I can haz arts!
It's pretty
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
It's shiny and new and cool and I likes it
Member of the [url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=171543&TabID=1451954"]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all
I like the big hands
Oooh, that's gotta be the hottest Rowr to date...
I especially love the 'additions' he made
Yeah I wanna see the other outfits he spoke about, post some of those please!
Yeah I wanna see the other outfits he spoke about, post some of those please!
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Yeah I wanna see the other outfits he spoke about, post some of those please!
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NSFW!!! NSFW!!! NSFW!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I wanna see the other outfits he spoke about, post some of those please!
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NSFW!!! NSFW!!! NSFW!!!!!!!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
<- Doesn't care. Still wants to see them.
YUMMEH KITTEH!!! *dodges claw swipe from Rowr*
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I'll post... a couple :P
I like kitties, and I like artz... two in one, woooo!!!!
I like kitties, and I like artz... two in one, woooo!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
*Shakes fist in air*
Bikini version
Unfortunately that's as far as I can go Enjoy!
Bikini version
Unfortunately that's as far as I can go Enjoy!
[/ QUOTE ]
>.> *whistles*
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
nice congrats thats a great piece
Bikini version
Unfortunately that's as far as I can go Enjoy!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh you tease!
nice congrats thats a great piece
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, I second that! A totally great "piece"! LOL!!!
That really is a super nice rendition of Rowr. One of the best, I think, of her. Congrats
No kidding....what a tease. TAKE IT OFF! *waves a twenty*
No kidding....what a tease. TAKE IT OFF! *waves a twenty*
[/ QUOTE ]
*takes the twenty and waves Catnip!*
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
*holds Valkrye hostage*
Please submit for City Scoop postings! I can has art 2?
ok go ahead!
Which version do you want? Normal out fit or bikini outfit :P Probably normal outfit. :P
I gots a new arts from Daggerpoint today! Yay!
It's very great!