Blast from the Past ((Open RP))




((Same cell, actually. Interior just became different.))



Schwarzherz regarded Darkvapor with a bored glare.

"It was a figure of speech." the dark General explained, "I meant the 'omnipresent, ultra-powerful, bla bla bla' floating about leading you people on a million false trails for his amusement. Hey, that's just my opinion on the matter. Take it or leave it, as you will. As for me, I have a job to do. And no, I'm afraid you are unable to 'double my payment'. I am not a mercenary, you must know..."


The Watcher let out a sigh. Well, it wasn't like he hadn't known that was coming. It was simply a little annoying that this was already the second time. The Watcher slowly began to get a good mind to just ignore fake directions and just take the task force straight to Brighid Moreira...


The Sword Sorcerer let out a sigh, then urged Klaus on, "Well, go ahead and read it. I'm fairly sure the Council is regrouping as we speak..."


Having been left on her own, the Sword Colonel took a moment to relax, seating herself on a large piece of rubble to check her rifle through. The tracker trotted about her once or twice, then lay down beside said chunk. Hopefully, it wouldn't be long before the task force moved again...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




A harsh blue light emanating from Energon X suggested that, quite possibly, the Council was the least of their worries. Questing tendrils of energy snaked out, skittering across the walls, ceiling, and floor of the cell, leaving charred, molten trails wherever they passed.

"My control was already shaky, thanks to all the B.S. we've been subjected to." the Blaster said flatly, deadly calm tones hinting at a raging maelstrom within. "Magic rearranging space and time in my immediate vicinity did not help. You... may want to... vacate the premises. Quickly." the blaster said, his voice trailing off to a groan as the blue glare took on a lethal edge, pulsing erratically.

In less than thirty seconds, the blaster was going to detonate spectacularly, a towering column of blue-white power ravening through the steel and concrete of the Council Base to claw at the sky above. For now, though, he simply clutched at his head, fighting to contain his energies long enough for the team to escape.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Martin smashed in the cell door he was standing next to. Anything he had to say was moot at the moment. He did not want to be blown to bits by the eruption that Energon had warned them about.

Diving into the room, he saw his shadow rise up to meet him. Again, that was new... Wait... No it wasn't...

Running inside, he faded into a world where everything turned gray. In this place, he could still affect the normal world and be affected by it, but he had a better chance of avoiding getting hit. Mostly, it was because it was so hard to see him, but when it came to explosions, it simply involved going deeper into the twilight, nearly making the rest of the world dark.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Ah, crap..." Dusan said aloud, jerking his head over his shoulder to look at Energon-X. He glanced around the room and gave everyone he saw around him a speed boost, namely: Klaus, The Sword Colonol, The Sword Sorcerer, and himself. He then bolted, running back from whence he came.

"Damn damage dealers!" He screamed before exiting the others' hearing range.



"EEK!" Klaus shouted as Energon suddenly became critical.

He used his free hand to reach over and fiddle with the settings on his other gauntlet.

Suddenly the gauntlet became super charged Klaus took a few steps back and then let the gauntlet do it's magic.

Energon rematerialized in ground zero.

"Ach!" Klaus growled, "It's still set to send him to the lab."

Looking down he quickly tore open the envelope. He scanned through it's contents at blazing fast speeds, his advanced blast goggles scanning the documents faster than he could read them, searching for any and all forms of evidence.



The note contained something strange.

It was ANOTHER newspaper article. This one had the same date on it as the one plastered on the wall, only the headline was different.

Statesman saves Baumtown from Rikti Raid!

There was a huge article beneath this, but Klause had no real time to read it. It was probably best to just take the paper and go.

And what about that tape recorder on the table...?



"Vat ze hell?" Klaus sputtered, looking down at the newspaper article. "It iz exactly ze opposite of zis one," he said, pointing at the one on the wall, "but they were written the same day!"

"Oh hell no," he muttered. He had experimented in alternate realities before, and the thought that was now spinning around in his head wasn't a pretty one.

He reached over and hit the play button on the tape recorder, still not comprehending how the document before him had even gotten here.



((Uhm... judging by the amount of action elapsed, you have about 10 seconds before E-X goes critical on you. Putzing around with a tape recorder while standing next to him strikes me as a decidedly bad idea))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Pfft, since when has logic ever applied here?))



((i think klaus TPed E-X to the blast site of his lab...kinda like tp foe away sorta power...))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((For clarification, yes, it's a form of TP friend/foe.

I figured if he's gonna go supernova, at least put him somewhere where there's already been an enormous antimatter explosion))



((Oh... uhm, that could've been clearer in your post. I kind of wondered, but reading your post, with Klaus complaining, made it sound like E-X had popped right back next to him >.&lt)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((-.- Well that just made running away a moot point. Of course, we're now minus a teammate...))



All that could be heard from within the Council Base was a single sharp retort, then a long, bass rumble. The ground bucked and heaved like a ship on a stormy sea for a few minutes, then settled as loose rocks and dust poured from the ceiling. Nothing too spectacular... until one remembered that the Base was under sixty feet of solid rock.

