QuietAmerican Draw? What do you think?
Nice point of view you've got going on there. Welcome to the art forums
Is this the same toon as your avatar, and are you the same artist, bravo to both pieces, and welcome to the Art Forum!
Wow <O.O> Bravo! That's superb right there <^_^> welcome to the TRUE nuthouse of heroes <^,^> I know cause my tree is planted here!
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Well that's pretty darned cool!
O.O GREATNESS............O.O
good piece, good use of perspective. i see a minor flaw with the way he is twisted (his belly) but the rest of the piece is so good i can mostly forget about that. Awesome claw work.
nice work that looks great welcome to the art forums
Great dynamic perspective--love the line work.
Thanks for all the positive responces. I'm working on a batch of new pics. In the meantime here is another pic from my virtue thread.
Another Picture!
Of my Supergroup Mate, Jack Travers!
"Hell of a lollypop!"
Also, my avitar is drawn by Kelp Plankton, I'm not very good with color. I'm kinda' learning to use Photoshop and illustrator 9 but I just don't have the pen/pad comptuer tool and mouse is clumsy.
again thanks!
good piece, good use of perspective. i see a minor flaw with the way he is twisted (his belly) but the rest of the piece is so good i can mostly forget about that. Awesome claw work.
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Yeah, I see that now that you pointed it out to me.
I'm kinda' bummed that his Jawline to his left ear didn't show up on the scanner. That missing line makes him look fat.
But I'm really happy with the front claws! And the perspective on his legs.
Here is a sketch I did for mysterious_flame. Its of his Martial Arts Stalker Jack A' Lantern
I hope you all like it.
that's awesome dude thanks a bunch
That is a very Dynamic Pose QuietAmerican. Great job!
Love the MA Stalker, you can feel the roundhouse coming... wound you mind if I take a stab at coloring the first piece, and if so, could you give me a run down of what the colors are, or maybe post a screenshot.
Wow, super wow. I absolutely love your style!
Very nice! I love how your poses aren't static.
What everyone else has said--love your work.
Love the MA Stalker, you can feel the roundhouse coming... wound you mind if I take a stab at coloring the first piece, and if so, could you give me a run down of what the colors are, or maybe post a screenshot.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure... here are some reference of Juvie.
Juvie Front Face
Juvie front claws
Juvie full body
Juvie Profile
Your sketches are amazing! Keep up this fabulous work!!!
Another Sketch from Virtue. Here is my Supergroup mate, & Role-play girlfriend to Tom "The Juvie" Cooper!
Princess Powerfull, "Stay back! They're mine!"
that turned out really good man nice work
Nice style, looking foward to seeing more.
Very Cool! I love the 2nd one. Sort of like, wait there while I finish my lollipop------- before I end you.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
Hi All, I've been posting my sketches over on the Virtue forums, and I've decided to show some of them to you folks in the Art Threads.
Let me know what you think.
A sketch of Tom "The Juvie" Cooper!
The Once and Future Juvie!