95 -
I have one 2months card that had been saving, and I wanted to use to at least go out in style -- and obviously, it's not accepting it.
Goddamnit. -
After so many stabs at poor Frank, I decided to leave him in peace and try my hand at a female cenobite.
Harder than it looks... since COV is lacking in gorish items. However with the right face and some facial decor in dark red, one manages amazingly scary results, methinks. I tried to make it look as if her claws (Stalker, Claws\Regen) were actually part of her, like stuck into her flesh or something....
EDIT 1: I give in, I wanted to take a stab at Frank too!
And here it is. -
Well, I chose the screenshot from a song called "Bad Girls", and that is the background that comes with the song. I find it quite awesome.
Also, Juggertha...dancing DDR-style....stop, you're killing me. I really want to do it again now, and then he'll chase me down and do grievous bodily harm to me. -
What can I say, it was a strange afternoon...
So I give you the Professor's La Diablesse vs. my Mikahel duking it out -- Good Versus Evil - DDR-style .
Originally, I was going to make this a Mikahel vs. Juggertha, because the thought of Jug DDRing brought me in stitches. However, I then realized I feared he'd track me down and break my kneecaps, so I decided to... huh... wisely find another vic.... err, subject. -
And finally, and after a few weeks of non COH related artwork, the work I've been postponing for ages, the epic battle of the direst of enemies, Good Versus Evil 1.
This time pitting the MA Scrapper (at one time AR blaster) Lt. Torres against the Thug\Dark Mastermind Lady Skorpio. These two girls hate each other so much that their rivalry happens not only on Virtue but on Victory too (albeit with the Good\Evil roles inverted).
Shotguns, Shadow Tentacles and Kinky Boots, Oh, My! -
Another commissioned piccie, this time by a close friend to our SG leader, to celebrate her getting her hero to 50, MacKenzie. Mac is fighting her naughty twin sister, Major Arcana: I tried making them both look as similar as possible, so poor Mac wound up looking slightly evil.
Good Vs.Evil -
Very nice indeed -- I love the pose. amazingly dynamic!
Congrats, Soul, you chose an awesome artist. -
My vote goes for Projectionist.
And my undying envy too, but I'm not bitter. Nuuhuuh. -
I'm just glad you liked it.
It's been too long since I drew vampire characters and I nearly forgot how fun they can be.... so I also have to thank you for reminding me. Time to dust off the old Vampire characters....
Oh and in case you're curious, here are the several stages of this piece.
Concept Sketch (one of the few I presented)
Linework (the katana wasn't inked, so it comes out fuzzy in the scan and final linework)
Work in Progress -
After struggling with a bit of blockage and burning out with the Game, I seem to be back, and I bring you tidings of Ragnarockette.
I've been planning to do a piccie of her in her civilian costume, and I quite like this "School Themed" picture. I admit I adlibed the stockings (which aren't possible in game yet, unfortunately), but I like how it came out.
Happy Summer Holidays! -
That one in special uses either the patent leather or the shiny tights top with a yellow stripe 3, and of course, the normal bikini bottom. For the head go the aviator goggles (their real name in game escapes me now) and the feet go flat\bare.
I'm a regular alliteration junkie, bear with me.
Anyhoo, here it is, my latest Gunbunny Torres (I'm sorry prof! I meant to make the next Gunbunny I did a special one with the old school hunting\sniper riffle, but this came out without me even trying).
Gunbunny Torres 5: HK MP5
Lately, I seem to be doing a lot of beach-themed drawings... I must be tired of winter -
This piece should be called "The Piece that Almost Wasn't". Originally was going to be the poster for the Astraios SG's last Halloween Ball, but had to be dropped because I didn't finish it on time, and it lingered in uninked form for months.
Then a couple months ago, I repicked it up, and started painting it, but last saturday I tripped on my computer's power cord, and the abrupt shutting down of the computer corrupted the file.
But still, I'm happy how it turned out. I particularly like this costume, especially since I figured out how to finally make it look as if the character wearing the Katie Hannon TF hat weren't bald. And I did win quite a few Costume Contests thanks to it!
Is it a good witch... or a bad witch?
Doing all the detail on the "Sinister" top was just mind boggling and I cheated a lot, because I'm sure I screwed up most of the lighting\dark areas to give the impression of being "raised" and very likely contradict completely the light source, but bear with me. -
..... I don't need a lift to Icon, but DAMN I actually want it if I get that ride that sweet machine.
Do I get to drive? -
Kai, your links are down, I'm afraid.
Also, a new trace over, this time my dual blade scrapper, Ms. Montenegro.
ZOMG, It's a Traced Scrapper!
And here is the original screenshot. -
Ms. Montenegro, the Scrapper, as a Unisystem RPG Character
[/ QUOTE ]
I wish I knew about that game system but just looking at this:
Attractivness: 2 - *blinks* ok so if that's a 2 what does the scale go up to(Or was that your dump stat?)
Drawbacks: Fear of Commitment.... Sorry, not seeing the problem here >.>
[/ QUOTE ]
You can find in this page a link to download WitchCraft corebook which is also Unisystem (although Monty's powers don't show up in there, since I had to go borrow Armageddon powers to represent her Regen and her Dual Blades).
Fear of Commitment is an actual drawback in the game -- it simply shows that she has problems letting people coming too close to her and trusting people and actually have a stable relationship. It's not a very complicated drawback (it's only worth 1 point).
Attractiveness is not a stat, but an Advantage. Everyone starts at Attractiveness 0 (no bonus) ie normal appearance. The max is 5, so, at 2, Monty is moderately attractive (above average) but is not drop dead gorgeous. Top models are in the range of 3/4 and 5 is like THE most beautiful woman in the country. -
A couple of years ago, I really had fun doing fully costumized RPG character sheets, and after recently having an interesting debate with a friend, I tried to adapt one of my COH characters into a RPG format (Case in point: Unisystem, the system that was going to be used in Eden's adaptation of COH to RPG):
Ms. Montenegro, the Scrapper, as a Unisystem RPG Character -
For a very bad pun, I could say I was trying to see how "cheeky" my character could be.
Almost 6 months late, here is a gift piece for CheshireCat, part of my old Victory SG.
A Day Off At Talos -
This sorta reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, and the strapping, 6ft tall, handsome blond lad who considered himself a dwarf (because he was found by dwarves as a baby and raised by them).
Maybe here, what we have is a very touching story of an Outcast raised by a family of Trolls... -
Swanky indeed! Wow. I particularly like her calm and sultry expression. Almost as if she didn't realize she was flashing everyone.
Not that I think anyone would complain that she is. -
*ding* We have a winner!
Indeed. A fine quote from an old manuscript that then got adapted to an Opera by Carl Orff..