Blast from the Past ((Open RP))





Wasn't meant as one, heh. Though I sadly have to say that things are pretty humdrum around here. I expected more out of this thread.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((bah, I have nothing to do at all today and if i can help it I will spice up this thread.....IF i can help it.which i probably cant *sigh*))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Bladewing's eyes snapped open, she was close! But then again Bladewing was jsut assuming it was the city representative, the gravitic signature was almost nonexistant and it was located within a 50ft wide, infinitely tall, cubic column that the Soulhound was "pointing" at.

"Guys I got something!!, but its really really weak, and i can only tell you that its within 50 feet of where the Soulhound is pointing...and it might be either up, down, or in another dimension/reality within that fifty feet."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Fantastic!" Dennis shouted, sarcastically, "Maybe we'll just ignore the camp of all the Vahz in Boomtown to make sure the Representative is OK!" He sighed deeply and rushed forward toward the camp, attempting (For what good it would do, at this point.) to seem nonhostile. "I repeat, they're non hostile. They will not attack unless we [censored] them off, so STOP attacking!" This statement was clearly directed at Ghoul, and even shouted to an extent, which, considering he wasn't three feet from him, would certainly become noticeable.

"I promise you, it'd probably be much more beneficial if we just listened to them."


Dusan, however, was prepping for combat. His attempt at peace having failed, he was a bit too eager to turn to violence, delighted with his find of an enemy with a soul.

"There." He said, heaving a rather convincing 'Phew!' as he summoned his third decoy, getting ready to rush into battle at a moment's notice.

Alright, assuming [And hoping] Dennis's deplomatic abilities fail, 'It's clobbering time!'



Darkvapor decided he hadn't reached his kill quota for this century yet.

So these Vahzilok abominations would have to do.

He disappeared for a few moments, only to reappear in the midst of the Vahzilok crowd.

Rather angrily he brought both arms in close to his chest. The dark energy in his body reached the optimum level and in about two seconds he was ready.

A massive amount of dark energy errupted from him as he swung his arms outward. In the middle of the crowd he was far capable of wiping out a substantial amount of vahzilok.

To make matters worse he also had created a cloud of darkness around himself. The cloud made it rather hard to see anything, unless you happened to be Darkvapor.

Klaus made it to the boiler room in the basement. After muttering several curses in German he opened the door.

He was greeted with the familiar grinding sounds of the machinery in the room coupled with the extra heat and various other atmospheric anomalies. He cared little for them however. After shutting the door behind himself he walked over to the main boiler.

He reached his gloved hand out toward the machine. After feeling around hte side of it for a few seconds he found the hidden switch.

There was a loud hiss followed by several clicks. Suddenly a piece of the concrete wall next to the machine began to move. Slowly the door to the hidden laboratory made room for the crazed German, who was tapping his foot incessantly.

When the door had opened he marched down the concrete corridor. It was dark here but he knew where he was going. At the end of the corridor was a freight elevator. Above it was a large flourescent light. Klaus reached the elevator and after closing the iron gate behind himself punched the down button. After a brief jolt the creaky old elevator began it's rather long and noisy descent.




A big one.

Darkvapor got as far as rematerializing before fifteen Eidolons had surrounded him. Normally, that wouldn't have mattered. His Blackstar could have sufficiently blown them away.

Except that these were Murk Eidolons, who matched his threat level.

The dark energy washed over them harmlessly, and at the same time, they all brought their arms up and down in the motion of a drainage move, usually used to drain etheral energy and strengthen them. Here though, it served well in absorbing Darkvapor's attack effortlessly in addition to their normal effects.

Darkvapor felt himself subject to fifteen soul drains simultaneously. That wasn't healthy for anyone.

And then he saw himself being subjected to fifteen Eidolons leaping at him like ravenous Piranhas who had found a tasty morsel. Many of them had oppressive stunning auras on, and unless Darkvapor had managed to somehow negate or dodge fifteen soul drains all at once, he would find his vision dampening shadow falls next to useless against the Eidolons' now heightened senses and reflexes.


Karl strapped his coffin onto his back, picked up his black medical case, and hi-tailed it out the camoflaged back door.


