Blast from the Past ((Open RP))




"Whoa!" Dusan simply shouted as he instinctively dove back, the image of the beasts opened jaws carved into his memory.

"I could've sworn I suggested not getting too close to this thing." she huffed as she regained her footing, only releasing the reptilian once she'd steadied herself fully again...

[/ QUOTE ]

"Er, sorry..." He muttered, rising from the ground and sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "I have a reason for that though. That thing just picked something up, I felt it. And it wasn't the City Representative, either. The tracker picked up something else." He paused for a few moments and stared the Sword Colonol in the visor, after which he added. "Um... Don't ask how I know. Honestly I don't know myself..." He dared a look back down at the creature, shaking off the suddenness of the situation.



((*sigh*... Energon X is wearing a suitful of highly specialized short-range sensors specifically designed to try and figure out what it is that makes ultra-science and magic react together the way they do. It's going to produce slightly different results than Portal Corps' big sensor batteries over on PI, or at least it should- SERAPH is looking for different things entirely. Oh, and why on EARTH would Vern be able to sense souls like your lizard thing? What does the Soulhound even have to do with this?

And power =/= subtlety- is your villain likely to have thought to disguise/prevent the gravimetric fluxes, cerenkhov radiation, gamma bursts, and whatnot that would be caused by the wholesale energy-to-matter-and-back conversion of his dimension/time twisting and reality manipulation? Is he/she/it likely to have shielded their base of operations against short range density-variation tachyon scans or thermic flux readings? When you've got magic and super-science co-existing, the old 'a wizard did it' just doesn't work as well))

Energon X looked at Vern oddly. "I know that look... there's something you're not telling me. Something about the readouts is bothering you, but you either can't put your finger on it, or else there's something so minor that it's irrelevant, but nonetheless it's caught your attention." Then he blinked and leaned closer to the instrument panel, focussing carefully down on the visible spectrum of light.

"Company on the incoming." he announced over the team channel. "We've got a major teleportational event building, and it looks like it's centered on the main group. Vapor, I'm incoming to your location. If you would be so kind as to warn the Council types that I'm coming, then stab them in the back while I've got their attention, I'd appreciate it." This simple plan established, he took flight.

As he winged his way rapidly towards Darkvapor, a final thought hit, and he called Vern again. "We're dealing with wholesale reality manipulation here. There's got to be some kind of artifacts on-scanner from it. Oh... and what is with those twins' energy pattern?"

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Vern suddenly looked very embarressed.

"Well...It's not that really...It's just that I can't get my equipment to work. Every time I point it in the right direction it goes haywire and I have to start over again." He said sheepishly. "That teleport signal you just read is simply going INTO Boomtown. I can't detect the signal once it is INSIDE Boomtown. I suspect there's some kind of global shielding over the zone that prevents both long and short-range investigations. I'd have to move my stuff INTO Boomtown for it to have any effect."



((Diov, you need to go back and read the last couple of pages again. You've gotten a good deal of stuff wrong.

As for what Energon's pal has to do with the tracker and/or sensing souls, I'm afraid you lost me on that one, TeC. All I know there is that I've already told Diov he shouldn't be so condescending with his characters, but he just doesn't listen to me ))


"I'm gonna guess that one's gonna be a negative." Sergeant Buckman answered Darkvapor's question to the others, the bulky Commando fiddling boredly with his rifle. He really shouldn't have been talking out loud. Just because Schwarzherz had rounded the corner didn't mean everyone else in here had suddenly gone deaf, after all.

"Ain't no foul to it." the Sergeant continued, thumbing at the solid wall of concrete that sealed the building. Chances were it'd take a bulldozer on steroids to move, and even that wasn't sure, "Don't mind no company so long as nobody done causes problems. 'S just that there's no way in right now."

The men that formed the hold lines chuckled in an evil and sinister manner...


Energon's answer regarding the twins was quickly forthcoming - sadly, it was the same as last time. The evidence stared Vern straight in the face. The Sword duo certainly weren't normal humans. However, the cause - whether they'd been enhanced, mutated, modified, or weren't even human to begin with - would remain elusive unless he could manage to ask just the right questions...


"Move!" the Sword Colonel shouted to Dusan instead of giving answer to his questions, the arrival of Salvatore and the Ascendant Archon in the cavern connecting the three passages prompting a hasty retreat.

The tracker already bolted for the tunnel that led to the cells as the Colonel tried to snatch Dusan up with her free arm, then get after it as quickly as possible...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((I would be able to treat your hound with the proper respect if you actually TOLD ME how it tracks things-But you've been giving me a taste of my own medicine, which essentially means you arn't telling me. ))



(( never asked - neither IC nor OOC. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((>.> Reading comprehension ftl, I thought the Ascendent Archon and Salvatore were still at the fork in the passage.))

Dusan quickly snapped out of his daze and went into a form that was fully focused on the task at hand. "Right!" He shouted, taking care to boost the potential of his allies' speeds, and, after trying to 'convince' the two that they were not the taskforce they were looking for, ran like the blazes towards the passage to the cells.



((I believe you are correct. Last I remember they were buffing for a fight though, so it's logical they were on their way so it doesn't matter that much.))

Darkvapor spun on his heels. How Buckman and the others had heard him was a mystery in and of itself. Perhaps he had been speaking more loudly than he'd thought.

"Energon, I think our lovely Council friends here just gave you permission to join us." he said with a smile.

The entrance is caved in, but don't worry, I can TP you in. He didn't make the mistake of sending this message over radio though. Instead, he telepathically sent the message to Energon. I think they can tap into our radios. he added for good measure.

Returning to Schwarez and Buckman he took a few steps towards the General. "Tell me, are you capable of sensing magic or other kinds of anomalies? According to this sensor," he said in a concerned tone, pulling a small PDA like apparatus from his belt, "there's some sort of disturbance here." he pointed to a flashing red dot. "Any idea what could cause that?"

The dot bounced around merily like a wild rabit. However one thing was certain, the anomaly was somewhere in Boomtown. "Look at it, it's strong enough to disrupt the sensor equipment!"

Darkvapor wasn't nearly as concerned as he let on, but having dealt with many a diplomat, he'd learned how to lie. Meanwhile he telepathically sent a message to his sniper team outside the building.

On my signal blow the rubble in front of the building. Shoot anyone who trys to come out that isn't with me.



((No, you just had Darkvapor go on and blab right in the middle of a group of soldiers. And spell it right already; it's Schwarzherz, not Schwarez.))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Salvatore and the Ascendant wern't fooled for a second.

"Oh no you don't..." The Ascendant growled.

Salvatore, H-Boosted Council Adjutant

Volder, H-Boosted Ascendant Archon

Salvatore charged at a frighteningly fast pace, like he was moving at super-speed, and brought a round-house kick around at Dusan's head. The Ascendant Archon hefted his gigantic sonic gun, and the massive thing began to hum as it charged a massive shot.



The front of the Asecendant Archon's gun suddenly froze.

"Aaaand just whooom might juuu be?" Klaus trilled, sidestepping away from the incapacitated archon. Klaus raised his right arm and almost immediately the Ascendant Archon felt the air around him suddenly super cool. Soon his feet would be encompassed in a thick block of ice.



((No idea where he just came from, so I'll let you two figure that one out. ))

Having gripped Dusan's hand to pull him with her, there wasn't any way even the speedy Adjutant would be catching up with the speed-boosted Colonel before they reached the passage to the cells, especially if he stopped to perform a roundhouse kick.

Such a maneuver requited stability too deft to perform while on the run. Salvatore would've been better off with a flying kick. In any case, however, the Colonel was quite prepared for a close encounter, her rifle's energy bayonet thirsting for prey...


"Seems we've got trouble." the Sword Sorcerer remarked nonchalantly, turning his helmeted head to the passage that led to the transition cavern, "Apparently, our associates demolishing the teleportation chamber wasn't enough to prevent their reinforcements..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Dusan performed a vain attempt to stop the Archon as he tried to chase after himself and the Colonol. He threw out his hand, which, at a glance, seemed to be doing nothing, however, upon closer inspection, ... Still seemed to be doing nothing.

Dusan had, in reality, attempted to bind the Archon's soul to his current location, thereby keeping him there for a short while. But, such a manuever requires concentration, and, although Dusan had his skills down to an art, the effectiveness of the power would be based solely on the Archon's spiritual defense. Had he the resistance of a normal human, he'd be held helplessly in place for at least a good ten seconds, more than enough time to be taken down by Dusan's comrades.



