Blast from the Past ((Open RP))




The enraged Archon howled and launched himself off the floor at Martin. It was sad, really. He wasn't even going for the eyes or throat.



"Yeah... no..." Dusan attempted to calm him down via spirit manipulation, at least enough to where he was thinking rationally and willing to not blindly leap at the task force members.



Martin pressed the knuckles of his right hand against against the chest plate of Auswitch. It wasn't direct contact, but then, that was never all that necessary.

A blue glow erupted from the Archon's chest and fed into Martin's hand. He then pushed the inept man back down and put his left hand to Auswitch's throat.

"Next time, I take some of your life instead of just make you a little tired," he grumbled, "If I have to, I will bring you to within an inch of your life to take the fight outta you!"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Energon X arrived at the Boomtown entrance without incident and headed in to the Vanguard Camp. Vern had already arrived by this point, and had set up a small SERAPH sub-station, loaded with ultra-tech equipment. E-X wandered over and wordlessly allowed him to link the computer banks with the Blaster's black-white-and-gold sensor-laden armour.

After a few minutes of nothing more than a faint hum, he raised an eyebrow. "So... any insights to be gained on all this weirdness from the sensor banks? Was that actually Cohen the idiot that we saw all those different times, for one? And what's the deal with creepy and creepier, the so-called Vanguard Sword twins that are dragging us around?" he asked his techy friend.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



The Archon responded by thrusting a foot into Martin's jewls.


The Soulhound's senses leapt. But not for the City Representative. She had vanished once more. No, it sensed something else this time.

It had a clear lock on the actual perpertrator-The baddie who had taken down Statesman. Currently, it was hanging around by the Sewer Network entrance...



Dusan seemed to immediately the Soulhound's sudden change in emotion. Indeed, it even appeared like he had noticed it at just the moment the creature did. Dusan suddenly jerked his head away from the scene involving the Archon and a very-soon-to-be-ticked Hobo Ned, in favor of the scaly thing that had become their tracker.

"What is it?" He found himself instinctively asking, despite being barely audible due to a combination of his distance from the tracker and the ensuin chaos that seemed to be happening not far from him. Almost mechanically running over, he knelt down to become closer to eye-level with the creature. "What is it?" He repeated automatically, internally asking himself why he was feeling such a bond with the thing.



The world went red and Martin dropped to the floor. No mesmerizing protection in the world would have saved him at that moment. Curled up into a ball, he grunted and gurgled something about burning the Archon alive.

It was fair to say, however, that he likely wasn't going to be doing anything for the next five minutes (three if he could really push himself through the horrible wrenching sensation in his gut and throat).

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Want some ice champ?" Klaus said, conjuring a literal ice pack. Upon seeing hobo ned's reaction and hearing his threats Klaus decided to back off. Instead he walked over to the Archon.

He pointed a gloved hand at the Archon's own jewels.

Suddenly they were frozen.

That wasn't all, Klaus froze everything from there up to the Archon's chest.

"Hypothermia, nasty way to go...tell us vat ve vant to know, and maybe you liiive."



"Oh... Thank you..." Martin grumbled as he took the pack and pressed it against his groin, then he indicated what was happening to Auswitch, "Wasn't what I had in mind, but it's all good... I'm... I'm just gonna pass out for a little while now..."

He rolled over with a gurgling sound and seemed to lay still.

[i]"Thanks for the heads up! [Butt]hole!"

What? Did I miss something? Hang on... Oh my... How (*snrk*) unfortunate.

"I'm glad you're having a laugh."

Oh, come now, you've shrugged off worse than this...

"Getting shot feels a Helluvalot different from getting kneed in the babymaker!"

You mortals... So very droll.


I can't. You'll just have to deal with it.

"Have I told you how much I love these little chats of ours?"



My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Erm... could either Devious or Diov take control of Vern (E-X' SERAPH tech buddy) and pass on any relevant info? There's a reason I came into this with sensor-loaded armour, after all.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"I've found nothing." Vern said bitterly. "Zip. Zilch. Even on those twins, their Vanguard records are clean and match their story."

Archon Auswitch stuttered and then fell over onto the ground.

"Kill. You." He said, seemingly paralyzed.



((... the [censored]? The guy is wearing a suitful of the best tech that SERAPH can field, specifically tuned for detecting magic as best as ultra-science gear can, that he's been carefully exposing to as much of what they've encountered as possible...

And nothing. Right. That's a bit of a cop-out.

EDITED to desnark it slightly.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((And the villain has the MALLEUS MUNDI. HAMMER OF THE WORLD. Not to mention he floored Statesman BEFORE he had that. And Devious...Well if you insist, you can take up the twins with him.))



((oh this is gonna be good..can someone either announce that they found the guy who flattened statesman or make some council start porting in? I think I speak for both of us when I say that Dax and I are getting bored. Diov, im not trying to be snarky its just that Bladewing doesnt fit well in peacemaking and such..or negotiations........))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Tsk tsk," Klaus muttered, his gloves still glowing.

He pulled a small syringe from his tool belt.

"Trust me, he needs this." Klaus said with a smile. He brought the syringe over to his patient and injected the archon in the sohulder.

"In a few seconds your body will feel the affects of the toxin. Every nerve in your body will burn like it's on fire. You will feel pain like you've never felt before. This is your last chance to tell me what I want to know. Where is ze zity reprezentative? Vat is ze relevance of zis newspaper article to ze tape recorder?"

As he spoke the Archon would be starting to feel the affects of the serum.



((I find this negotiatian to be quite amusing. ))



((I wonder why?))

If anything, being injected with the pain drug only made the Archon go beserk.

He leapt off the ground, shattering the thin layer of ice on him, and screamed like a man on fire. He ran around in a circle three times at a surprisingly fast pace, and then roared at Klaus, screaming bloody murder and flailing at everything with his arms and legs like a maniac.


Salvatore glanced at the helpful directional arrows.

"Where did those come from...?" He asked.

"Never mind that, what's happening in the cells?" The Ascendant Archon asked, hearing the ruckus.

"I hope they take their time, the reinforcements should be here any moment."



((Umm, hate to break it to you, but I did kinda freeze the Archon after he kicked our leader in the jewels. I'd at least like to know how he got off the ground so easily...))



Martin rolled over and reached out to grab Auswitch by the ankle. Tripping him over, he held his grip and pulled some of the life out of the Archon.

This also had a nasty side effect of drawing some of the toxin out of the man's body. Martin winced, but it wasn't quite as bad as when he'd been kicked in the groin.

"Calm down," he growled as he pushed himself off the floor, "Klaus, next time you put somebody through that kind of pain, you might want to hold them in something more resilient than ice. Now... You..."

He turned back to Auswitch. The inept Archon was kicking him in the hand. A lot.

"This is going to hurt..."

He kicked the man over and bent his leg. Taking a double-armed grip on his ankle, he proceeded to twist.

"I'm not going to stop until you calm down."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.




Yeah, yeah, I'm going...just trying to make sense of all this over and over again.

1. Okay, so as far as I can tell, Dax and Bladewing are in the teleporter room wrecking stuff - Diov, you really should respond there.

2. Where are Salvatore and the Ascendant? Our characters are spread somewhat thing right now, so they'd better be somewhere no one's at.

3. Klaus did put the Archon on ice.

4. For blazes' sake, yalls stop grabbing control of my stuff already! I something's gotta move somewhere, it's gonna move. Don't push it.

5. Diov, that really was a pretty bad cop-out. You could've at least answered part of the question.



The Watcher's current state could be described with a single word: speechless. True, he hadn't said anything to begin with, but that hardly excused the sheer nuttiness this whole situation had degraded into.

Even more annoying, Dr. Dark chose this time to dangle down another crystal lotus, and in their presents state, the members of the task force were too 'busy' to even notice. Well, Energon-X or Darkvapor may very well have picked it up, but they were off on their own errands. So much for that idea. Well, actually Dusan may have as well - maybe he could...


For now he still had to play along, following silently and unobserved - at least until he actually managed to get an idea of what to do...


More than likely, Vern didn't have a good explanation to give to his friend. The Vanguard Sword duo definitely couldn't be described as 'normal', but neither was there anything glaringly obvious about them.