Everywhere, the Mortificators went absolutely bat-[censored]. They all started running. Many of them dived for various cracks and holes in the wall, seeking to escape the improvised camp quickly. Many of the Reapers ran after them. Those even more desperate to escape even went right out the new hole in the wall, streaming past members of the task force. (Hopefully anyway.) Those too confused to know better began to draw their weapons. The Abominations and Cadavers were all milling about in a confused daze, still on the dumber side even after their power-boost. It was probably only a matter of moments before they went crazy and started to mount an offensive.

Worst though were the Eidolons. They were all homing in on Darkvapor and performing literal dive-bombs to assault him.


The Soul Hound sensed something.

The space in which it sensed the City Representative was moving...!



Energon X' head snapped up at Dennis' shout. "Vahzilok?" he growled. "Not attacking... great. Just what we needed. 'Enemy mine', my [censored]."

He rose to his feet, glancing at the crowd around the makeshift 'doorway' that Ghoul's rather precipitous descent had created, then giving a small shrug.

A split-second later the wall imploded, nearly burying him, and Energon X floated through in a blaze of blue-white power, an aura of hard light rippling around him. Those that knew him would know just how close he was to losing control- if he got any more agitated, or if some external stimulus (such as a high-powered energy field nearby) triggered it... this building would be rapidly-dispersing monatomic dust above a twenty-metre crater, and Energon X would be unconscious (at best) at the bottom of it.

He took one look at the melee scrum the tense scenario had dissolved into and growled. A sniping blast lanced out of his extended fist, knocking one of the Eidolons jumping Ghoul through a wall, rapidly followed by a heavy blast of power that nailed the Eidolon in place like a butterfly on a board.

Then he dropped out of the sky and vanished in a blaze of speed. A heavy thud, and another Eidolon was floored, standing to stagger in dizzy circles as Energon X reappeared a good fifteen yards away. A spin, a torrent of energy, and the Eidolons were scattered. Another blurred rush, another thud, and then the blaster was standing next to where the Eidolon had been, glowing fist outstretched as the synthetic undead got a brief flying lesson... one that ended abruptly in a seething stream of blue-white fire that distintegrated it completely.

Then he staggered heavily as a crossbow bolt slammed into his body armour. And another. He turned, his eyes a dangerous mass of yellow flame, following the bolt's trajectory back to the large group of Mortificator's it had come from. E-X lurched skywards, the toxins working their way into his bloodstream from where the bolts had scratched him already taking effect.

But he reached the enemies without further incident, unless you counted several more crossbow bolts bashing into his shiny-new black armour, bringing it well on its way to being as scarred and battered as his blue-and-purple suit. Landing with a thud, he growled again. "Alright, you pathetic Frankenstein wannabes. I have but one thing to say to you. Three... two... one..."

And the world went white.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Screw it..." Dennis mumbled, forcing spiritual energy into the physical plane, causing it to heat up in his hands. "Alright, guess it's time to kill them before they kill us." With that, he fired a stream of spectral energy at the nearest Eidolon, knocking him back rather far as well as giving him some decent damage. He then rushed forward, getting ready for a more damaging punch to the face, taking advantage of the zombie being down.


Dusan nearly leapt with glee as Dennis began attacking, as it gave him a justifiable cause to rush in himself. Sending the decoys in first, to take a certain degree of fire, (The Vahz were probably going to go for the ones who were shooting and hitting them, rather than the ones who stood around looking intimidating.) Dennis followed shortly and gave off a huge flux of energy on the ethereal level, causing those in a short radius around him, (With souls, mind you.) to be overcome with pain, albeit, almost none of it lethal. This kept them place for a good while, at least enough for him to control the loyalties of several Mortifactors' souls, who were now firing on their former comrades.

"I love my job." Dusan said, grinning as he saw a Mortifactor get a clean shot through the eyes of an Abomination.



Unbeknowest to the Vahzilok surrounding Ghoul, several dozen almost microscopic tendrils had been seeping out of Ghoul's clenched fist and into the cracks of the floor. There, they slithered along the ground until they reached a target. When everyone within range had at least one tiny tentacle near them, the pseudopods suddenly snapped up and wrapped around the nearest body part, generally a leg. Sucking their vital energies through the tentacles, Ghoul almost exploded with purloined energy.

"HRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ghoul roared as he burst to his feet and thrust both fists in the air.

