How to solo the Master of Olympus badge...




I really loved your costume in the sticky thread in this forum and your character looks awesome in this drawing!



Very nice, that came out sweet!



sweet, that piece has a whole lotta stuff that makes it great, the camera angle, the face emotion, the detail on the costume the pose, whole lotta good

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I really loved your costume in the sticky thread in this forum and your character looks awesome in this drawing!

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Thank you . I've been very pleased with Nike IX's look in game, but JCSD really does bring it to life. I ordered this right before I was hoping to pick up the Neutron Bomb attack (Nike is a Rad/Rad). I ended up being a little disapointed with the in-game look of the power, so I asked him draw it the way I had imagined it - this leaping, back-arched, about-to-slam-dunk with a big ball o' green death attack! After that I needed an opponent to hit with it and I've always loved the Gunslingers - those are some bosses I could respect! I sent in a real simple description and the artist evidently went and researched the Malta Group on his own and came back asking if he could put the whole thing inside a Kronos Titan hanger. I said 'yes' pretty durn quick (duh!), and this is where it went.

For folks looking for memorable art for their favorite characters, I really have to recommend JCSD. Prices seem to generally be in what I think of upper mid-range ($100-$200) and he's been very good about presenting concepts/pencils/stages of inking for approvals and making small changes as requested. Attention to detail taken from screenshots has been superior (look at those touches on the Gunslingers!). He's also very prompt with communication and works fairly fast. Payment is a little odd (he doesn't take Paypal, so you need to wire the money) but the overall experience has been [u]very[u] professional.



That's a great great peice do you plan to color it or have it colored?

For All who Fight the Good Fight let our Voices be heard.

War Patriot LvL 50 AR/ Dev Blaster
And more alts then i care to mention



That's a great great peice

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He just keeps 'wow'ing me. This one was a little more expensive than the first one he did of Nike IX for me (multiple characters after all). Seeing where he went with it I've got -no- complaints. That Gunslinger in the foreground is unmistakable to a CoX player, I'd say.

Do you plan to color it or have it colored?

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I asked for one small change to the inks (I wanted the Gunslingers' hats to have broader brims - more cowboy, less fedora). After that JCSD will be coloring the piece also.



nice piece in progress...looking forward to seeing end results. ~

...the sword is truth...




sweet, that piece has a whole lotta stuff that makes it great, the camera angle, the face emotion, the detail on the costume the pose, whole lotta good

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*nod* My description for the shot was really simplistic compared to what he delivered. He'd drawn her once before and I sent a few Gunslinger screenshots. Hang on, I think I've still got it.


Here it is:

"I'd like for her to be airborne, arched back like someone about to make a 2-handed basketball slam dunk. She holds a mottled green ball of energy about 2 feet across over her head, about to slam it down on the gunslinger in the left foreground, who is shooting back at her with both pistols. She's looking pissed off and has a green aura radiating from her whole body, but becoming stronger around her arms and bleeding into the ball of energy she's gathered."

That's it. I had no thoughts for the background at all. When I first saw the inks, the thing that caught my eye was her hands. That is a really unusual angle and the fingers are incredible. I also really like the little details around the edges of the white parts of the costume that help make them look like something worn/pulled-on over the underlying black parts. A little lip. An occasional wrinkle. Pure squee .



Link please?



Very nice!



Extremely beautiful. This is the kind of quality I would expect for the price range. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Wow, that's a cool piece. It's just screaming to be colored.



Very nice drawing. I especially like the subtle use of halftone in the straps on the foreground figure.



Cesar is really good. His inks are professional-quality.



Extremely beautiful. This is the kind of quality I would expect for the price range.

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Thank you, Suichiro. *teasing* I always figured her outfit would be far too black for your tastes */teasing*

Honestly I don't spend that much real often, so I'm more of a "That's the quality I really hope for when plunking down that kind of money" person. This was my second piece from him so confidence level was high. I'm thinking about asking him to do some of my WoW characters next, but money permiting, I'd love to have him take on a Nike piece again sometime.

I have one other piece I'm trying to get ordered this month that will be sort of the ultimate glee for me if the artist has the time to accept the commision during the show he's attending. He may be booked up though, so I'm trying not to over anticipate... *fingers crossed*



Wow, that's a cool piece.

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Woohoo! Greetings, Mr. Shuler. I've enjoyed your work since the little mini-portraits in the WEG Star Wars game. I hope you can take a minute to say so again over on his page. It's fun when the fans go wild, but I imagine he'd enjoy hearing it from a fellow artist .

It's just screaming to be colored.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed. I just approved the last of the ink changes this morning. I imagine we'll see the colored version soon .






nice rich colors. The blue on the Zeus/Hercules Class Titan is nearly like real thing.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I would challenge you to a duel, but I have no idea what your character's powers and origins are...



Short form is she was a lab tech at Kord Industries and got hit with a lethal dose of Polonium radiation during a (Nemesis Army) raid on the building. Instead of dying, she became a living portal to a pocket dimension of bio-energy. She basically got the benefits of a lifetime membership at the gym, and can allow some of the greenish energy that constantly surounds her to "overflow", releasing beneficial and harmful bursts. She got the wings later as part of a bargain with the Greek Pantheon during a trip to Greece (mixing college credit with tracing a lead on the Nemesis Army). Part-time hero, part-time student at the ol' Paragon U.

She's a Science Origin Radiation/Radiation defender with insanely high regen for a squishy (about 300% of base), and most of her attacks also heal her. She's only got a security clearance of 37, so I suspect you'd mop the floor with her .



hmm depends. Another one of my character is a rad/rad defender named Jade Beast who bested Turbo-Ski once when she only had her cold abilities by causing her to pass out from heat exhaustion. Jade Beast gains her powers by absorbing a broad range of radiation from her environment and releasing it with perfect control. Turbo-Ski was unaffected by the radiation due to the drug experiments as a child, but can't produce her own body heat so she absorbs heat from her surroundings to fuel her powers. However, Gatekeeper Turbo-Ski completely mopped the floor with Jade Beast and convinced her it was in her best interests to join her organization Tarock. Of course this was before GK Turbo-Ski lost her right eye in "The Sundering of Fates" and became evil again and even more powerful.

Your character seems to have weaker radiation powers than Jade Beast conceptually, but is compensated by having immense strength and healing abilities. She would be a formidable opponent for regular ol' Turbo-Ski, but probably not even a contest for GK Turbo-Ski (distant future arc BTW) since she gained the powers of Gatekeeper of the Netherworld in addition to her normal cold abilities. Ironically though, GK Turbo-Ski ends up dying in the end from the very person she was manipulating to end the world.