I need a victim...err, volunteer




I'm doing this picture for a contest and was in need of a volunteer(s) to have their character(s) beaten and hung out to dry, literally...it must be a humanoid character (sorry, no robots/mecha/tech-armors and preferably male). Please post screenshots.




I submit for your approval Draco Templaris, my half dragon Monster Hunter, in his human mode. He tends to take quite a pounding at times, but always comes back for more.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



*sits down on an ice stool to watch*



Various has been known to take quite a few beatings as well as Ja'tal, so I don't think either of them would be too upset about being displayed in art as so.



I wish I had a toaster character that's ultimate power was burning one side while barely toasting the other.



Something about having my characters have the snot beat out of them just seems less appealing >.<

How hot would they look? Like Damsel in distress type of beat up, or completely had the sh*t kicked out of them beat up?

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



Please allow the pleasure of being a punching bag go to my Ninja/TA mm Night Inferno



Feel free to beat the crap out of my elec/elec brute Goat Lord or my Ninja Blade/ Energy stalker Excema . :3

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Crestent, I have to admit, I'm slightly frightened by the fact that you have a character named Goat Lord >.>

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



I can deal with Mistress Ohm getting a sound thrashing a la heroine peril... but don't kill her. She's got a daughter who's EXTREMELY protective (and a scrapper!)

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Feel free to beat the crap out of my elec/elec brute Goat Lord or my Ninja Blade/ Energy stalker Excema . :3

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Crestent, I have to admit, I'm slightly frightened by the fact that you have a character named Goat Lord >.>

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You don't have to be frightened as long as your not a Freak, he eats freak lims. :3

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...cGallary-1.jpg



you said preferrably a dude but you can go nuts on my Stalker anyway. She always gets revenge.



I guess I'll submit Red Kite, she's the most normal of my bunch...except for being a hot-headed, energy bar/drink addicted lesbian.



You could use Windfallen if you want He's my bs/regen scrapper British uppercrust exchange student catboy. So yeah, he gets his butt kicked a lot



How hot would they look? Like Damsel in distress type of beat up, or completely had the sh*t kicked out of them beat up?

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They'll be hanging on a stick, beaten up...like, nearly crucified. =p



It baffles me how many people request to have their characters beat to a pulp.



It baffles me how many people request to have their characters beat to a pulp.

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I can sorta agree to that...but think about it this way...it's free art...unpleasant as it may seem but...it's still free. =p



That's pretty brutal but considering my stalker is half-dead anyway it works lols



It baffles me how many people request to have their characters beat to a pulp.

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I can sorta agree to that...but think about it this way...it's free art...unpleasant as it may seem but...it's still free. =p

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True. No offense, but I still don't think I would request it, though. xD



It baffles me how many people request to have their characters beat to a pulp.

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I can sorta agree to that...but think about it this way...it's free art...unpleasant as it may seem but...it's still free. =p

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True. No offense, but I still don't think I would request it, though. xD

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Hm.. I just noticed the "preferably male" part, oops!



How hot would they look? Like Damsel in distress type of beat up, or completely had the sh*t kicked out of them beat up?

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They'll be hanging on a stick, beaten up...like, nearly crucified. =p

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But, will they look sexy on a stick? lol

doesn't really matter. I have no characters to offer up for you anyway.

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray