Jester / Enforcer / Dagger screenshots!
I can't wait to see the thousands of jesters all over Atlas!

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*sigh* My Carnie character loves the Jester set... *swoon*
She's not too enthused about the non-carnies wearing the same look though.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I love the new jester sets, and your designs are very nice (especially the green one), but the options peeve me a little too. My corruptor, The Red Minstrel, will no longer be a unique little snowflake with her homemade four corner hat. I used to get tons of compliments: now she'll just look like a participant in a parade.
If they're below 40, they're pretenders!
Holding of on my jester type character, having to much fun with DB/WP, but I did pause to get Enforcer costume bits on her.
Introducing Desduende:
Sweeping Strike
Death from above.
I am SO EXCITED! Pierrette will finally have a jester costume!!!! *dances*
Holding of on my jester type character, having to much fun with DB/WP, but I did pause to get Enforcer costume bits on her.
Introducing Desduende:
Sweeping Strike
Death from above.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice design. Are you spanish? I ask because Duende means elf in spanish and I can't help but notice that your character looks like a dark elf.
Guess I'll show off the latest incarnation of my Blaster in full Enforcer style, complete with tech-wings....
This and this are how I ended up using enforcer.
I still haven't figured out what to make my jester character.
I've had an idea for this character for the longest time, but still can't figure out what AT to make him.
I tried using DB, but didn't like how the animations looked, so I'm still figuring it out.
"Through Avarice evil smiles; through insanity it sings"
Forum Troll Rule #1: Anyone who disagrees with my point of view is either a fanboy or an idiot.
I'm a proud carebear.
Kesh Zhox after having watched a Macross and Gundam marathon at the same time. He's an impressionable shape shifting space bug.
My EM/WP Brute im currently playing and planning to get to 50
Nice design. Are you spanish? I ask because Duende means elf in spanish and I can't help but notice that your character looks like a dark elf.
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Both my parents were born in the Domincan Republic, and yeah she's supposed to be a dark elf. I came up with a contemporary concept for dark elves, started it out as a BS/Inv but had to switch it once Dual Blades came out, just fit better.
Introducing Desduende:
Sweeping Strike
Death from above.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nice chest... umm... plate!
Really, though, I love seeing great costumes like that... you know, that don't use most or all of the matching pieces from the new sets.
Introducing Desduende:
Sweeping Strike
Death from above.
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Nice chest... umm... plate!
Really, though, I love seeing great costumes like that... you know, that don't use most or all of the matching pieces from the new sets.
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Skirt, leather top, and shoulder pads are the only ones that aren't Enforcer. The gloves, boots, belt, and chest plate are enforcer.
I've long talked amongst my SG mates for armored pieces for females that had some skin exposure. When Rikti Armor pieces came out, I was thrilled. Now with Enforcer armor pieces, I've got 4 sets to chose from.
My Knight Saber tribute, Fusion Buster!
Dark-wave's newest gear
Metallic top and bottom with Lock patterns, Enforcer belt, smooth Enforcer boots, other misc details
The enforcer options are just so awesome. Mine is actually a magic/natural character(what you consider it depends on personal interpretation really), but that doesn't mean she can't have a snazzy tech looking costume, does it?
In two colors! 'Cause I didn't know which to go with on my character yet.. I included both.
COMMENCE PRAISING ME, or I shall be sad.
The enforcer options are just so awesome. Mine is actually a magic/natural character(what you consider it depends on personal interpretation really), but that doesn't mean she can't have a snazzy tech looking costume, does it?
In two colors! 'Cause I didn't know which to go with on my character yet.. I included both.
COMMENCE PRAISING ME, or I shall be sad.
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On a more serious note- she looks cool- nice job!
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
Holding of on my jester type character, having to much fun with DB/WP, but I did pause to get Enforcer costume bits on her.
Introducing Desduende:
Sweeping Strike
Death from above.
[/ QUOTE ]
Love the second shot, mind if I sketch this?
Really Love the new costume sets. My 2 favorite Heroes feel so more awesome then they were before that I just have to show them off here.
First up The Titanium Tigress
Pyro Prime
On a more serious note- she looks cool- nice job!
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You are only saying that because I commanded you to!
Nice design. Are you spanish? I ask because Duende means elf in spanish and I can't help but notice that your character looks like a dark elf.
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Both my parents were born in the Domincan Republic, and yeah she's supposed to be a dark elf. I came up with a contemporary concept for dark elves, started it out as a BS/Inv but had to switch it once Dual Blades came out, just fit better.
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Ah ok. I know about them because i'm Puerto Rican and when I was a kid and something got lost in the house, my dad would say that the duendes took them
I was hoping to see a thread about Jester and Enforcer screenies. Yes, there is one on the test forum, but now that the game has gone live, I was hoping we'd have a new thread in the official screenshot forum.
I guess I'll kick one off. Alternately, a moderator could delete this and move the old test thread to this forum. Basically, this *should* be the correct forum for it now that its live.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan