Blast from the Past ((Open RP))




OOC: im new to forums and rping looks like itll bne fun here.. danr all ur a old itme my bad grammeris form there...

"What my lord? Ahhhh so i see my lord.... recluse and the villans will fall to your might... your mission shall be carried out...." Was the deep voice coming out of the almost invisible stalker kneeling to his master

'goood.. i am pleased with your servie so far....but fail me sharp...and youll never see the top of your career.."

"yes master... im sensisng a disturbance..heroes and villans.... ill be back my lord"

Dark Shard(sharp) extended his claws,blened into the shadows and ported toboomtown were he stood in the shadows in back of energon x ..invisible

(tell me if thats not ok?)



"I don't recall you saying much of anything useful" the irritated blaster shot back at the Sword Sorceror. "And I don't recall you saying you knew how the tracker worked, either, which is why I bloody well asked!" Energon X growled at the double-S. "Honestly, if it's not one sodding zombie, it's another..." he grumbled, sotto voice.

He glanced over at Martin. "Anything useful, Mr. Sanders?" he asked. Then he caught Karl's question. "Don't push your luck, necrophiliac. You freaks have a distinctly odd way of trying to 'beat' death... you cause a helluva lot more than you cure, I know that much." Another shake of his head, with attendant streaks of yellow flame, accompanied that pronouncement, then Energon X stalked over to Cohen's mangled body, studying it... and making sure that his sensors got a synthetic 'eyeful' of it.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((It was supposed to be necromancy in its purest form, Diov. The touch is supposed to read what the body has been through, not just the mind. However, since Martin's obviously not skilled at the ability, I'll work with this.))

"Ow." Martin said as he rubbed his temple, "I really wish I had better control of that. How..."

The Lost? What did they have to do with this?

He turned to Karl.

"Things aren't looking good for you at all," Martin pointed at the Mortificator, "How long have you had this corpse, and how much do you know of the events of the past week? What kind of deal do you have with the Lost that they got a hold of your little pet project here?"

He turned to Energon X.

"Apparently, the memories I got were only the hero's life, which were dull and boring, plus they ended a couple weeks ago... I don't know why he didn't med-port when this jerk iced him, but that's the short of it. The soul's not quite gone, and the brain doesn't hold any memories of when it thrashed Statesman, but resuscitation is definitely not feasible. All I've got is that the Lost have something to do with this whole mess..."

He turned back to Karl.

"And don't try to tell me that you had nothing to do with it. You obviously put a lot of care into this project of yours, so maybe you can tell me why the last thing I saw in there was the Lost popping the cap before everything went supernaturally dark?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Watching all this carefully.... sharp prowled behind marvin and breathed in his ear and deactivated his hide ability

"This is all master wil love to hear all this..... but who are all of you and why do you stare at me of which glares and scowls" asked sharp as he paced in frotn of the corpse



Klaus watched the computer monitors with a look of pure shock and outrage.

"What's taking so long with the EMP?"

"EMP Activation in 20 seconds...."

"Hurry it up! The bots are all making a move for the lab!"

The small detachment had apparently found the hidden elevator. The hidden doorway in the boiler room had sealed them in but they were still moving.

No doubt upon the door shutting they had contacted their bretheren and call for backup. And like a swarm of ants they would invade the privacy of Klaus' hidden lab.

Twenty seconds later the EMP activated. Klaus watched as all of his cameras on the upper floors were destroyed in the blast and most likely the Clockwork as well.

"Turn on camera 5-A."

"Compliance." The computer's voice intoned.

Klaus' eyes widened in horror.

Meanwhile the elevator had reached the bottom of the elevator shaft. The EM pulse was incapable of reaching the lab due to the thick metal built around it, and as such the Clockwork in the elevator were naturally shielded from the disastrous affects of the EMP.

After a few moments of silently gawping at the computer screen Klaus remembered about the elevator. Cursing under his breath he turned around. "Where is my freeze ray? Where did I put the damnable contraption?"

"I do not know sir."

"Then help me find it you stupid machine!"

"I am not programmed to keep watch over your belongings. Perhaps you should place a tracker on your equipment..."

"Don't you sass me you blasted piece of junk!"



Ghoul, who had been a bit slow in following Martin over the hill, landed behind the scrapper at about the same time the stalker decloaked. He reacted quickly, arms snapping out and grabbing the metahuman under arms and hoisting him up into the air.

"Who the hell're you?" Ghoul growled as he pulled Sharp's head close to his own.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Some kind of shadow dweller," Martin growled without turning around, "Probably been following us for a while, or just got here. Either way, so long as he isn't trying to hurt any of us, there's no reason for us to be uncivil."

He turned so his gaze met Ghoul first.

"Of course, I don't have much experience with stalker types. I guess I defer to you as to the proper means of disposing of him."

((Welcome to the RP, fuming. One thing of note, please please PLEASE spellcheck your work. The latest Mozilla Firefox client has an automatic spellchecker, and if that's distasteful, then I suggest doing what I (rarely) did early on, and type out your responses in a word processing program before cut-and-pasting them here. Other than that, I wholeheartedly welcome you, and I hope you enjoy your stay.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"I admit that a while ago I, completely by chance, came upon Cohen here and ended his life, shortly followed with a standard reanimation procedure used to make cadavers that I have slightly modified for my own purposes. However, I was never at any time in contact with the lost, and I didn't even know the body was missing until I saw the news. I checked the coffin immediately and the body was not in storage as I had left it. Two days after Statesman fell, one of my assisstans found the body back inside the coffin. But that is not the point." He said slowly and cautiously. "The POINT is that you still have no idea when or where to look. I do. Because I saw the City Representative, talked to her, not twenty four hours ago."


The Clockwork battered down the elevator door and rushed into the rooms beyond, dismantling anything they found into base scrap.



Oh sneaky sneaky stalker. At least he didn't pull the one trick pony and try to kill one of us from behind, that'd put a really bad cramp in my style to have to kill a stalker without even buying the bloke a drink first. Dax said as the stalker appeared.

Turning back to Karl, Dax pointed a finger at his face. "I'm bored and you got ten seconds before you got a crystal spike sticking out of your eye. Where did you last see the Rep? Where exactly did the creeps body disappear? What do you know about the current situation that we haven't already figured out? Make it quick your down to six seconds." A seven inch spike began to grow from Dax's index finger.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Suddenly two members of the advancing Clockwork party were frozen solid.

"Stop putting holes in mein base! Do you have any idea how hard it is to put all this together?"

Klaus hovered above the Clockwork assault party, a large freeze ray in his hands. He continued maniacally blasting Clockwork at random, the bright blue beams illuminating the otherwise dim corridor.



(OOC): Can yall join my rpg i made called dark times in rogue isles?? id rlly appreciate it)

Sharp landed on his feet and extended his claws and pointed them at Ghouls throat

" Don't Get tricky with me bub.... I'm not in a good mood and need to relax because I'm partly in the task force...
So what are y'all up too? sorry bout being so dark.... finallny found out how to tune my master out (or so he thinks) So ummm theres a soul stealer going round with a mega powerful artifact.... and he single handingly took down statesman and a 8 man team! but... i think we can do this so ummm can anyone fill me in?" rambled sharp as all looked at him with confusion



((yay back at a computer that works!!!!!! *cracks knuckles* time to get back in the fun.))

Bladewing glanced at Dax, then back at Karl, raising a scaled eyebrow as he did.

"I suggest you tell him what he wants, because I have overshot my limitations of peacmaking for an entire millenium, and I also want the answers so tell us what we want to know...NOW."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Calm down, guys..." Martin shouted to the rest of the group, then turning to Ghoul and his charge of the moment, "Maybe we ought to video-tape ya, and play it back in slow motion. Don't put the guy down yet, Ghoul. Lord knows what this speed freak is likely to do next..."

He turned back to Karl.

"So... You spoke with the City Rep. Well, then I guess we know now that the lizard's been bringing us to you, and not your coffin. So, fess up. Where is she?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Waiting on DeviousMe, I think..?))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Devious and Diov....who is karl...and I kinda lol at the fact that some of us wanted to slow down and yet here we are posting as fast as we think stuff up.))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((Well, okay...not entirely sure what I should be doing, but I guess I can instigate something.))

"Is there any particular reason for your rudeness?" the Sword Colonel inquired of Energon as she stepped behind and just to the left of him, "Because I'm fairly sure that working for the Lady Grey has yet to turn one undead."

"I quite agree with my sister." the Sorcerer intoned with a huff of animosity, "If you don't like Vanguard, there are better ways to communicate your hostility. File a complaint with Longbow like everyone else..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Energon X stared at the Sword pair for a moment before throwing up his hands. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I suppose I could return to pretending you weren't useless, but that would be somewhat pointless."