The ice over the gun shattered into bits as the sonic blast roared forth anyway. It missed, as the targets had been speed-boosted, but the Archon settled for a new target.

Ice formed around the Archon's feet and promptly shattered as he spun around and fired a force bolt from his palm at the man. Salvator, having temporarilly lost interest in the two speed-boosted intruders, decided to go for the sitting duck. The empowered Adjutant rocketed over to Klaus at super speeds, and performed a thunder kick aimed for his head.



((by rocketed do you mean that he flew or did he just run really fast?))



((Ran extremely fast.))



The kick hit Klaus before he could create any real defense. As such he was sent flying. As he flew through the air the defense he'd been trying to make went into play.

As the doctor's body flew ice fired out of his hands, hitting the Adjutant in the process. The ice thickened up almost immediately and before he could do anything he was encased in a thick layer of ice. Needless to say, this one wouldn't break as easily.

Klaus pulled himself up from where he'd landed. "Vat is vith all zis violence? Can't a mad scientist vork in peace???"



((I herby take the time to remind Diov that there are people around with no replies to them who are waiting for him. That is all.))

Then all hell broke loose. Or more precisely, the ceiling did. Firing a powerful sonic pulse right below an ice-covered cavern that now existed mostly in a state of temporary permafrost wasn't exactly the brightest of ideas.

First, a rain of shards and spike descended like a hail of frigid spines, followed almost immediately by large (sometimes frighteningly so) stalagmites crashing down from above, drilling mercilessly into whatever they struck.

Finally, the entire cavern collapsed in on itself, a layer of frozen rock nearly three meters thick and weighing several metric tons taking walkways, stabilizers, trusses and pillars right along with it, literally squishing anything beneath.

Klaus found himself snatched up by the speed-boosted Colonel, but the two still only made it back into the safety of the cell passage due to their immense proximity. Had they been only a few decimeters further out, the ceiling would have crushed them without mercy. Even Synapse couldn't have made it out of the cavern's central area in time...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"And that's how you [censored]-ing do it!" Dusan shouted as they narrowly avoided death, taking the time to pump his arm into the air for a short moment of victory. "Nicely done!"



"[Fecalmatter] Bladewing, I think they started a party without us!" Dax looked around at the teleporter room and began to furiously pound on the keys.

"How the hell do you get this hunka junk to work!?!" He shouted.

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



"Ya know I think youre right...but its only two guys, and we would need to worry about damaging our teammates."

Bladewing the turned to one of the teleportation mainframes just as some of the lights began to flash...

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



And that's when an entire battalion of Council troops ported in.

They gave the two heroes before them a half-second big hairy eyeball before charging.


Salvatore and Volder didn't even try dodging. The Ascendent Archon had a wide variety of new abilities thanks to the H-Boosters, and he wasn't going to allow a little cave-in to disrupt them. He flipped on the force bubble just in time. Still, the ruddle caved in on the outskirts of the bubble and trapped both Adjutant and Ascendant beneath. It would take them quite some time to dig out...



(( Thank You Diov ...> now the fun begins ))

Bladewing did the quickest thing he could do to avoid being trampled by a horde of soldiery, he jumped...all the way to the cavern ceiling. Then he took a half second to grin at the troops below him and let them know exactly how screwed they were.

Pushing off the cieling, Bladewing spun his blade like the rotors of a helicopter, dicing heads, guns and hands until he landed on the ground. And then he began to dash back and forth through the gigantic cavern, slashing left, right, up, and down at everything that came in reach.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Ahh, thank you frauline." Klaus said rather politely to the Sword Colenel. "Damn soldiers, no common sense." He said with a smile. "No offense Colonel." he said as an afterthought.

"Okay, vatever vas on zat tape, it isn't good. Perhaps ve should relocate soon yah?"



Dax looked at the oncoming horde, "Wow at most I was expecting a few hookers, this is loads better!"

Dax smiled as one of the soldiers aimed and fired at Dax's chest. The bullet ricocheted hitting a few other soldiers. Dax broke into a grin and roared, "This is how you shoot at someone!"

Dax's body seemed to separate along his stomach exposing jagged rows of crystal. The crystals exploded outward in a hail of unnatural death, "Yo Blade! I've taken down ten already, how bout you?"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad