Blast from the Past ((Open RP))




Klaus took in a deep breath after finishing his attack.

He suddenly dropped to the floor.

After everyone had finished off the Council he slowly got back up again. His breathing was heavy and labored after the fight. He reached down and pulled two blue vials from his hip. He popped the caps off of both of 'em and gulped down their contents before shaking his head in revulsion at the terrible taste.

He muttered a few choice words in German before rejoining the group.

"Okay...why ze hell did you not just knock? Why you attack ze Council? Now I have to track down that [censored] Archon whatever his name is and apologize for the damage...ahh screw it, I'll just hack his computer." Klaus seemed like he could keep on rambling all day long, but held himself back, mostly because he didn't want to sound like some kind of an idiot.

"Look, maybe we can help each other, I get ze feeling you guys aren't just looking for some Council to beat the crap out of."



"We're working the kinks out of our 'teamwork'," Martin grunted from the floor, "There's a lot of kinks."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"YO! Did you just call me kinky, Ned?" Dax shouted across the room after returning to human form.

"Cause if you are, that's an area I really don't think needs exploring." Dax said trying to look nonchalant while keeping a straight face.

He turned to Bladewing, "Can you believe these guys? We do all the work and then they critisize us because we do too good of a job!"

"Hopefully they won't notice I was just kidding when I went crazy and they won't question it. . . . Yeah fat chance. Hobo Ned's gonna chew me out because of that. It's their fault though, I told 'em I go crazy when I get bored." Dax said to himself while looking across at the bedraggled metas

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Bladewing nodded, and spoke just loudly enough that Dax would hear it, and maybe a few in the other group.

"Hmmmph, just goes to show that boomers, mind men, and various sudry others know nothing about a good time!"

"And I heard one of those goons say something about a mass teleport of troops, and theres a door marked mass teleporter...wanna make Council hamburger? Noone would eat it but we could make it anyway..just like I make troll paste in the hollows on slow mondays!"

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Dude! Lets go in there and play whack a soldier as they come out!" Dax shouted enthusiasm apparent in his voice

He started walking across to the teleporter room flipping a hand toward the other Metas, "Just gonna go in here and take a bio break. Be Right Back." He said as he smashed the key card panel to the right of the door. The door slid open revealing the teleporter room.

"Yo Blade! Think we could use this thing to import some food? Or some women for that matter."

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



Dusan got what appeared to be an anime sweat drop on his brow as he watched the two barely cover their slaughter with an excuse as they nonchalantly walked into the teleport chamber.

"And they wonder why we're at each others' necks. They're off completely ignoring everyone!" He said, leaning against a wall and sighing. "Those damage types are all the same. 'Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!' It's never strategy with them..."



Bladewing stuck his head back out the teleporter room door.

"I heard that buddy, maybe when this is over you and I can duke it out in the D arena."

That said, Bladewing ducked back in and slammed the door.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Yeah, it'll be a fight I won't regret!" Dusan shouted back, clearly aggrevated with the two of them.

[i]Dammit, now look at me. That guy's frustration's rubbing off on me..."



Klaus shook his head. "Listen, I go step out of mein lab so I can get some fresh air, and pound the crap out of a few local thugs, and suddenly I'm getting attacked by Clockwork who have been altered by someone other than the Clockwork King, and in the process of discovering this, my lab gets blown apart by the Clockwork. Ze vay I see iit, vere is some strange goings on here, and mein guess is zat ze Council knows somezing about it. Now, I won't pretend to be any kind of super warrior, but I can freeze mein fair share of Clockwork and soldier, and I'm not bad at hacking and other more advanced endeavors. As such I sink I vill join zis liitle Task Force you speak of."

The angry old man triumphantly got off of the crate he had previously been sitting on and joined the huddled team.

"Now, vere vill ve vegin?"



((Huddled? >.&gt)



Martin rubbed his legs and the dark patches eroded away, revealing healed flesh underneath. That was actually somewhat new...

"Well," he grunted as he tested his legs out, "I'm thinking we have a mission to accomplish. I think we ought to head for the prison cells. There's a good bet the Rep's in there."

He glanced from team member to team member.

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't somebody say something about bombs? And three Reps?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"That would be me." Energon X said, glaring a little at Dusan. "Arrogant soul-manipulating little ponce... wonder if he even realizes that there's a 'damage dealer' standing right next to him?" he muttered under his artificial breath.