He jabbed a finger towards the Sword duo, pointing sort of vaguely between them for a moment. "Let's see, what possible reason could I have to be tense? Hmm... well, for one, there's Zombozo the great over here... Karl, I swear if you make one more move towards that idiot's corpse I will blow your [censored] head off... that we're supposed to make nice with because he might or might not have some useful information."

The agitated Blaster paused for an instant and twisted his wrist, throwing up a single finger. "Secondly, there's the fact that we're charging in blind after some bugger that mopped the floor with an entire Task Force... oh, wait, we're a task force, just like them!, and then nearly killed Statesman without even breaking a sweat, while inhabiting this dead body. Thus far, you haven't even suggested how we're supposed to find him now that this lead has gotten flushed, much less what we're going to do once we find him." he said, waving his free hand at Cohen's remains and throwing up a second finger.

"Thirdly, while you two are moderately useful in a fight when you actually do something, that has been about the extent of your contribution to this effort. There's the fact that you're either lying outright or concealing something about this stupid flying lizard- I know what I saw- there's an energy field surrounding it that interfered with the healing beam earlier. There's also the fact that while you may not be undead, you're not human, or at least not entirely. My best guess with the information I currently have is that you're both automatons, perhaps akin to what Nemesis uses, but, as I said, that's only a guess." The Blaster hesitated for a second, absentmindedly tossing up a third finger.

"Then there's the fact that nothing around here is behaving normally. The Clockwork have gone on a psychotic murder rampage and started drawing random shapes on the ground with their own dismembered body parts, the Vahzilok are hiding like vermin... well, maybe that's not especially unusual... the Council have gone to ground, rather than marching through the streets proclaiming their superiourity like they normally would in a situation like this, and the Lost have gotten themselves lost." E-X continued, tossing up a fourth finger.

"And fifth and lastly, there are way too many people in this group with their own agenda, not even counting the random yobbo who decided to pop out of the shadows behind me. Quite frankly, I'm going into this fully expecting to die when we run into ubergoon-of-the-week... assuming we ever find him, anyways. We may just die when he reshapes the world in his image or whatever the [censored] he plans on doing with the Malleus Mundi, instead." he finished, holding his hand up, fingers outspread.

"So, is that a good enough reason for me to be a bit stressed? Quite honestly, I rather like Vanguard- the group has guts and skill, and they do what they do well. Whether or not you two are genuine Vanguard remains open to question, though." The Blaster put his back to a wall, and glanced at the rest of the Task Force. He was fairly sure that he could count on Martin and Bladewing if things went Wahoonie-shaped, Dusan would probably back his play, and Dax would likely throw a spike or two of assistance if it came to a brawl with the Sword(?) duo. The others were iffy... a frown creased his brow and he waited to see what would happen now that he had called the duo out.

((EDIT- Wow, that came out rather long. Still, ask question, get answer. E-X has just vented all his misgivings about the weird randomness that has been happening on this TF- some of it may or may not be important, so I'd like to imagine that it's worth reading))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Ghoul started clapping slowly after Energon had finished with his rant. It wasn't everyday you got to see a hero go over the deep edge.

"Hear that, 'bub'?" said Ghoul as he looked over at Sharp. "There's yer explanation."

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



"Save the melodrama for someone who cares." Darkvapor muttered under his breath. Really he didn't have to considering that he was phase shifted.

A thought suddenly came to his mind.

Without stopping to talk to the others he took off, teleporting to a building nearby.

He then exited phase shift and surveyed the area.

Reaching his arm outwards with his palm open to the sky he focused all of his dark energy into several small orbs that seemed to form out of thin air.

Wordlessly he sent them out on their mission. Within seconds hundreds of invisible little orbs were swarming the city sector. If any of them caught a wiff of the city representative they would alert Darkvapor. He meanwhile could rejoin the group.

On second thought he decided to stay here. Better to let those fools sort the whole Karl matter out on their own...



"Oh, we weren't debating your level of stress." the Sword Sorcerer countered in a calm tone, "What we have a problem with is your lack of self control."

"Indeed." the Colonel added, visibly irritated, "Not to mention you seem to have a really good tendency of blaming other people for your own shortcomings. Well guess what? I don't see you coming up with any ideas here, so I guess you're just as useless as we are."

"Make that more so." the Sorcerer intoned gruffly, "Listen here, Sparky, and listen good because I'm only going to say this once: if all you're going to do is complain and blow crud to hell, then we can do without you. Because it appears to me that you're only in this for the kick you get out of blasting people, and if you can't do that, it's just too much for your sorry little brain."

