Animal-inspired heroes

Ael Rhiana



Ooh, I love animal alts. I've been playing them almost exclusively for a long time. So I have quite a few:

My animal alts 1
Baa is a lazy sheep that has a knack for kicking baddies in the nuts. Bouncy Hunter is a Russian made bunny robot that got sold on Ebay. Free Bird broke out of jail together with the penguins. Garoo is a kangaroo that doesn't get along very well with others. Can't wait to get boxing gloves for him.

My animal alts 2
Goatee is a robotic goat. Hyper Sloth is a poor victim of a research on the effects of caffeine. Lion Kin accompanies a goddess. Monk Eep carries bananas in his magic sack.

My animal alts 3
Penguin Little's family runs a casino in the Rogue Isles. Penguin Kix is into mixed martial arts. Penguin Chop Chop is going to be my dual blades tanker. He used to be a chef at the casino, but he moved to Paragon when the Barnyard Heroes offered to double his salary. Po the Platypus is another victim of a Crey experiment.

My animal alts 4
Werewoof was a stray puppy, and he started having strange reaction to moonlight after a heroine took him home and put a glow-in-the-dark vest on him. Space Baa is how Baa sees himself in his dreams. Turtle Syrup has a problem with chain-smoking.

Penguins fishing in the base

Penguins with a Family boss

Barnyarders with Statesman

My Web Site and Portfolio
My DeviantArt Gallery



Here's my wererat Brute, Verman most of the pics in his profile are before we got the new ears graphics. Now he has impish ears.



Guardian Spirit-Bear


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Wachabe would fit right in with the Spirits of Paragon

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I have several Anthro characters...

Lord Cat is probably my best known one...

Bedim is probably one of my favorites. A wolf man that actually looks heroic.

And I'm insulted you didn't mention bugs!



My only animal related hero is Coleoptera Venus, who's a big, angry Beetle woman brute. Unfortunately, I haven't played her really all that often.



I got two animal based characters on Freedom. Monkeyshine is a martial art scrapper who is sliding back down the evolutionary ladder resulting in a rather simian looking appearance. And Speedah, my cheetah scrapper who's penchant for high speed and sharp claws makes her a pretty tough customer.



Here's a few screenies of many of mine - not sure if it's all of the animal ones, probably not. But here goes:

Dark's Animal Based Characters

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You stole my KittyKittyBangBang!

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Eh, nope. I made Kitty after someone posted a "Help me name my character" thread last year, and that was one name I suggested for their AR blaster. I liked it enough that I have made and deleted a few instances since then to clear space on my main server.

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I was being facetious. However, mine was made in 2004, re-rolled in '05 when CoV was released.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



For some odd reason I don't have many ani-morph characters. My lead one is the seriously angry Lyonessia, an animal rights activist who made the mistake of blowing the whistle on BioSyn, a Crey subsidary corporation. She's also my "anti-catgirl": while most catgirls are small, thin, and cute, Ly is big, burly, and ugly =D

While she's not exactly an ani-morph, Valerine Tarrine has close bonds to her totem animal, the snow leopard. Growing up in foster care, the snow cat was a source of strength and motivation for the girl before she discovered the world of martial arts. Now she seeks to embody and honor the animal in her work as a hero

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375



I only have one ani-morph character I play with any regularity... no screenies unfortunately, but if you'll look for Blue Mule on the Virtue server, you'll probably find her. She's a little hard to miss. =)

"Using Teamspeak is kinda like using toilet paper: Once you start using it, you never go back to using your hand." -Me-

My Videos:
The Operatives and CoH - Vomit.Mod



My husband has a Russian Blue as well. His is a guy though.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Currently, my only animal based heroine is Nezumi-Ko.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."