As the earlier tentacles had dissolved into thin air after their work was done, yet more burst from his chest, sides, and back. These new ones forwent any subtley and latched on to everything within six feet. Draining yet more energy from them, Ghoul's forearms became encased in solid blackness as the glut of power forced itself to be known.

"YOU WILL ALL DIE!" Ghoul shouted as he jumped forward, landing squarely on an unenhanced Abomination, breaking its back in the process.

The brute proceeded to go on a bloody rampage while his stolen strength lasted, carving a swath through the mindless zombies and those humans too slow to escape. He somehow managed to avoid attacking any of the other metahumans, though he got close to slamming Darkvapor, as he used dark powers similair to the Eidolons.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



There was a loud bang.

And then suddenly blood poured out of one of the eidlons.

And then another.

And another.

Any meta would instantly recognize the sound of rifle fire. More importantly, that of a sniper rifle.

Apparently Darkvapor had brought friends to the party.

However, Darkvapor still had the fifteen soul drains to deal with.

He immediately felt his strength being sapped out of him. Hell, his very life was being stolen. That was something he really didn't like.

While he had a dark shield around himself it crumpled like a soda can. As for coming up with any other defenses, his darkstar had taken alot of energy out of him. He couldn't possibly teleport away.

He did however have enough power for one last trick. He stretched his hand out toward the nearest Eidlon. Dark energy shot outwards. Since the Eidlon was at point-blank range Darkvapor suspected his own life force stealing attack would succeed. If so, he would be able to stall the Eidlons with his superior attack, but unless he got help quckly he would still die...



"Damnit!! ENOUGH!!! I've had about enough of you immature super powered [censored]-holes." Dax suddenly shattered into his base components, becoming a dust like substance as he flowed past the hero line and created a barrier around Ghoul and placed him in between the opposing forces. "If you do not start playing nice, kids, I'm gonna have to put you in a corner!" The dark energy that Ghoul was emiting from his hands was drawn into his crystals and diverted helping him to strengthen his barrier.

"Vahzilok, today I am no enemy of yours. Cease your attack and I give you my word I will try to stop the metas from harming those in your clan. We want only one thing, information. What can you tell us about the current state of Boomtown?" Dax usually didn't consider himself a peace maker, but in this case he was making an exception seeing as the others were taking leave from their senses.

I hope none of them piss me off, I really don't wanna add another meta's death to my list.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Bladewing walked back to the vhazilok camp just in time to see dax make a wall out of himself between the vhaz and Ghoul.

"Damn straight, its about time someone said a few word of reason."

"Heh listen to me, I hardly sound like a scrapper at all, oh well."

Bladewing brought his No-Dachi in a sweeping arc drawing a line from the cieling to the floor in between Dark vapor and the zombies. Seconds later the line flared brilliantly and became a wall of pure gravitic energy, repulsing anything on either side that got within one foot of it, ensuring that Darkvapor was safe, and at the same time preventing him from attacking.

"And now that the children are separated."

Bladewing walked over to Darkvapor and withdrew his healing crystal, pumping life giving energy back into the ragged form before him.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Energon X climbed wearily out of the crater he had made, Mortificators sprawled all around, and stared up at the floating crystal Dax-cloud.

"I dislike admitting it, but green and shiney up there has a point." a shake of the head created brief twin streaks of yellow flame. "The necrophiles here can wait. The super-goon-of-the-week with the superweapon-of-the-week is gonna have to take priority if we want to have a world to return to." he finished with a cynical sigh.

Honestly, what is with people and digging out ancient artifacts of unimaginable power and building giant telepathic mechanical spiders or cobbling together mechanical armies and allying with demonic forces from beyond time and space or getting possessed by aliens... feh, sometimes this job just makes me tired.

He raked a ravening blast across the ground between the opposing forces, reinforcing the separation. "Of course, if you sorry zombie-lovers want to continue the fight, I'm more than happy to oblige. You pathetic vermin make me ill." he finished, so much scorn colouring his tone that it seemed like his voder should overload and explode.

((EDIT- it probably doesn't make much difference, but I edited my post that Diov rendered nonsense by a simultaneous post.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



The Watcher knew he probably should've done something. But this was just too damn amusing.

Nevertheless, there was a job to get back to. Now their attention would have to be redirected...again. Well, whatever had to be done, he supposed.

Why couldn't these things ever be straightforward? Actually, no, things could be crooked, he really didn't mind so much - just so long as they weren't bent in such mundane and predictable ways...