He continued a little louder "Reality has proven to be... mutable... lately. Either through the influence of the Mundi, or some other factor in play. What I found may or may not still be there." the Blaster commented with an irritable grunt. "Letting those two idiots jump up and down on the Council may not actually be a bad idea- letting them set up another ambush for us via the teleporter would not be a fun experience." he added as an afterthought.

"Anyways, the cells are the best place to start looking for the City Rep." he finished.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Buckman let out a chortle at Darkvapor's words, commenting with a wry smirk to the General, "Hey, this guy's funny."

"I shall never understand your sense of humor, Sergeant." Schwarzherz retorted, the radiant crimson orbs that served as his eyes becoming semi-horizontal slits. He turned to Darkvapor again, "I'm afraid you're making too many assumptions. I know of this 'task force' and its goals, and if you're with them I can assure you Sir Bruhaha floating about out there and torturing your little band has nothing to do with me or my employer. Thusly, I seriously doubt you can offer anything of interest to us. Furthermore, I'm not exactly a very helpful person. Why would I bother...?"


The Sword Colonel stood only slowly from her prone position, not having expected the Council troops to go flat this quickly. Helmet sweeping to and fro, it was obvious she still stood weary, expecting another attack at any moment.

"That was too easy." she finally uttered her thoughts verbally, carefully stalking into the cavern, "Be on the lookout for anything. This whole thing's highly suspect."

Indeed it was, and not only with every pocket of resistance simply collapsing at once - just like the Clockwork all over again - but also with the designation of the chamber's exits. No respectable military organization, especially one such as the Council, would use these as such. This whole thing smelled more and more like another set-up.

"Careful, you two!" she yelled after Dax and Bladewing, "This place is starting to look really fake!"

"And yes, I do think we could use a little more brainpower." the Sword Colonel then turned to Klaus, "As for where we're heading, I'm going to second Dusan's idea and go..."

"Over here!" shouted the Sword Sorcerer as he emerged from the passage that led to the prison, waving to the group as the tracker slipped into the main chamber beside him, "I think you'll find this most interesting..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Klaus nodded in agreement with the Sword Sorcerer's warning. He pointed his still glowing gloves at each member of the group and quickly gave them a thin layer of ice armor around their existing defenses.

"I vill leave zis just in case." he replied, pulling a small black cube from his belt and placing it down on the ground in the middle of the chamber. "Trust me, if there iz a trap and it comes zrough here, they won't live long enough to tell anyone about it." The cube gave a beep as if to further his point. He then followed the Sword Sorcerer, having little else to do.
Darkvapor made a mental note of what Schwarez had just told him. "Who said anything about a bruhahaa torturing them?" he retorted, his eyes narrowing on the general.

"Listen, I know you probably have some sort of lucrative contract going on with your employer, so I'll just offer you this. Whatever he's paying you I can double in exchange for information. It's a no-risk deal, and I'll make sure your name is never mentioned. Just tell me who you're working for and what he's after."

Darkvapor tried to sound as nice as possible. In truth, he was good for the money, but he had a hunch the General wouldn't take him up on his offfer.

The mercenary's reaction would determine Darkvapor's next course. If the merc showed any hesitation Vapow might be able to leverage him. If he flatly refused or even threatened Darkvapor it would be somethign diffrent altogether. But if he took the dark lord up on the offer, it would save them both a lot of time and perhaps severe injuries.



"At least someone listens..." Dusan muttered as he heard the Sword Colonol agree to his proposition, only to get cut off shortly after by the Sorcerer.

"Over here!" shouted the Sword Sorcerer as he emerged from the passage that led to the prison, waving to the group as the tracker slipped into the main chamber beside him, "I think you'll find this most interesting..."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Alright then." Dusan said aloud, pushing himself off of the wall and onto his feet. "Now we're getting somewhere." He grinned and stepped forward. "Lead the way, captain."



Bladewing stood tapping his foot in anticipation,

"So, Dax, whered you get your powers? No offense or anything but I would say yours are pretty damn unique."

"Just in case you want to know mine, I was a dragon, still in the egg, when the Circle of Thorns found me." "They decided to use my magical energies and life force to further empower an enchanted sword, but the numbskulls left me in the same room as the sword about two hours before the ceremony."

"I hatched, mutated as my instincts saw fit, grabbed the sword, and slaughtered every single mage, ghost, and demon in the complex."

"When they were dead, the sword awoke to sentience, formed a bond with me, and weve been killing things for fun ever since."

Bladewing sighed.