The two were alive, this was sure. Even through their suits of armor, Energon's sensor suite had managed to pick up heartbeats, body temperatures, metabolic processes, and generally all the things one associated with an average human.

What was suspicious, however, was the almost organized pattern the signals from their central nervous systems formed. Though Energon had jumped to a conclusion upon seeing this, it may not have been as far-fetched as it seemed.

Still, other explanations abound - it could've been a mutation (the Nuclear 90 were living proof that nature had some very wacky ideas sometimes), and though Vanguard wasn't known for 'modifying' its troops aside from their armorsuits, the secrecy the still very clandestine organization actively maintained of course had rumor mills all over Paragon going overtime.

In short, the data was there, but interpreting it without asking just the right questions would be very difficult indeed...


Dusan may very well have regretted his action the very next moment, the tracker's wide-open jaws closing in on him like greased lightning.

A moment later, rows of razor-sharp, predatory teeth snapped shut not a few centimeters from his face, the Sword Colonel literally tackling the reptilian quadruped to the ground before it could reach the hero.

Dust and dirt kicked up for a moment, and then all became quiet once more, the Colonel having locked the growling but motionless tracker in a firm choke hold. Had it not been for the severity of the situation, the scene would have almost appeared comical - the reptile standing there with feet apart, its wings somewhere between folded and spread, and the Sword Colonel half-lying on the ground beside it, her arms firmly locked about the tracker's neck.

"I could've sworn I suggested not getting too close to this thing." she huffed as she regained her footing, only releasing the reptilian once she'd steadied herself fully again...


The Sword Sorcerer turned his head toward the exit of the cellblock, having apparently heard something coming from the main cavern. Oddly enough, nobody else was likely to have done so - the Archon's tantrum overpowered the slight noise the scuffle had just created.

"While I'm not sure of the significance of all this," the told the others, "I am very much able to translate the pieces not spoken in English. However, I do believe we should either move elsewhere or secure our position first..."


With Darkvapor unforthcoming, General Schwarzherz once more turned to his work at hand. After all, he still had a job to do. What did happenings that had nothing to do with it concern him?

"Progress report, U-i mean, Archon Unger." he requested of one of the Council-uniformed men what eaned on the wall overlooking th next corner.

"Slow, but steady." the man replied, having a look down said corridor, "Hard to tell when we'll be through, but it can't be that much longer. Then the real work begins..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Darkvapor felt it...a strange presence.

More like a disturbance. His limited knowledge of magic though made him rather worrisome of just what the nature of said disturbance might be.

He made sure he the general was out of earshot before raising his index finger to his earpiece. "Anyone else feel that? I felt it's our guy. I thikn we may need to regroup soon. Listen, I've got a detachment of Council guys here, any chance I can get some backup?"



((1: Last I was aware, they wern't WRECKING the teleporter room. They were WAITING there. I can't respond there because they havn't done anything. In any case, reinforcements will be arriving soon if the teleporter room is not utterly blasted to tiny bits. If it HAS been without my knowing, inform me please.

2: I could have sworn that Klaus only froze Auswitch's nuts. In any case, such a predicament was immediately undone because of his toxic injection. I don't think the good Archon is going to notice his loins hurting any more than the rest of his body while he goes beserk.

Now if he froze the Archon's ENTIRE body, fairs fair, and I apologize.

3: The Soulhound knows where the villain is. Vern doesn't. The Soulhound is with the majority of the group. Vern isn't. In addition, General Hammond using portal corp technology couldn't find anything after a personal investigation. Anything Vern could have logically tried, has probably already been tried.

4: Salvator and the Ascendant Archon just came from the office tunnel, and are now standing in the room with the fork leading to the cells/teleporter room. They are in plain sight.))

The Archon screamed some more before passing out.


"Might as well prepare." The Ascendant said, placing a series of protective bubbles over Salvatore.



((Build is pushing buttons in the TP room and I'm sharpening my sword....<_< incoming troops you say? *swings katana in lovely and dazzling arcs* bring em on.*))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((I recall Klaus freezing from the loins up to the archon's upper chest.))



((I'll edit then.))