"Yeah, there's a lot of things we don't know." the Colonel now took word again, "We don't know how that tracker finds anything, we don't know where the guy who's trying to ruin the whole world is, and we damn well don't have a clue of how we're going to stop him right now. But you know what? We. Don't. Care! We're going to keep trying until we find him, we're going to keep trying until we beat him, and we're going to keep trying until we're six feet under. Because that's what it's going to take. If you don't have the stomach for that, get out, and get out fast because you're only going to hold the people who want to help back."

"You know, I never expected something like this to happen." the Sorcerer gave a dry chuckle, "The day the ordinary people of Paragon have to pick up the slack from a so-called 'hero'. Yeah, you heard me. Despite what you may 'know', my sister and I are just two people off the street who want to make a difference. No wild amounts of money, no dazzling superpowers, just us and our training. That's all we've got. And we're going to use it. All of it. Because if we're not willing to, I guess you certainly aren't."

"Oh, and about the zombie thing." the Colonel growled as a final add-on as her brother turned away from Energon, heading for the discourse about Karl, "I don't know where you get your ideas about us not being human from, but did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe this armor of ours, these suits that are supposed to []i]protect[/i] us from being psychically and energetically probed and assaulted, just might have something to do with that? Well, don't bother answering, because we both already know that, don't we now...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"ENOUGH!" Martin suddenly shouted.

He glared at the three, Energon X, the Colonel and the Sorcerer.

"We're here now! Deal with it! All of you. If you can't get through this without your whining and [female dog]ing, we can probably get by better without any of you! Cripes, it seems the only ones among us that are actually trying to keep on the task at hand are the ghoul and that guy who just took off..."

He noticed one of the miniature black orbs float past. It had the same feel of Darkvapor.

"Now look, I know I haven't been playing my 'A' game up to this point, but I can assure you, that's about to change. I owe the world better than that..."

"Finally, you start to see your role in the grand scheme of things..."

"And I'm working on that right now..."

He turned to the Mortificator.

"Don't you try to tell me that you don't know where Moreira is, otherwise, you wouldn't have mentioned her.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"I suppose you're right." the Colonel admitted, sparing Energon another glance, "I suppose we just got fed up with Sparky's accusations here. Bloody putting other people down to increase his own perceived self-worth. Makes me sick..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Energon X stared at the Sword Duo for a while, hand still upraised and outstretched, then nodded. "Making me question my senses, undermining my resolve by simultaneously attacking my intelligence and my courage, and building yourselves up with the 'just plain folks' speech, all while superficially appearing to give a rousing call to arms. I'm impressed." he said, slowly bringing his hand down, to imitate Ghoul's sarcastic slow clapping.

He ignored Darkvapor and Ghoul otherwise. There were more pressing problems. Then he untensed, and made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a stifled laugh. "You know, this whole thing may be resolved... to my satisfaction, at least... sooner than you may like. See this suit?" he questioned, gesturing down at the black-white-and-gold armour he was wearing. "SERAPH's packed it with so many sensors that it could probably tell me what you had for lunch last month... assuming you mimic eating, anyways. I've already called in one of my contacts- he should be arriving at the Vanguard base soon- to sift through the data it's already gathered in hopes of finding a scientific lead where magic has apparently failed."

The Blaster shrugged. "In the unlikely event you turn out to be fully human, just creepy, then I will apologize fully. But you don't get to survive as long as I have in this game by discounting the unlikely. And your 'we don't care' speech is distinctly unconvincing when it's Vanguard who are always harping on the need to fight smart and know your enemy... especially when that's what convinced Longbow to back off and let them handle the new invasion."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Bladewing still stood with his No-Dachi resting on one shoulder, glancing sidelong at Energon's rant and the Sword(?) Duo's responses.

Swinging his gaze back to Karl, Bladewing began slowly swinging his No-Dachi down from his shoulder.

"Well Karl, looks like your time to explain where you saw the rep is coming to a swift end,....I'd hurry up if I were you."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Darkvapor's spheres could search for as long and thouroughly as they wanted. They would never find Moreira.


"I'm not telling you." Karl said flatly.

"You barge into my camp, wreck it, attack my minions, kill a few of them, make the rest run away to be killed by Clockwork, and NOW you want me to tell you where she is? World be damned, I don't care. You can torture me for years, as if you had that much time, and I'd never tell you. Now if you were willing to do something for me that would make me feel more compliant..."