Aboveground, the retort had been a scream of tortured air as uncounted pentajoules of raw energy vented into the atmosphere, Energon X' distorted electronic shriek of pain lost in the thunder of hundreds of tons of air and earth being reduced to superheated plasma.

The shockwave roared out, collapsing already-unstable buildings and tearing up the roadways even further, a roar of power that shattered stone and turned the matter at it's heart to glass, totally obliterating the last hints of Klaus' lab... and destabilized the already-badly distorted local spacetime even further. Anyone that attempted to manipulate reality in Boomtown now would find that their life had abruptly become very interesting, and, in all probability, significantly shorter.


Lights flashed and a klaxon blared in the Steel Canyon Medical Centre. "Got a major event happening here! Partial mediport from Boomtown!" one EMT yelled. "Bugger... things there haven't been working 100% for a while now. Wish those [censored] capes would be a little more careful in there." Senior Technician Alicia Crowley muttered. She spun a dial and hammered keys as fast as her considerable typing speed allowed, trying to isolate and refine the signal.

Then she gave a low whistle. "Whatever got this guy is beyond anything I've ever seen. Some of the techs that work the Portal Corps duty have hinted at power levels like these, but even there they're scary-rare. It's distorted space-time to the point that, even though he was practically standing on a transfer node, we can barely grab him!"

She clicked a few times, and the lights flickered, dimming fractionally as power to the transmat tube was boosted. "I'm not losing this guy that easily... Huh." she paused. "Well, at least the signal's cleared enough to read his Ident- Energon X, eh?" She half-turned. "Paul! Bring up his old files, see if we can't cross-reference the pattern with some of the other medcenters. Use that to fill in some of the blanks, just be careful you don't regress him into his teens or some stupid thing."



"Ow." was Energon X' first coherent thought upon reforming on the mediport pad. "Remind me to thank you with a boot up the [censored], Mr.-I'm-a-German-mad-scientist-with-a-bad-imitation-accent..." he growled over the team channel. "How long was I out? Looks like Steel managed to pull me clear, although I don't even want to know what Ground Zero looks like..."

The Blaster cracked his neck, stretching. Always feel so stiff after an emergency 'port out... he thought idly, hopping down off the pad and heading for the elevators. At the exit, he paused at the reception desk. "Well, they saved my spandex-clad buttocks again... would you mind passing my thanks... in the form of a five-star dinner in Founder's Falls... to the transmat team on duty?" he asked the receptionist. After getting his I.D. card back from her, he stepped out the doors and took to the skies, winging his way rapidly back to the Baumtown hazard entrance.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Is everybody alright?" Martin asked as he returned to the physical world, his voice barely audible above a whisper, "Klaus, Dusan? Energon? Can somebody tell me what just happened?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Dusan simply blinked as he tried to gain a perception on things. "I'm... really not sure..." He replied, his voice equally as silent. "I'll tell you one thing though, that wasn't near as bad as he was making it out to be..." Dusan's voice was quickly returning as he reluctantly peeked back into the room where E-X had exploded.

"... Of course, we're now missing somebody..."



Dax looked overhead as dust rained down and looked toward Bladewing, "Two to one bet that was the boomer that was all 'Gonna go Nova! Gonna go Nova!'"

Dax motioned toward the teleporter, "You think they forgot about us?"

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



The tape recorder whirred for a moment, then a crackling track began. An orderly and calm voice slowly spoke the words...

'...December twentith, two thousand two. You may proceed, Mr. Hamill.' The paper plastered on the wall detailing Boomtown's destruction, along with the alternate article, were both dated for December fifteenth.

Another voice started to speak, this one lively and jolly.

'I would like to personally thank all of you for coming, even knowing that this deal today will possibly be the greatest step made by mankind to date. I would like to introduce to all of you the Dimensional Entity Agatio, better known as the Magical Entity of Good Omens and Future Potential. He has most kindly agreed to descend to this plane for our benifit.

There was a smatter of murmering noises, followed by a drawing noise-Like something being drawn back.

A noise similar to nails being driven across a slate sounded for around ten seconds.

'Very well then, if you insist. Could you kindly outline the terms of our deal for the gathered, Mr. Karst?'

There was a thirty second long dragging of nails again.

There was a sudden roar of normal voices asking various questions, too many to properly discern what any of them were asking. Moments later they were all calmed down by the same jovial voice again.

'Please, calm down! The payment on our part is being performed at my expense exclusively! Nobody else but I needs to suffer for this arrangement to take place. Please continue, Mr. Karst.'

Fifteen seconds of nails being dragged.

'And there you have it.' Said the cheerful voice of the man who was presumably, Hamill. 'I personally predict that within thirty years, should this deal suceed, crime will essentially no longer exist in Paragon City. Experts in the field of the Arcane predict the same results within a mere fifteen years, potentially even less. Would you please extrapolate on your conclusion, Mr. Richardson?'

The voice, albeit a much younger one, of Galaxy City's own Gregor Richardson spoke.

