does a number on your grammar.
Therefore, it can be concluded that being imprisoned by trolls sure does a number on your grammar.
[/ QUOTE ]
And mysteriously transports you to the Skyway City police precinct's holding cell...
This sorta reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, and the strapping, 6ft tall, handsome blond lad who considered himself a dwarf (because he was found by dwarves as a baby and raised by them).
Maybe here, what we have is a very touching story of an Outcast raised by a family of Trolls...
Poor guy was in jail so long he didn't care what he was, as long as he got out of jail!
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Nah, he was a forum troll, note the flame powers? :P
Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender
<booming voice> Only YOU can prevent Forum Fires! <points!>
Looks like the Trolls pulled a fast one on my man Clawdacious today. The scanner said it was a routine enough job - clear out some Trolls from a PPD precinct house in Skyway City, defuse their bombs, make sure the guy they were trying to break out didn't escape. Up on the first floor everything was normal. Some Trolls, some bombs, nothing to work up a sweat over.
But down in the cellblock... something strange was afoot.
(Notice particularly the priceless Troll dialogue being delivered by the Troll Escapee who is... er... not a Troll.