"I don't mean to interrupt everyone's good time," the Sword Sorcerer nonchalantly gathered the group's attention again, thumbing over to the reptilian tracker, which had started moving again, "but from the looks of it, we've got a new target."

"Brighid Moreira must be nearby." the Colonel stated supportively, though it came out a bit more mechanical and unconvincing than intended, "We should keep going on this path..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Whoa did a scrapper and a boomer just agree with me on non-violence? Yeah I do believe none of us are gonna make it out of this alive. Dax thought still floating in his cloud form.

He shifted his miniature crystals so that they would no longer absorb energy, but instead reflect it. Did someone just say that they knew where the City Rep is? Well things may just be getting interesting!

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Martin watched the company from the hole in the wall. He was leaning against the side of it, as if the whole concept fo fighting Vahzilok disinterested him.

The opposite was true. Martin had a preternatural itch to fight Vahzilok. Damn Frankenstein clones... Messing with the natural laws of death... Flooding the sewers with their unhallowed zombie abominations...

But something about the over-arching goals of their task force held him back. Something about the enemy they had to face. Something he saw in that footage in the fight with Statesman...

Something worse than the Vahzilok could ever be.

He whistled into the cave.

"Guys!" he shouted when he was certain he had their attention, "I think it's about time we all calmed the [frig] down and got to business! These guys aren't why we're here."

He hopped down from the hole and marched over to one of the Eidolons.

"You zombies tend to have a modicum of a brain... Who's in charge here? Like the man said, we want Brighid Moreira. Our sources led us here."

He looked around to the congregated.

"You can either help us, or we can keep on this tack. I can assure you, if you push us to keep fighting, this will all end very painfully for the lot of you."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The short fight between Ghoul, Darkvapor, (and his snipers, who had forgotten they could not shoot through solid walls) and the Eidolons quickly dispersed after the majority of the group started erupting with power and sueing for peace.

The Eidolons had cautiously drawn back after most of the Reapers and Mortificators had been blown away, knocked unconcious, or flown the coup. There were thirty five of them total, but they were no match for a full team of heroes and villains, even though they matched them in level.

"Karl was in charge." The Eidolon Martin had addressed spoke in a surprisingly civilized and polite voice. Eidolon's kept all of their memories and functions even after being transformed. Some of them had even been heroes once. "But he has probably fled by now, thanks to you. Before you arrived, he was talking about trying to bargain with you, saying he knew where somebody important was. I do not know whether or not if it was the City Represenative he spoke of or not, but the chances are he's halfway to Atlas Park by now."

If the Soulhound was still tracking the City Rep, it could plainly sense she was moving North now, heading for the corner of the zone.


Karl sped hastilly down the streets. In the corner of the zone, there was a run-down building that had basement access to the sewer network. In five minutes time he'd be halfway to Atlas Park...

Or not. Longbow was carefully guarding the exits of the Boomtown Sewer Network. But at the very least, he would probably meet up with other Vahzilok before they caught him.

He reached the door for the small tiny building, but the door was jammed. He unstrapped his coffin from his back, and started rummaging through his black medical case for something...



Bladewing glared at Ghoul and Darkvapor.

"Ok so where is the sewer network access, I'll go talk with Karl, and trust me I can get to him before he gets to Atlas."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Where the hell was Darkvapor?

By the time Bladewing turned around Darkvapor had regained his strength.

Now that he had phase shifted he was able to exit the shield. Rather than take his revenge out on the Vahzilok, he instead decided to try and let reasonwin this fight for him.

If the Vahz tried anything he'd help the heroes. Otherwise he'd just sit around and try to relax a little.
Initializing startup protocol

A low hum filled the underground chamber. From within the darkness of the cavern the nuclear fission reactor was hard at work producing the energy required to run the facility.

Initializing Security Camera 3-A

Activating defense systems....

As the computer mainframe awoke from it's slumber computer moitors flickered to life. Flourescent lights all over the lab were turned on.

The gate in front of the elevator slid itself open. It's sole passenger stepped down out of the freight elevator and onto the thick concrete floors.

Doctor Klaus had personally built had this facility built. Normally this would have taken quite some time, but thanks to a small army of robots he was able to build it in a matter of weeks.

