Recent tests with the Justice League (3D stuff)




Ok, this isn't really COH fan art, but I'm happy enough with this recent piece that I wanted to show it anyway.

In short, I've wanted to get into making 3D heroes for Marvel and DC for a long time now, and I've been building their heroes for years. After doing that LoneSTAR poster last month that featured 41 heroes, I decided I wanted to try a full team of known heroes to see how close I could get them... and a team of 10 is a LOT easier in scope =)

This is the first full TEST version of the Justice League of America. The image is just a test lineup for analysis and comparison... but it was still fun and I wanted to show what I've been working on.

Thanks for looking.

JUSTICE LEAGUE - Costume Tests



Where's Aqua Man, Shazam, and Hawkman?

Just kidding, I love these... any chance of a Mr. Terrific?



Where's Aqua Man, Shazam, and Hawkman?

Just kidding, I love these... any chance of a Mr. Terrific?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm just working on the current lineup at the moment, and those 3 aren't currently on the roster.

I already made an Aquaman, though. And a Flash. And about a dozen members of the Legion of Superheroes. You'll probably see those eventually.



Looking good DJ the costumes are fantastic



awesome work as ever, those costumes are perfect. Can't wait to see the others that you're working on.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



WOW! Very fun stuff.



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

[/ QUOTE ]

No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.



Looks great--I'm out of the loop on the current line-up so I"m guessing that's Arsenal (Speedy) rather than Green Arrow.

I especially like Vixen, Black Lightning, Batman, and Wonder Woman. The Helmet and Wings really set off Hawkgirl from the pack.

I'd love to see a Firestorm from you.

Great job on these test images.



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

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No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow, all self made, that's sweet man. and true, Hawkgirl's helmet is a-mazing.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



And Tigra! Oh wait wrong universe. Drat!!! :P




This is the first full TEST version of the Justice League of America. The image is just a test lineup for analysis and comparison... but it was still fun and I wanted to show what I've been working on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Looks great! There's a nice Alex Ross feel in the Batman especially. I've always been a fan of Black Lightning too and I'm glad you didn't underappreciate him by leaving him out for a more legendary character (although I want to see Flash and Aquaman and others too .

I'd think there are still a number of things you can work on though. I think the biggest thing I see is that you would do well to develop a broader variety in muscular builds between characters, (there's a lot of sameness there in your current test lineup, especially the unusually extreme muscle size on the lower male thighs just above the knee). I imagine poser makes such an effort quite a pain, and regretfully I don't have a good suggestion to address that.

Other than that, there are minor, arguable things like some of the angles in Green Lantern's costume are a bit too flat. And Wonder Woman's hair is a bit bushy, possibly not styled well. Red Arrow's hair seems a bit misstyled as well.


Thanks for looking.

[/ QUOTE ]


I mean...

You're art is awesome. I'm just a silly guy who likes looking at awesome art. I'm far more in debt thankwise to you for your freely-offered awesomeness than you are to me.

But, yeah, thanks for being humble too.



Oh your work on those costumes are too cool for words.



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

[/ QUOTE ]

No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.

[/ QUOTE ]When my brother finally brings my Poser back to me, I will probably beg, pay, provide my first born to try and get a Warface body parts pack from you. That way I can endlessly pose him and have him chase around naked models in a comic strip

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

[/ QUOTE ]

No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.

[/ QUOTE ]When my brother finally brings my Poser back to me, I will probably beg, pay, provide my first born to try and get a Warface body parts pack from you. That way I can endlessly pose him and have him chase around naked models in a comic strip

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a solid reason right there not to give Warface such a model set.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

[/ QUOTE ]

No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.

[/ QUOTE ]When my brother finally brings my Poser back to me, I will probably beg, pay, provide my first born to try and get a Warface body parts pack from you. That way I can endlessly pose him and have him chase around naked models in a comic strip

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a solid reason right there not to give Warface such a model set.


View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Do you make your own costume pieces or is there a pack? BTW although all are incredible.......... Hawkgirl is freaking awesomeness.

[/ QUOTE ]

No packs. In fact, I think my reliance on pre-made pieces is coming to an end. In the case of Hawkgirl, I modelled her helmet completely from scratch, and that's the peice that really brings her together.

[/ QUOTE ]When my brother finally brings my Poser back to me, I will probably beg, pay, provide my first born to try and get a Warface body parts pack from you. That way I can endlessly pose him and have him chase around naked models in a comic strip

[/ QUOTE ]

Depending on his design, it might be possible to model the peices and just parent them to his limbs. If his outfit is soft or conforming, then you'd need someone with more skillz that I have.

Got a screenshot? Ot some other piece of art that you consider 'canon'? I can give a better assessment that way.



Do I???? Ohhhh yahhhhh.........well Im not as bad as TA...but you know, I got the bug bad.

Warface by Celtic Bolt

Warface by Guildhelper

Warface by Warface

Warface in game

[/ QUOTE ]

A couple of textures and some parented props and he's done. If you want home modelled up hard-core, you could actually make his ribs and plating in 3D... but I'd recommend a texture for speed. But if he were in a movie, I could see all those plates being segmented and stuff.



Do I???? Ohhhh yahhhhh.........well Im not as bad as TA...but you know, I got the bug bad.

Warface by Celtic Bolt

Warface by Guildhelper

Warface by Warface

Warface in game

[/ QUOTE ]

A couple of textures and some parented props and he's done. If you want home modelled up hard-core, you could actually make his ribs and plating in 3D... but I'd recommend a texture for speed. But if he were in a movie, I could see all those plates being segmented and stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]Well when I get that thing back I will be trying my hardest to whoop it on Poser to make my life easier.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Amazing work, Doug, you said you struggled with WW, but she turned out one of the best looking heroes in the lot!



Amazing work, Doug, you said you struggled with WW, but she turned out one of the best looking heroes in the lot!

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Wonder Woman presented a wierd set of challenges that I've finally figured out. Basically, her outfit is a mix of two different textures. I'd never had to tackle that issue before, but one texture (red and blue) needed to look matte, while the other (gold) needed to look metallic... both on the same clothing model. I figured out how to apply masks to get the two to 'play nice' together.

Beyond the texture, there was an infinite amount of tweaking her musculature, her face (to get attractive AND mature out of her), her bracers, and even her boots.

But hey... it was a labor of love and completely worth it. I can't wait to get these models into some close-ups and beauty shots.



Looking good, but should'nt Superman put on a bit more muscles and Batman a little bit less shinely?