The Official I love LJ thread




Whether she's giving you free art, helping you out, or just being awesome in general, LJ is always there. This is the post to thank her for it.



I thank her for my current avatar and only current art of Marcian Tobay!

I love you, LJ!



LJ did art for me. Awesome art.



**Hint: LJ is a G.I.R.L. ------> Guy In Real Life**

Oh yeah, and he does some very nice arts!

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Out of the blue she gave me this very nice piece of gift art. Totally blew me away! Thank you LJ, you ROCK!







LJ is so generous I feel guilty for NOT doing art sometimes...also LJ is a guy...also so am I (just wanted to clear that up)



Awww I so needed this tonight... went on in game 4 hours ago and no one wanted anything to do with my lowly villain *sniffle*, this is the best! Thank you BoC for starting this... You have renewed my faith in humankind!


and yes I am a dude.



*Looks at LJ*
*Looks at Turbo*
*Looks back at LJ*
*Looks back at Turbo*

My mental images are shattered!
You're still all kinds of awesome, though, LJ (you too, Turbo)...
For a dude.

Seriously. You do so much for the community here. As both an inspiration, and instructor. I'm glad you're here.



Yeah, awesome. Plus, as a guy, you make a cute female ... just look at that dark hair and that cool spiderwoman-ish costume. Gotta love it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of which, ignore the over exposed camera shot of this, scanner isn't set up yet, but going to attempt a little watercolor tomorrow of this... not to steal Graver's thunder, but watercolor use to be the only medium I used for years. Haven't touched them in 2 years, but that's what practice is for, so that's what this will be... if it works, look for some watercolors in the future, both as freebies and commissions.

Thanks again everyone, you made my night!




Yeah, awesome. Plus, as a guy, you make a cute female ... just look at that dark hair and that cool spiderwoman-ish costume. Gotta love it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking of which, ignore the over exposed camera shot of this, scanner isn't set up yet, but going to attempt a little watercolor tomorrow of this... not to steal Graver's thunder, but watercolor use to be the only medium I used for years. Haven't touched them in 2 years, but that's what practice is for, so that's what this will be... if it works, look for some watercolors in the future, both as freebies and commissions.

Thanks again everyone, you made my night!


[/ QUOTE ]

You're totally welcome! And I can't wait to see that finished, it looks great so far as just a sketch/drawing. =^_^=b



Over exposed? =o_o=

J/k. Great sketch, LJ!



LJ Is awesome. I mean, she helped me give out a prize for a Costume Contest I held waay back in july or something. Her art is really good as well!



/Signed and /Signed! I love LJ too!

And as for that whole "she's a guy" thingy. Hey, this is the internet. You all look like Asia Carrera to me.

not that I know who Asia Carrera is....I'm just.... well I'm not really sure why I said that actually..... I just

ah hell



I love you, Mister LJ



I haven't forgotten you Kai, gotta meet your team this week, send me a reminder!




I know I have trouble thinking of LJ and Turbo as 'guys' too. Even though they ARE... behind the keyboard.

of course, there's probably a few folks who think I'm a 30-something black woman with a serious Afro.

Sadly, nothing could be further from the truth....

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



please, you are ruining my swerve-on whitety!




...I really am Jared Leto.




...I really am Jared Leto.

[/ QUOTE ]

Enclosed in the above quote bubbles is the only reason I stay on these boards.