There was millions of dollars worth of high tech super computers, and similarly priced lab pieces.

From the elevator Klaus marched down a single low ceilinged tunnel into the lab proper. Already he could smell the familiar scents of his chemical lab, and hear his nuclear fission reactor humming away.

The main lab was a large box. Really that was the only thing you could compare it to. His mega viewscreen rested against one wall and there were computers all around it. Closer to the entrance were tables with beakers full of chemicals and even three operating tables.

Against the side of the room was a long row of cabinets, refrigerators, and a door to the bedroom. The rest of the room was cluttered with various odds and ends, including several disassembled robots.

Klaus strode over to the supercomputer's viewscreen. At the base of the massive HD TV was your average mouse and keyboard. The mad doc took his seat and within moments he was hammering away at the keys.

Initializing Security Scan...

Klaus reached his arm over for an open bag of chips resting atop the desk.

A 3-D blueprint of the building appeared on screen moments later.

There was a high pitched beep. Red blips appeared within the confines of the blueprint. Each one represented an intruder.

Klaus swore under his breath. The clockwork were all over hte place. Worse yet, a detachment from the main group had actually made it's way to the boiler room.

There were about six bots in the detachment. Two prototype oscilators, an assembler prince, and three knights.

"Computer, status of EMP prototype?"

"Electromagnetic Pulse generator is fully functional."

Another beep. A green dot appeared in an office on the fifth floor.

"Prepare it for detonation sequence and seal the lab."



Energon X glanced around quickly. "I'm with the lizard." he said quickly And the zombie twins... if they're not automatons, what the [censored] are they?

"We'd better get moving... anybody else able to keep up with Bladewing to snag Karl, head that way... the rest of you, let's go if we want to do this thing!" The Blaster wasn't necessarily in his element giving orders, but he could do it when he had to. He took wing again, trailing the Soulhound and keeping a wary eye on the Clockbit perimeter, unconsciously holding his breath as he prepared to cross it.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Just for clarification. Karl is heading in the same direction at the same speed as the City Rep, and is also in the same general area. I thought I had made that clear, but there you have it.))



Bladewing conjured a map in his head of where the sewers connected to Boomtown and with a flicker of movement vanished towards the sewer entrance in a trail of dust and debris.

He skidded to a halt right next to Karl, who was still rooting around in his black medical bag for something.

"Sir, I'm here representing the Hero and Villan task force to recover the Malleus Mundi and the City Representative. We formally apologize for hostilities and would like to speak with you concerning any knowledge you have about the whereabouts of either the Rep or the creep who abducted her."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Martin rolled his eyes as everybody took off, willy-nilly without waiting for a solid plan of action. He sighed and headed back for the hole, the Vahzilok in the cavern immediately forgotten.

"First chance I get, I'm barkin'," he grumbled as he picked a northwest direction, "I'm telling this ravening pack of idiots that we need to band together, pick a leader, and start makin' some real progress... This chasing after each other as much as the poor City Rep has got to stop... And Lord knows what we'll have to chase after we rescue her. Ope! I passed 'em..."

And with that, he crashed into a wall, smashing old mortar and stones to the ground as he planted himself there.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Oh goooody. Now they've made the decision to separate our already limited forces. Man I HATE heroes with no survival or strategy skills! Dax thought darkly as he made himself humanoid again. He started walking in the same direction as the others.

These guys would never have been able to survive the Dark World Wars. They woulda been killed off almost instantly, but here I am following them so what does that say about me?

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"I'm telling this ravening pack of idiots that we need to band together, pick a leader, and start makin' some real progress... This chasing after each other as much as the poor City Rep has got to stop... And Lord knows what we'll have to chase after we rescue her.

[/ QUOTE ]

"You got that right..." Dennis replied, having overheard his monologue due to only being ten or so feet behind him, however, flying a bit more slowly, albeit. He was about to reply when the man commented that he had passed them up, and shortly afterward slammed into a wall, which caused Dennis, instead of giving a well thought out and logical response, simply rolled his eyes and sighed.

"This has gotta be the worst Taskforce, ever..." He muttered.


Dusan had yawned and exited after he observed that the Vahz were no longer a threat. "Nice chatting with you!" He shouted back to them, giving a wave and a friendly smile before going completely out of their sight.

"So, Northward, right?" He said, nonchalantly boosting everyone's speed.