"Any saving of people or recovery of property is merely a happy side effect of carnage."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"That's an interesting past you have there," Dax said

"Mine goes more along the lines of being a vein of crystal reaching up from the depths of Dark World happily minding my own business. When a being of demigod like power asked a simple question, 'How would you like to be able to do more than just grow and reach for things you can never have?'"

Dax cracked a smile, "Of course I was dubious at first, but as I thought things through I realized I had become bored sitting around. I agreed to become one of his court bishops, and he gave me the knowledge on how to become what I am now."

"Needless to say spending over a thousand years doing nothing but growing can really take it out of a guy. I no longer have any patience. Not that that is a problem, I mean I am an artisan of the art of smash." Dax said as he flipped a crystal from the palm of his hand onto one of the teleport pedestals.

"You see moisture makes me grow at an unusual rate, and after awhile enough water will build up on that crystal to cause it to grow outward with the force of a frag grenade. . . .I feel sorry for the first bloke that comes through there."

I do not know my reasons for posting, but post I must. ~~Build

"We can't stop here, this is bat country."
--Johnny Depp
"I ain't bi-curious, I'm a man. Why do you think I'm wearing this tight spandex and got all these muscles?" Meatwad



The Council Cell Block seemed like a completely normal one. But something was off. There were handy yellow arrows painted on the walls, and all of them were pointing to cell No. 3...

The door was closed, but not locked, as were the rest of the cell doors. The City Rep's signature practically screamed at everybody from within, even if she was nowhere in sight.



"Well, where is zis frauline of yours? Zis City Reprezentative?"

Deep down he knew this was the tell tale sign of a trap of some kind.

If it wasn't a trap, it was one hell of a mystery.

"What are we using to track her again?"



Energon X glanced at the other blaster. "You don't listen very well, do you?" he grated irritably. Something was wrong... even the aggravating whine of the Council detention fields couldn't account for the edge he was feeling. "I found her here on a scouting run a few minutes ago. What I found isn't what's here. I don't like it."

E-X glared around, purple spots appearing where his gaze fell, a sure warning that his emotional state was intensifying enough to threaten his control over his vast, but unstable, powers. No suspicious energy traces flickered; not even the weird null-space that he saw when raw magic was venting into the atmosphere hinted at the cause of his unease, which meant one of two things; either he was being paranoid, or their opponent was manipulating their minds directly to hide what they were doing.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Fan out," Martin growled, "Look for traps, look into each cell and determine what's in them. I don't like the looks of this anymore than you guys."

He immediately turned to one of the farthest doors from the indicated one and took a breath. He hated being led by the nose.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Klaus nodded.

He raised a hand up to his blast goggles and fiddled with the filter switch.

His goggles suddenly showed things in infra-red instead of their normal colors. As he looked around he searched for signs of heat trhoughout the cells.

He took cell number two, entering the cell and doing a full sweep of the rom before thinking of something.

He walked back into cell three and bent down low to the ground. He did a through scan of the small cell with his visor's various vision modes. If there was anything to be found here, he would find it.



The interior of cell three flickered.



Three times.

And then the world turned white.


"Only when you know what could have been can you see what will happen."


The light was gone in a flash, leaving the interior of the cell VASTLY different.

Against the right wall was a table with a tape recorder on it.

Plastered against the left wall was a giant newspaper article, which read...

Buamtown bombed by Rikti Ships! Zone leveled! There was a rather large story beneath the heading.

The most interesting item in the changed room though, was against the far wall.

Cohen the level 47 scrapper, who the group had left at Karl's intersection, was now crucified against the far wall. His entire torso was little more than torn and tattered flesh, which bloody bones and mostly decayed organs hanging out. There also appeared to be shrapnel in his innards. He hadn't looked like that when they had first found him, which was little less than an hour ago.

There was a partially torn-up envelope clenched tightly in his dead hand.

The signature of the City Representative sputtered, flickered, and vanished.


Salvatore and the Ascendant Archon left the room, heading from the secret passage near the Office back towards the main room. There was going to be a reckoning...



"Whoa..." Dusan simply said as he sensed Klaus's spirit faulter when he entered the cell. "This is either really good or really bad... Or neither... Hell, I dunno..." He said, trailing off after 'bad'. "In any case, I should check it out..." He muttered as he strolled over into Cell No. 3...



Klaus was tripping. Whatever had just happened he was no longer in the cell he had been in a few seconds ago.

He looked up at the envelope in Cohen's hand. Carefully he pulled it from the horribly cut up hero's dead hand and opened it.