'According to line sixteen of your contract with Agat...' His voice was cut off by five seconds of nails being driven across slate. 'My apologies, Mr. Karst. Line sixteen with your contract with Mr. KARST state that, 'A mild aura of general knowledgable enlightenment shall be erected across the city,' conjucted with line twenty two which states, 'prosperity and the benevolent conditioning of the populace, with no direct nor indirect violations of free will,' indicates that the population of the city shall be smarter, more logical and possess a great deal more common sense as we understand it. Additionally, the 'Luck' of personal and multiple individuals will increase exponentially, allowing every inhabitant of the city to be successful within their life without any negative effects upon the city nor upon any other individual. Can you confirm this, Mr. Karst?'

Two seconds of nails and slate.

'Why would it take so long for crime to be eradicated from the city then?' Shouted a distant voice.

There was a full forty five seconds of nails being driven across slate, and there was the impression that something was being patiently explained in simplified simplified terms.

'Which would also, if I might add Mr. Karst, monitor life in the city to ensure that individuals should not suffer from personal problems such as mental disorders or physical injuries.' Richardson hurriedly added afterwards.

'And all of that for such a low price? Why?' Shouted a final voice. Ten seconds of nails and slate followed.

'Moving on, if all the appropriate people could please review the lines of the contract once more if you have not already done so, please ready your final decision.' Said Hamill's voice.

There was a short pause.

'We are ready.' Said another voice.

'The verdict is?' Hamill asked.

A pause.

'Passed.' Said the same voice.

There was an eruption of noise, and the recorder stopped playing.

It was about then that the air duct by the cell block entrance was kicked out from the wall and an Archon leapt out from it. He turned rapidly to glare at the intruders.

"HERO SCUM! I'LL MURDER YOU ALL FOR THIS!" Bellowed Archon Auswitch. He charged at them.

Archon Auswitch, Dead Man Walking



...and right into the staff of the Sword Sorcerer, resulting in the Archon clotheslined.

"Before you do anything foolish..." Auswitch heard the armored man say as he bent over the Archon's body just enough to be clearly visible, the staff's hilt coming into contact with the ground a few centimeters from his shoulder, "...well, more foolish, permit me to remind you that some of my associates may very well be qualified as pathological, bloodthirsty, homicidal maniacs. You would do well to not give them reason to incinerate and slash or decapitate you..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"I'll tell you what happened," Klaus began, his rage beginning to boil over. "It seems ze little blaster can't control his powers. I teleported him to the ruins of my old lab in the hopes of controlling his explosion. It was no fault on my part that he went nova on us!"

Klaus listened intently to the tape.

At the sound of the Archon's entrance Klaus spun round on his heels. He saw the Council commander get clotheslined and smiled. "Auswitch, you fool, what the hell have you gotten yourself into zis time?"



Bladewing heard everything over the team line.

"Yeah Dax, I think they might have forgotten about us, and yeah it probably was the boomer, but thats his problem."

"As for us I say we wait here for the council until the rest of the team decides that stupid archon they picked up isnt worth theyre time anymore and then we slaughter various graphic and interesting ways."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Dax raised a hand, "Seconded, now to figure out how this thing works and port in some food."

Dax walked across to one of the control panels and began to pound medium hard on the keys. I HOPE nothing bad comes down on us because of this.

((OOC: I finally figured out why I hear so much about Auburn campus parties, they are uber ))

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Dusan listened with intrigue to the tape, nodding his head in certain parts even when he clearly struggled to understand.

From what he gathered, some being of enlightenment and good fortune came down to earth and charged some big wig to get rid of crime in the city. He took note that the creature didn't speak, and seemed to write on the walls to communicate, however, if this was signifigant or just some plot-hole written in by the author of his life, he couldn't say.

"Well, that's all well and good, but what does it-..."

It was about then that the air duct by the cell block entrance was kicked out from the wall and an Archon leapt out from it. He turned rapidly to glare at the intruders.

"HERO SCUM! I'LL MURDER YOU ALL FOR THIS!" Bellowed Archon Auswitch. He charged at them.

[/ QUOTE ]

"... Mean... Alright, you wanna play rough? Fine, then I'll just-..."

...and right into the staff of the Sword Sorcerer, resulting in the Archon clotheslined.

"Before you do anything foolish..." Auswitch heard the armored man say as he bent over the Archon's body just enough to be clearly visible, the staff's hilt coming into contact with the ground a few centimeters from his shoulder, "...well, more foolish, permit me to remind you that some of my associates may very well be qualified as pathological, bloodthirsty, homicidal maniacs. You would do well to not give them reason to incinerate and slash or decapitate you..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"... Oooookay..." Dusan was visibly annoyed at this. "Guess Dusan doesn't get to do anything..." He muttered, absent mindedly increasing his team's attack power to accomodate the new variable.

"Dare I ask why you're here?" Dusan asked the Archon, trying to sound intimidating. "We were having such a wonderful time before you came and ruined our picnic."



"He looks like he's more lost in the sauce than we are," Martin grumbled, "That's pretty bad, Archon."

He strode over to the prone, agonized Council leader and leaned over him. Looking over Auswitch, he took note of the uniform.

"You know, these scuffs all look recent... Like he'd just got them in the ducts he just crawled through... No new polish, no buffing... Like his uniform was brand new before today."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.