How to solo the Master of Olympus badge...




That turned out beautiful in color! Great commission for your collection



hmm depends. Another one of my character is a rad/rad defender named Jade Beast who bested Turbo-Ski once when she only had her cold abilities by causing her to pass out from heat exhaustion. Jade Beast gains her powers by absorbing a broad range of radiation from her environment and releasing it with perfect control. Turbo-Ski was unaffected by the radiation due to the drug experiments as a child, but can't produce her own body heat so she absorbs heat from her surroundings to fuel her powers. However, Gatekeeper Turbo-Ski completely mopped the floor with Jade Beast and convinced her it was in her best interests to join her organization Tarock. Of course this was before GK Turbo-Ski lost her right eye in "The Sundering of Fates" and became evil again and even more powerful.

Your character seems to have weaker radiation powers than Jade Beast conceptually, but is compensated by having immense strength and healing abilities. She would be a formidable opponent for regular ol' Turbo-Ski, but probably not even a contest for GK Turbo-Ski (distant future arc BTW) since she gained the powers of Gatekeeper of the Netherworld in addition to her normal cold abilities. Ironically though, GK Turbo-Ski ends up dying in the end from the very person she was manipulating to end the world.

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Wait, is this conceptual thought experiment PvP? I didn't know this existed.



Wait, is this conceptual thought experiment PvP? I didn't know this existed.

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Sure . It works better if the folks involved aren't all desperate to win any match up. For example I tend to agree with 'ski - Nike IX vs Gatekeeper = pile of mangled feathers and a trip to the hospital (if Nike is lucky) or having to fight her way out of some Circle of Thorns-like underworld prision map (seems more likely).

Against Turbo-ski it should be pretty funny. Nike's energy bursts are definitely not about precision. She's more of a dive right in type - proc'd fighting pool defenses, 300% regen, self-heal, and two self-healing attacks = charges in where a Viking berserker would give pause. Once there its unleash massive waves of energy in all directions with her PBAoE heal, PBAoE damage, PBAoE toggle hold, and PBAoE click hold (see a theme?). Soon she'll be adding the Nuclear Blast to that particular habbit. The radiation toggle hold has got to be her signature power (loaded with 2 chance to do damage IOs). Against level approriate foes she's been known to just walk in and stand there watching them choke until they collapse. Follow up with two blasts: the little tier one blast with chance to self heal and chance to hold, and X-Ray beam with chance to self heal and chance to build up.

I'm pretty much a proc fiend - I like (all) my powers to do weird stuff. She's got lots of effects on her toggle debuff - 5/6 Darkwatcher and added effects of chance to reduce recharge, chance to reduce regen. First defender I ever played that running solo eats Elite bosses like candy.

What she sucks at is burst damage, and that means victory in 1:1 PvP is right out .

Against regular turbo' I imagine a Jason vs. Freddie moment were Turbo's is getting annoyed at the bio-energy burns (rather than free sauna most rads let off) and that Nike Just. Won't. Die! End with a Heroes-style bit with Nike getting a ice-scythe in the chest and laying there seemingly dead for about 40 minutes until it melts and she can regenerate .

...Or the cops show up. The PPD is fond of Nike as she spends a lot of time healing them during bank robberies and other major deployments of the boys in blue.



I just got the final colors on the piece. There were a couple of small changes.

Nike IX vs. the MALTA group (final)

Hope I can get the actual badge for the character soon . "Mistress of Olympus" is a good fit for her .



It's a badass piece. I'm going to eat Cesar's liver.



Against regular turbo' I imagine a Jason vs. Freddie moment were Turbo's is getting annoyed at the bio-energy burns (rather than free sauna most rads let off) and that Nike Just. Won't. Die! End with a Heroes-style bit with Nike getting a ice-scythe in the chest and laying there seemingly dead for about 40 minutes until it melts and she can regenerate .

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Totally would probably end up like that, but I bet Turbo would probably be frustrated by Nike's healing abilities and would probably take off her ski gear to up her heat transfer rate and speed to end the fight faster.



*wolf-whistle* Turbo's takin' it off!